
Since this thread was started I have been actively trying to hunt down someone open carrying, I am failing.
I work in a fairly populated part of TX(the county has over half the population of the state of WY). TX has had licensed open carry(concealed for much longer) for roughly seven years, and unlicensed carry(open or concealed) for about six months. In that time period I have probably seen a person carry openly fewer than seven times, and at least two of them were the same person(I recognize him from a place I do business with). I don’t think it’s terribly common if concealed carry is legal. I don’t know why anyone would carry openly if concealed carry was legal, but obviously some do. I’ve never witnessed anything resembling the picture in the original post, and highly doubt that is a common thing. It does make me question the intent of the OP, as I find it unlikely that he sees that sort of thing all the time where he’s from, or happened upon it the very first time he entered an open carry state. Question. Not accuse.
Shangobango - I do not doubt that you are a good guy and that you mean no harm, but the narrative you share in this post does more harm than good to the broader population. If we are going to be better to one another (better as Christians for those of us that partake) we are going to have to be a bit more thoughtful about how we treat each other. Most would agree the racial/gender jokes of 1930s don't work anymore - maybe we should continue to grow in that understanding as we approach 2023.

Sure there are open and loving folks who share edgy humor with no harm in mind, sure there are underrepresented group members who will laugh at the same, but that misses the instances where a few in the group really do share ill intent for others and this kind of shared humor bolsters their comfort that hating is ok, and in a group of "others" some may laugh but a few may find it painful. I do not like PC and I do not like virtue signaling, but I do believe we can always be a little more aware, a little kinder.
Eddie Murphy's edgy humor is working just fine in the 2020's

Eddie Murphy's edgy humor is working just fine in the 2020's

I too laughed. But Eddie is black and he is a professional entertainer. There is a difference.

There is a great interview of Dave Chappelle where he is asked about why he stepped away from his show at the peak of its popularity. He replied that he began to see that some of his audience was enjoying his humor "a bit too much". They weren't laughing at the absurdity of some of it and wondering why some folks are trapped in this situation - but rather they laughed at him as a small step in reaffirming their own natural superiority and removing any sense of empathy for their neighbor.

If you don't think real full-on 1950 KKK racists exist in the US today you are either a hermit or self-deluded. No doubt there are a few on this forum. And sure, things are much better in 2022 than 1950, but better is not yet good enough - and I will not signal via my silence that there is a shred of truth to their hateful and unloving view of their fellow man.

This does not mean we need to be humorless robots - but it does mean we need to be much more empathetic and aware of our surroundings. It means in a social setting - such as western hunting - where women and blacks have rarely been fully included I want to see less race/gender-based humor - it is unwelcoming to some and wholly unnecessary.
I too laughed. But Eddie is black and he is a professional entertainer. There is a difference.

There is a great interview of Dave Chappelle where he is asked about why he stepped away from his show at the peak of its popularity. He replied that he began to see that some of his audience was enjoying his humor "a bit too much". They weren't laughing at the absurdity of some of it and wondering why some folks are trapped in this situation - but rather they laughed at him as a small step in reaffirming their own natural superiority and removing any sense of empathy for their neighbor.

If you don't think real full-on 1950 KKK racists exist in the US today you are either a hermit or self-deluded. No doubt there are a few on this forum. And sure, things are much better in 2022 than 1950, but better is not yet good enough - and I will not signal via my silence that there is a shred of truth to their hateful and unloving view of their fellow man.

This does not mean we need to be humorless robots - but it does mean we need to be much more empathetic and aware of our surroundings. It means in a social setting - such as western hunting - where women and blacks have rarely been fully included I want to see less race/gender-based humor - it is unwelcoming to some and wholly unnecessary.
I've listened to enough of Herschel Walker's campaign pitch to think he will make a hell of a good Senator for Georgia and I don't have to worry about his 2nd Amendment views for our country.
I would think gun owners would be smart enough to avoid open carry all together. First of all there are people that are afraid of the simple sight of guns, I have no wish to trouble them. Many people do open carry and I believe their intent is nothing more than intimidating those people. it their in your face crap! I carry every day, never open. First off I have no quarrel with people I don't even know and second I carry for protection. Carrying open for protection seems to me to say shoot me first! Why in the world would I want to do that? But mostly I believe the open carry people intend to intimidate people and get in their face! I can not think of one good reason for open carry and the excuse of "just because I can is so worn out it disgusts me".
You might have a point there but I don't think you are going to convince them.
Come on - its 2022 we can do better than this.
Been riding your high and mighty horse quite a bit. We can go back and forth if you'd like. Otherwise, as we have both in the past, pm'd each other. But hey, your spotlight.

As for 2022.. I'm good with it. Find it better for yourself, if you care... however watch your chatter box when you're viewing...
I saw 5 carrying in town today. Pop. maybe 200. 3 belong in an institution,IMHO.
Concealing in NM requires a license, and open carry does not. It’s possible that the situation somewhat incentivizes open carry. Of course local culture is likely an influence as well.

You can carry open or concealed in TX, licensed or not, and I’ve seen very very few choose the open route in either populated or rural areas.
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It’s fashionable to open carry in N Idaho while channeling your inner John Wicks. Even if you don’t have enough mags to fill your rig. BTW this is a real pic from CDA.

Can you conceal in NM?

You can carry open or concealed in TX, and I’ve seen very very few choose the open route in either populated or rural areas.
Yes you can,or could. I kinda looked into it. Decided less optics on me has always been good, legal wise.
Up front when I was LEO and if I am carrying these days it is for a reason.
Learned to see "prints" 47 years ago.
Yes you can,or could. I kinda looked into it. Decided less optics on me has always been good, legal wise.
Up front when I was LEO and if I am carrying these days it is for a reason.
Learned to see "prints" 47 years ago.
Edited after research. Unless I read something incorrect, concealed carry requires a license in NM, but open carry does not.