PEAX Equipment

I've been banned

LOL Moose Man... :)

Never banned, some of the other comments made sense and those were what I was referring to ;)
"Agreed. My problem with Stick is how harsh he comes across to those who don't bow down at his feet, or dare to mention that there is more than one way to skin a cat..."

Big Sky,

Just so you know, I really liked the article that you penned. He seemed like a different person back then. I really use to like reading his posts when we were all on shooters and in the early years of the campfire.
Big Stick won't like the article that I'll pen.. nor will he like my buddy with the video camera and the ensuing TV program. :D

I'll happily send Oscar/Del a few bucks to give stick his own room. Admin can lock his access from the rest of the forum. A cyber petting zoo if you will.

I like how that phat-azz, Painful took my idea and claimed it as his own. That pea-brain couldn't in 100 years figure out something so clever on his own. Somebody who has access over there should tell Scott to lift the ban on Dalliwacker. I love that spineless dumbchit.
I'm sure there's some decent folks that post on that site. I get picked on about the gear that I use.. but not even a nibble when I explain that I shit my pants this past weekend. Very peculiar.

You mean when you said this?:

"I also learned that I should carry some spare shorts in my truck. Shit my pants on the way out to get that bear.. had to discard the ones I was wearing and go commando style while packing bear out. Sharts... shoulda known better."

All right, I think it's time to wear your diapers again!


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I was just trying to make life better for them over there, one post at a time...


Where did you get the photo of my brother-in-law?
NHY, you apparently care enough to keep clicking on this thread.

Maybe you'd care explain wtf your point is Oak. Do you really give a shit about the inner circle jerks of another site?...or are you too busy monitoring what I'm reading? I don't give a shit either way.....really.:cool:
My point is, why bother to post if you don't give a shit? Do you give a shit about every other thing posted on the forum? You seem to enjoy posting to topics solely to criticize other posters or to defend a hole-digging elk molester's brilliant elucidations on the finer points of natural resource management, even though the guy can't spell "college" when he's attempting to diminish the value of an education. So maybe I should ask you: what's your point?
You seem to enjoy posting to topics solely to criticize other posters or to defend a hole-digging elk molester's brilliant elucidations on the finer points of natural resource management, even though the guy can't spell "college" when he's attempting to diminish the value of an education.

You have plenty of opportunities to join the gang bang Russ gang w/out weasling the threads I'm reading, but you're welcome for the segue if it makes you feel more superior. I'll post what I want & defend whom I want....and if you don't like it, you're welcome to your own advice...really.
Caribou Gear

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