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  • Howdy:

    I live in Columbus and feel your pain. One of my past partners is disabled an cant hunt any more and the other mostly fishes now. I live in Columbus so not too far away. didn't see your post until now.

    Are you an archery hunter or rifle hunter? i mainly hunt archery and hunt with horses a lot. I also bird hunt. Lets see if we can get together this spring and find some prairie dogs or something.
    • Like
    Reactions: Flatbrimmer
    I noticed that also! Shoot, you’ve been a member here a LOT longer than me, though it says you’ve only posted 5 times… I’ve got a motormouth on here sometimes! lol! 😅
    mt cowboy
    They must have wiped out some of the posts or my record someway.
    commenting on my wall isn’t adding to your total, so maybe go congratulate various members on 5 different threads or something and I can send you a PM!
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