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  • Tons of rain the last week. The roads will be sloppy but most have a decent bottom to them. Give me a call if you have any questions on the areas I mentioned.............Stan
    Take a look around the Tin house area for sure. Also an area I like that gets over looked sometimes is between Horse tank and Baldy Basin tank. The area below Lower Sand Stone tank can produce as well. Not far from there is a walk in only area. There will be people but the Tule lake area will have goats as well. Really there could be a slammer almost anywhere in the unit from the flats to the pines just out of Williams. Keep me posted, if you get in a bind or anything here is my phone #, 928-301-6702. Good luck, Stan
    Thanks Stan. Anything before I leave on Wednesday for unit 10 should be a great help. Happy to call you with maps in hand, whatever works.

    Hi Stan,

    Oak suggested I contact you about my AZ unit 10 archery antelope tag i drew. Have all the BLM and forest maps of the unit and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss any insights you may have on how to approach this hunt. I mostly spot and stalk lopes but certainly have and sometimes use a popup blind.

    I will arrive a day or so ahead of the season and have about a week to hunt. Not much into 'camping' and on solo hunts, often camp wherever the end of the day takes me, so will be as mobile as needed to cover unit.


    Kirby Wynn.
    I just got back from a quick morning hunt. Archery deer started today. Scouting is good for elk clients, not real good for the OPTC archery deer though. NM will be here soon, should be a great year for growth in NM as well.
    Good morning Stan, hows your scouting going ?
    I have been internet & phone scouting my New Mexico tag to the point of too much information !
    Drew a leftover "Hopi Hunt" any elk tag for East Sunset, West Sunset, and Meteor Crater Hunt Areas in Units 5A and 5B North. Do you have any suggestions for these areas--I'm totally unfamiliar with them. The only thing I ever do in that part of 5A is fish East Clear Creek at Kinder Crossing. I'm not looking for a trophy, in fact a cow had better watch herself. I've never harvested an elk in 4 tries for various reasons. I'm not afraid to hunt hard but I haven't always hunted smart...
    I know this is your business and that I'm not a paying customer, so I understand if you can't help.
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