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  • Oak,

    The NM Elk tag did not come through...two of us are looking for an over the counter cow that a possibility in CO? Can you do this with a bow or rifle? I realize the questions are basic I will be heading to the CO regs now. Any assistance would be great.

    Jason (Grizzley)
    Oak,,,,,I see your listed as an expert, so therefore I'm looking for info on hunting deer and elk in CO. We hunt OYO with mules and can pack into remote locations, prefer to get away from roads and people. We have 3pts for deer ane 5 for elk so there are quite a few places we can draw, but we're searching for the right spot! Any ideas or locals that could helpout? Thanks,,,,,Dennis
    Thank you for the info, that map will be very helpful. I would not worry to much about it normally but this year I tore up my knee really bad. Thanks again Big Dog
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