The issue of gun control

It won't be long before instead of "He would have just used a knife" you'll be saying "Remember the Alamo." The path the gun nuts are taking is unsustainable. Given the money to be made by milking the conflict, I'm sure the gun leaders would have it no other way.

Pronouns are everything...and I'm not in the bumper sticker business.

There is no solution. Like I've said, having essentially unfettered access to firearms with high capacity magazines, etc. is a constitutional right. You can not expect mass shootings to stop, nor can you implement a law that will stop it.

You cant have freedom by imposing laws.

So, you are just going to have to accept the risk that you and your kids may get shot in a public place, or exercise your right to stay away from such places. Its the price of living in a free society, that finds the right to own firearms, of any type you want, as a higher priority than your personal safety.

The piper needs to be paid for freedom...and is, and will continue to be, in the future. Its nobody's fault, you cant stop it, and is just the system we have chosen to live by. All we can do is bury the victims and keep on keeping on...
I just bought another glock yesterday. It came with 3 high capacity magazines and a inside the belt holster. Since I have a CWP, didn't have to call it in. I'm thinking about getting a pallet of ammo, just in case Armageddon starts before yard work season is over.
Don't forget cigarettes and PBR. They will be in high demand upon SHTF.

There is no solution. Like I've said, having essentially unfettered access to firearms with high capacity magazines, etc. is a constitutional right. You can not expect mass shootings to stop, nor can you implement a law that will stop it.

You cant have freedom by imposing laws.

So, you are just going to have to accept the risk that you and your kids may get shot in a public place, or exercise your right to stay away from such places. Its the price of living in a free society, that finds the right to own firearms, of any type you want, as a higher priority than your personal safety.

The piper needs to be paid for freedom...and is, and will continue to be, in the future. Its nobody's fault, you cant stop it, and is just the system we have chosen to live by. All we can do is bury the victims and keep on keeping on...

Though i agree, I'd like to note that history shows us that a not-free society is much more dangerous than a free society.
I blame our culture more than I do our lack of laws. These things don't (by their own citizens) in Switzerland or Israel and wouldn't happen much in Japan or S. Korea if they had the same access we do. Because-culture.
Its not just Chicago.
All of our nations most violent city's share the same pattern. Around 80% of it is committed by 15-25 year old young minority men against themselves, in large urban settings that *Coincidently*:rolleyes: have very strict gun laws.
Pheonix and Huston are relatively, pretty safe.
Chicago and Detroit are very dangerous. why?
Its not just Chicago.
Pheonix and Huston are relatively, pretty safe.
Chicago and Detroit are very dangerous. why?

It's not a lack of gun laws, or AR15 rifles, that's for sure. Where is the sit in for the high crime rate?
How are strict gun control laws working out in Europe? Is it saving them? Did it save the people at Hebdo or the concert? The political left will use a damn terrorist attack to restrict my right while at the same time refuse to even say Islamist terrorist, argue for open borders, unrestricted immigration, forced acceptance of Muslim "refugees", argue for sanctuary cities, defend soft law enforcement, politicize the IRS/aim it at conservative organizations and then call me a paranoid racist xenofobic gun toting simple minded red neck because I have concerns about it all. Makes me want to puke.

You know what they say; 'There are lies, damned lies, and statistics'..

The catch in your's is 'gun deaths'. Lets see the same chart on 'homicides' 'Violent crime' etc..
We already know where the US stands on those. Very safe. Extraordinarily safe if you take out the democratically controlled, innercity cesspools of Detroit, Chicago, DC, etc..
If you're dead, and someone murdered you, how you got that way is pretty irrelevant.

If you take out suicide and 15-30 year old inner city minority males that didn't' graduate high school and do use drugs, killing one another; our gun violence level is really not worth discussing. If gun control is still the way to go in Chicago, et al; I really don't care what they do, within the levels of control that SCOTUS has deemed constitutional. But I'm not going to submit to some One-sized-fits-all, top down, DC approach. Rural Montana is not the south side of Chicago.

The AR15 mass shooting that dominates the media is an outlier. ALL rifles account for so little of gun deaths its negligible; and of that subset; ones with features like plastic stocks and pistol grips that induce paranoia account for even less.

Of course none of this matters; because rights are not subject to statistics. Good thing, because freedom of RELIGION, association, and speech - probably in that order- have killed more people than guns ever will.

The thing about the gun argument is that there are plenty that will kill to keep their rights, or what they perceive their rights are.
There are very few that are willing to kill or be killed to take those rights.
So, I predict this conversation will remain on the internet as a hypothetical and as a political talking point for a bunch of pussies that 'work' in DC
You know what they say; 'There are lies, damned lies, and statistics'..

The catch in your's is 'gun deaths'. Lets see the same chart on 'homicides' 'Violent crime' etc..
We already know where the US stands on those. Very safe. Extraordinarily safe if you take out the democratically controlled, innercity cesspools of Detroit, Chicago, DC, etc..

Where did you get data to support that claim? Everything I saw for total homicide rates indicated U.S. is considerably higher than those European countries (and down under). I suppose it could be that more people get shot and stabbed in Europe, but their medical system is so much better than ours that fewer die ;)
Your chart Rob did not save anybody in the terrorist attacks referenced as it did not stop any of the terrorist from obtaining quite an array of weapons and killing a lot of people quickly. French and Belgian officials have said they don't have the resources to handle "the problem" that they have largely created and thrust upon their citizens by following many of the leftist ideas mentioned in my earlier post. Nor does the chart tell us who among us has terribly high homicide rates that skew the overall data. Nor does it address the IRS being used as a political weapon or what would stop leftist socialist from using further gun control laws in the same manner. Typical from the leftist collective.
Your chart Rob did not save anybody in the terrorist attacks referenced as it did not stop any of the terrorist from obtaining quite an array of weapons and killing a lot of people quickly. French and Belgian officials have said they don't have the resources to handle "the problem" that they have largely created and thrust upon their citizens by following many of the leftist ideas mentioned in my earlier post. Nor does the chart tell us who among us has terribly high homicide rates that skew the overall data. Nor does it address the IRS being used as a political weapon or what would stop leftist socialist from using further gun control laws in the same manner. Typical from the leftist collective.
It wasn't my chart.
Assuming I read the same English language you do, The chart says 'gun homicide' and 'death by firearm'.
There's nothing to debate about what it says.
You still haven't backed up your claim that when you include all homicides the story is different. That doesn't appear to be true.
I view my guns as tools to fill my freezer, nothing more, nothing less. I don't fetishize them but do appreciate fine craftsmanship. As Buzz states, we must be willing to accept people dying from firearm-related instances, whether that be suicide, homicide, children, minorities, etc. That's the price we pay for the right to have easy access to those firearms. I am not in favor of gun seizure but I think we can have a thoughtful discussion on 1)-is there a problem and 2-what can we do besides drawing lines in the sand. I think most of us here are thoughtful gun owners and believe in training, proper storage, etc. Anti-gun public sentiment will continue to get stronger as the long as the cold dead hands approach to gun ownership continues and we responsible gun owners will suffer.
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