The issue of gun control

I will try to hit on a few topics without multiple quotes.

The FBI in this case has some fault. They had investigate the guy twice, also I believe the guy who sold him the gun reported him for some reason. It still didn't stop anyone.

This is the first of me learning that the CDC cannot conduct a gun study. This is odd.

The no fly list, guys like getting on this. Up until 6 months ago I didn't realize there was such a thing. How do you get on this list but the better question is how do you get off this list if you are on it wrongly. Worse yet is if you are a dude or lady that is so bad that you are on a list that you cannot fly in this country than why the hell are you not in jail or deported? How the hell did you get here.
No one has the right to determine what inanimate objects another may or may not own. Since a non-existent right cannot be delegated, no representative has the right, individually or as part of a group, to determine what inanimate objects you or I may or may not own. Sharing the planet with other homo sapiens has risks.
No one has the right to determine what inanimate objects another may or may not own. Since a non-existent right cannot be delegated, no representative has the right, individually or as part of a group, to determine what inanimate objects you or I may or may not own. Sharing the planet with other homo sapiens has risks.

So it would be fine if I owned some weapons grade plutonium? Certainly meets your criteria of inanimate. I also assume I could sell it to whomever I wished?
I do not normally talk politics with people for the simple fact people get to wild about their own beliefs and that's fine. Obama had a good speech on gun control in Elkhart Indian I believe. I do not think Dems are trying to disarm the entire nation.

I own guns of all kinds pistols, rifles, AR15, shot guns, the list goes on. For me the ease of walking into a store fill out a few pieces of paper and walking out with a gun and a few hundred rounds of ammo is alarming to me. I think having a better system of background checks would be good to have.

As mentioned above bad people will do bad things no matter what and they will find a means to get a gun if they cannot go to the store and buy one. I agree that having a gun related or violent crime your punishment should be greater.

We renew our drivers license every so many years why cannot we renew one for a gun? I do not think the day we have to blow into our cars to see if we have been drinking is far away. But DUI laws are becoming very strict as they should and so should gun related crimes.
In my town, I can't walk into Wal-Mart and buy a 30-pack of Keystone Light before 7 am.

I can buy all the guns and ammo 24 hours a day at my local WalMart.

We "control" the purchase and sale of lots of things.
No one has the right to determine what inanimate objects another may or may not own. Since a non-existent right cannot be delegated, no representative has the right, individually or as part of a group, to determine what inanimate objects you or I may or may not own. Sharing the planet with other homo sapiens has risks.
I'm guessing the inanimate substance you are smoking, snorting or injecting is illegal.
It begins with,"A well regulated...
I can pass a background check,hell,I can pass a Lifescan.
I have no problem with keeping guns from criminals,nuts,and those that wish to do us harm.So I'm fine with checks before you buy any gun.
Personally see no point in full auto weapons for those not qualifed.
I like my semi-auto self defense pistol and the hunting weapons I own.4 rifles & a shotgun.

I do not think we should all be on watch lists and think the Patriot Act is treasonous.Due proccess issues.
The FBI should hire folks to run the database/checks properly,effectively with staff to do so.Not agents.Where's so called ATF?What for?
I do not normally talk politics with people for the simple fact people get to wild about their own beliefs and that's fine. Obama had a good speech on gun control in Elkhart Indian I believe. I do not think Dems are trying to disarm the entire nation.

I own guns of all kinds pistols, rifles, AR15, shot guns, the list goes on. For me the ease of walking into a store fill out a few pieces of paper and walking out with a gun and a few hundred rounds of ammo is alarming to me. I think having a better system of background checks would be good to have.

As mentioned above bad people will do bad things no matter what and they will find a means to get a gun if they cannot go to the store and buy one. I agree that having a gun related or violent crime your punishment should be greater.

We renew our drivers license every so many years why cannot we renew one for a gun? I do not think the day we have to blow into our cars to see if we have been drinking is far away. But DUI laws are becoming very strict as they should and so should gun related crimes.

You have a second amendment "Right" to own a firearm. You don't have a "Right" to drive a car, it's a privilege, big difference...but one comparison routinely used by Gun Grabbers. We don't need anymore laws that criminals won't obey. I don't want to have to go to a gun dealer and pay "who knows how much" to sell one of my guns. I enjoy my freedoms, and don't want them infringed by do-gooders passing feel good but do nothing laws.
Those "rights" can be taken from you if certain crimes are committed. I never said that they are taking away your "right" to own a gun if you got that from my post then you must have read it wrong. So lets have no regulations and sell guns to whoever we want when we want? While we are at it why don't we just sell big machine guns unregulated because it is your "right" to own said arm. Why even have laws on drugs that criminals don't obey anyways?

Radicals think that these laws will make their guns just vanish and you will have to give up your arms. I don't think having a tighter watch on who buys guns is a bad thing. Having a stricter background check should not hurt anyone who has nothing to hide. If they are worried about a stronger background check and who sees that you are buying and selling a gun than maybe that person isn't doing something right or with good intentions.
I do not normally talk politics with people for the simple fact people get to wild about their own beliefs and that's fine. Obama had a good speech on gun control in Elkhart Indian I believe. I do not think Dems are trying to disarm the entire nation.

I own guns of all kinds pistols, rifles, AR15, shot guns, the list goes on. For me the ease of walking into a store fill out a few pieces of paper and walking out with a gun and a few hundred rounds of ammo is alarming to me. I think having a better system of background checks would be good to have.

As mentioned above bad people will do bad things no matter what and they will find a means to get a gun if they cannot go to the store and buy one. I agree that having a gun related or violent crime your punishment should be greater.

We renew our drivers license every so many years why cannot we renew one for a gun? I do not think the day we have to blow into our cars to see if we have been drinking is far away. But DUI laws are becoming very strict as they should and so should gun related crimes.

Keep hiding your head in the sand, if you think the demons are not trying to disarm the citizenry of this country.
You have a second amendment "Right" to own a firearm. You don't have a "Right" to drive a car, it's a privilege, big difference...but one comparison routinely used by Gun Grabbers. We don't need anymore laws that criminals won't obey. I don't want to have to go to a gun dealer and pay "who knows how much" to sell one of my guns. I enjoy my freedoms, and don't want them infringed by do-gooders passing feel good but do nothing laws.
I wouldn't want it, but licensing wouldn't infringe on your right to own a firearm, it would just make it more inconvenient. Also, all of the Constitutional rights were put in place to protect our "Inalienable Rights"; thus your "Right" to bear arms must be balanced against the right of everyone to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For example, if a certain gun type is extraordinarily dangerous in the wrong hands without providing correspondingly extraordinary protection it can be made illegal to protect our Inalienable Rights. There are countless examples of that. Judging the list of banned weapons I would say an important criteria for determining legality is how many people the weapon can easily kill.
Pretty tough for the FBI to fight a guy that has no criminal background, is a legal U.S. Citizen, and not a terrorist.

Quit blaming the FBI and "gov't" when a guy legally buys a firearm, as a U.S. Citizen, and shoots up a nightclub killing 49 people.

Live with the fact, and OWN the fact, that when you want little to no restrictions on firearms, these type of events are the price we have to pay. Nobody's fault, no way to stop it, and just the hard reality of living in a "free" society that wants virtually unfettered access to firearms.

Cost of doing business...
you're right Buzz.
Ignoring the root cause is true. This last mass shooting barely tops some weekends in Chicago. And Chicago gun laws are weak? Politicians suck at root cause analysis because they hate dealing in facts. Fact, that city hit the 300th Homocide this weekend. How many didn't die? Nothing to see as usual in a city with strict gun laws.
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I wouldn't want it, but licensing wouldn't infringe on your right to own a firearm, it would just make it more inconvenient. Also, all of the Constitutional rights were put in place to protect our "Inalienable Rights"; thus your "Right" to bear arms must be balanced against the right of everyone to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For example, if a certain gun type is extraordinarily dangerous in the wrong hands without providing correspondingly extraordinary protection it can be made illegal to protect our Inalienable Rights. There are countless examples of that. Judging the list of banned weapons I would say an important criteria for determining legality is how many people the weapon can easily kill.

Who determines what laws are "Common sense"....our Representatives who have none themselves? Fineswine? Shumer? Boxer? Background checks for Chicago's south side? All the gun laws on the books already in Chicago have absolutely NO effect on the shooting rampages that occur there every weekend. You might be willing to trade some of your rights & freedoms for a promise of security....I am not. It's the camel's nose under the tent. You give the gun-grabbers an inch and they take a mile. That's for sure & for certain. JMO

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