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  • I know you get a ton of requests on unit 16 elk. Wondering if you have any juice left to talk about it....I am one behind max and likely going to pull the trigger this year. ....and yes, I have already made one trip to scout....18 hrs away. Would like to hear anything you have to offer on it.

    I know AZ and souther NV really well if thos are in your wheelhouse.
    Hi Buzz. Seen your posts re Unit 100 cow elk. Will draw type 6 tag this year. Some have mentioned private access is permitted on Rock Springs and Aggie grazing properties. How does one go about securing such access? Was planning on hunting more northcentral on the BLM, but also applying for Type 6 tags which seem more in the checkerboard portion of the state. Thanks. Lonnie58
    Meant to say will draw Type 4 tag and also applying for Type 6. Sorry for the confusion.
    Hey BuzzH, Just a quick introduction, my name is Doug. I'm from North Carolina. While searching the internet I came upon your 2014 post of about the unit, it gave me a little hope that maybe this could be a good unit. I've been looking near Jelm and just south. I was hoping maybe for some friendly advise on the area, and the elk herds. Any information is would be greatly appreciated. Have a good one!
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