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Teacher Concealed Carry Law in Idaho

Thanks for clarification.

I wish to also add that both my wife and I served two terms, six years each at different times on the local school board as unpaid volunteers. This teacher-carry issue was quickly "put to bed" each time it arose, usually by professional teachers opposed to what they considered a distraction and more of a safety issue.
That's good and in Idaho they might not "put it to bed", time will tell.
As a parent and grandparent and many years longtime school classroom assistant volunteer, I can tell you absolutely that very few professional educators wish to carry a firearm in the school or even have it in the classroom.

Although it's true that "the general populace has trended towards more and more armed in the last 5 decades", yet teachers do not want to be armed in the classroom.
For those who advocate for guns in school, I'm sure you believe it to be a significant deterrent to the relatively rare occurence of mass shooting. However, I'm more certain that guns in school would be a much more common and significantly more adverse deterrent to a healthy learning environment.
HAHA. Then you do not know many teachers. I know several and in ever school I have served I knew people who are extremely proficient with fire arms. My own children attend a school where staff are allowed to carry. I can tell you this, there is absolutely no negative effect at all. There is no distraction and school is absolutely "normal". Sorry but does having a fire arm in your house make your kids less healthy? Does having firearms in your house make your kids less likely to listen to you or less likely to do anything?
While the over all number who would carry is small, why not allow those of us who want to carry the ability to carry? Why not allow me to carry the same way I carry every where else?
It does when you review the shooting and the shooters intent. Sorry but the FBI data the case very clear. When citizens are the first armed response the number of victims drop significantly. Also since when have you seen the federal government and the fbi massage the numbers in favor of armed citizens and concealed carry?
I'm guessing you are reciting CPRC "restatement" of the FBI data, which has a lot of assumptions and reclassifications that suit its view. Mostly CPRC view is making the FBI look bad and promoting gun ownership. I think most people just want data and will assume there is some nuances around every case.

And the data comes from ALLERT, not the FBI.
you do not know many teachers.
Not true!
ever (sic) school I have served I knew people who are extremely proficient with fire arms.
Me too ... but same people not interested in carrying in the school.
I can tell you this, there is absolutely no negative effect at all. There is no distraction and school is absolutely "normal".
I choose to believe you regarding where you have worked. However, I don't believe there would be the same "normal" in most Montana schools.
Sorry but does having a fire arm in your house make your kids less healthy? Does having firearms in your house make your kids less likely to listen to you or less likely to do anything?
No, but how is that relevant? It is not. The fact that my firearms are secured in a safe makes those questions not really significant either.
While the over all number who would carry is small, why not allow those of us who want to carry the ability to carry?
I am not opposed to that if allowed by proper authority / school board, with the required training as referred to above. But don't force other teachers to carry who wish not to.
Why not allow me to carry the same way I carry every where else?
Because it is inappropriate in some places. It is unlawful to carry in many public places in Montana.
Nothing emotional about it, I am in situations every month at work that could/would potentially escalate if the untrained individuals were the ones holding the firearms.
Unless a teacher has significant training and experience there is no reason to have them carrying in school. Place trained professionals in the proper locations. Let the teachers if they are permitted to carry leave it in a secured area and individual locker.
So are you against these same people not having guns outside of school? Or not carrying concealed at all?
does the conversation change when you switch the word "school" to "place of employment?"

shootings don't just happen in schools.

are people as opposed and nervous about the folks that go sit at their desks, crunch numbers, and fire off "per my last e-mail" messages all day whilst having a pea shooter pressed up against their raddish?
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Not true!

Me too ... but same people not interested in carrying in the school.

I choose to believe you regarding where you have worked. However, I don't believe there would be the same "normal" in most Montana schools.

No, but how is that relevant? It is not. The fact that my firearms are secured in a safe makes those questions not really significant either.

I am not opposed to that if allowed by proper authority / school board, with the required training as referred to above. But don't force other teachers to carry who wish not to.

Because it is inappropriate in some places. It is unlawful to carry in many public places in Montana.
So I am only allowed my god given rights in places you find it appropriate? I can only concealed carry if you decide to allow it? The point is simply having a firearm present has absolutely no impact on the students or the learning environment. Do you believe that the school resource officer has a negative impact on students? After all they openly carry a firearm around the school. How does concealed carry by staff matter if the kids have no idea who, if anyone is actually armed? What if the school had biometric lockboxes in every room for teachers to store their fire arms? Would that make it better?

My point is still the same. I can carry my side arm virtually anywhere in the community with very few exceptions. I can carry around kids all the time in the public. But when I am the adult in charge of protecting some 20-30 of your kids. I am no longer trusted or afforded the same level of self defense I would have at the ball park or at the pizza place... How does that make any sense at all?

FYI you do realize that in MT it is up to the individual school board to allow concealed carry. As of 2017 there were 5 districts that allowed staff to carry... I am certain there are a few more today...
So I am only allowed my god given rights in places you find it appropriate? I can only concealed carry if you decide to allow it? The point is simply having a firearm present has absolutely no impact on the students or the learning environment. Do you believe that the school resource officer has a negative impact on students? After all they openly carry a firearm around the school. How does concealed carry by staff matter if the kids have no idea who, if anyone is actually armed? What if the school had biometric lockboxes in every room for teachers to store their fire arms? Would that make it better?

My point is still the same. I can carry my side arm virtually anywhere in the community with very few exceptions. I can carry around kids all the time in the public. But when I am the adult in charge of protecting some 20-30 of your kids. I am no longer trusted or afforded the same level of self defense I would have at the ball park or at the pizza place... How does that make any sense at all?

FYI you do realize that in MT it is up to the individual school board to allow concealed carry. As of 2017 there were 5 districts that allowed staff to carry... I am certain there are a few more today...
I have answered all that. You and I are now being redumbdant, with talking past one another. Your ideology is clear. Stop yelling at clouds. Go to your school board and load up!
The average individual out there I wouldn’t trust with a freaking protractor
So for you it has nothing to do with the school or anything. You are in fact anti second amendment and and anti concealed carry. As such the argument is pointless as you believe that no one should be able to have fire arms...
So for you it has nothing to do with the school or anything. You are in fact anti second amendment and and anti concealed carry. As such the argument is pointless as you believe that no one should be able to have fire arms...
If you stretch any further, you’ll fall and land with your head up your ass.
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That’s too stupid to warrant a legitimate response.
Well - in most of America (geographically) - you have people allowed to carry permit or not.

So not trusting people with a protractor - seems like you should (still) be sheltering in place since people drive around 5k lb vehicles that go wild speeds all the tine.
Also isn't allowing for staff carry a good deterrent in the first place?
You are concealed carrying, not much of a deterrent if no one knows you have a gun. Not sure this has come up with teachers but I would imagine "letting your students know" you're packing could get you slapped with a brandishing charge depending on the circumstances.

Some school shooters are mass shooters, but most (per that secret service study I cited) are motivated by bullies and grievances, it's not about body count. Also many kill themselves afterwards... I'm not sure that individual is that deterred by SRO or teachers with guns.
The sign on the public school fence in the small town near where my parents live

It may sound ridiculous, but unless someone figures out how to catch crazies before they start shooting places up, one of the “good guys” is going to have to be ready to shoot back.
Like what, the chairs?
WA has a program to help kids that have demonstrated aggressive behaviors in the class room. Yes, my taxes are higher. Effectiveness I can’t comment on. But Idaho’s solution seems to be “arm the teachers”. Different approach for sure and it certainly doesn’t help the kid deal with the problem (which is probably from home). It certainly isn’t the most effective from anything other than cost. The most effective would be to have an armed police officer in every school. That person is trained and it eliminates the perceived soft target. It’s just expensive.
Taxes being higher are the absolute least of your concerns in WA
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