Non-resident tag pricing

Don't you think Bush has done an awesome job of taking all our state's National Guard Units and activating them, running an incredibly well thought out War of Terror in Iraq and then leaving all the Guard's assets in Iraq and returning our Guard troops back to the States without equipment?

My hunting would be awesome if the Feds controlled the permits. I would love to drive 70 miles and whack some of the nice Oregon mule deer. Then, I would love to drive 100 miles and start hunting some of the Nevada deer that I know where they live. Last time I hunted the Wyo/Idaho border made me want to hunt Wyoming.

Why should I be limited to a chance at 10% of the AZ elk tags? If they are on MY public lands, let me at them.....

Since you point out the current state of the National Guard and the negative impact on the states that the Federal Government has with it's decision what makes you think they would run hunting any better then the war? Seems you are talking out of both sides of your mouth in that post.

Who says the feds would give you a license for all those areas even once every 10 years when you are competing against everyone else. In addition without a local representation your concerns in the State of Idaho will not be addressed.

Just my thoughts. You won't be given a tag every year to hunt even in Idaho. In addition you many not be given a tag anywhere for a couple of years.

Since you point out the current state of the National Guard and the negative impact on the states that the Federal Government has with it's decision what makes you think they would run hunting any better then the war? Seems you are talking out of both sides of your mouth in that post.

Who says the feds would give you a license for all those areas even once every 10 years when you are competing against everyone else. In addition without a local representation your concerns in the State of Idaho will not be addressed.

Just my thoughts. You won't be given a tag every year to hunt even in Idaho. In addition you many not be given a tag anywhere for a couple of years.


Let me get this straight, you trust Dubya to manage his War of Terror, send the State's Guard units and equipment to avenge some "plot" that he imagined, put thousands of American's lives in danger, but you don't think Dubya can manage elk, deer, and develop a system of tag allocation?

A federal system for tag allocations would be simple. You get one preference point for each dollar of reported income on your Federal Tax filings.
Let me get this straight, you trust Dubya to manage his War of Terror, send the State's Guard units and equipment to avenge some "plot" that he imagined, put thousands of American's lives in danger, but you don't think Dubya can manage elk, deer, and develop a system of tag allocation?

A federal system for tag allocations would be simple. You get one preference point for each dollar of reported income on your Federal Tax filings.

I never said I trusted anybody to do anything. You are trying to have it both ways. You state the feds have mismanged the war.

Don't you think Bush has done an awesome job of taking all our state's National Guard Units and activating them, running an incredibly well thought out War of Terror in Iraq and then leaving all the Guard's assets in Iraq and returning our Guard troops back to the States without equipment?

Then you try to say I trust W.

Explain why you think W's administration is incompetent in so many areas but could manage elk and deer. Don't twist around on me as I never stated anything you are implying.

Don't worry.

I never said I trusted anybody to do anything. . You state the feds have mismanged the war.

Explain why you think W's administration is incompetent in so many areas but could manage elk and deer. Don't twist around on me as I never stated anything you are implying.

Do you think Dubya's administration has managed the War appropriately? Do you believe the data lead to the correct action?

Do you agree that a policy of tag allocation that would help contribute to a sound fiscal policy and a reduced budget deficit is a good idea?
ahhh, the old I can't answer questions without just asking more questions trick... :D
Just when you thought this thread had run its course, Jose and Greenhorn jump in.

Hey Jose, are you being serious, or are you just messing with people ?
ahhh, the old I can't answer questions without just asking more questions trick... :D

I can answer the questions simply. If we can trust Dubya to manage the War of Terror, secure our borders from CJ's hated Mexicans, and establish No Child Left Behind testing standards, why can't they manage our wildgame?

I see no reason to draw arbitrary lines.
I can answer the questions simply. If we can trust Dubya to manage the War of Terror, secure our borders from CJ's hated Mexicans, and establish No Child Left Behind testing standards, why can't they manage our wildgame?

When you start a sentence with the word "If" and end it with a "?", then it isn't an answer...that's actually another question. So try again.
I can answer the questions simply. If we can trust Dubya to manage the War of Terror, secure our borders from CJ's hated Mexicans, and establish No Child Left Behind testing standards, why can't they manage our wildgame?

I see no reason to draw arbitrary lines.

Well there is a pesky document called the constitution and many years of legal history that says the feds do not own or manage wildlife.

I find it amusing that you think W is an idiot and the war on terror a cluster, that the border is mismanaged, and the NCLB is really the no school left standing act but now you think the feds can manage wildgame? Me thinks you are enjoying playing both sides and laughing your ass off as usual. I bet you did great on the debate team in High School.

Tom is looking for an elk hunting partner, Idaho has OTC NR Tags why not get together with him and discuss the merits of Federal management of wild game.

Merry Christmas,

Not to loose track of the subject -- but HOW am I going to afford that bighorn sheep hunt in NM? The tag is tirty-two hundred bucks? CRAP! :eek:

I guess I won't be applying for that - no fair. Or maybe I should figure out how to make more money??
Jose re-states the fallacy (or phallacy in his case) of the "feds controlling tags" issue. No one will get an Oregon tag and a Nevada tag and a Wyoming tag. The few lucky ones that get tags will be allowed to kill a deer on federal lands and be limited to one unit, be it in Wy/ID/Or. There won't be multiple state tags if its all managed by one federal dept.
Did you see that Kaibab case? It was one of the early Supreme Court cases against AZ. Its like AZ has a record there. Nemont, I think the feds. only can manage the feds. land. Your kids and their kids would have the state tags and the private tags.

Plus, anybody can always get a lot of tags in Texas, at least for deer and turkey. You don't need a tag for an elk here. If the feds. have a way to decide what to harvest in the way of trees, it seems pretty natural they could have a way to harvest animals. Since animals eat trees, it would help them manage the animal to tree and tree to animal relationships. It doesn't matter if its Bush or a Democrat on that, its just ecology/sciense type stuff.
Aren't there left over tags for something? Like a javelina maybe. We get two per year on every liscense here though, I don't need that.
Since animals eat trees, it would help them manage the animal to tree and tree to animal relationships. It doesn't matter if its Bush or a Democrat on that, its just ecology/sciense type stuff.

Tom, that definately sounds like Bush "sciense.
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