Longrange OK for some?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
So, the general concensus around here is long range shots are not hunting, right? Longrange being relative to a shooters experience and skill, I have noticed that with certain instances no one here has a problem with such shooting. It also seems that targeted game has a bearing on the distance that some would take a shot. Am I wrong? mtmuley
Honestly I don't have a problem with it. There are archery hunters that frown on rifle hunters. There are muzzle load hunters that frown on rifle. etc etc etc. In my view its all hunting. As long as we are not talking high fence!! I have no respect for high fence!! Other than that, respect the rules and laws for your particular weapon; honor and respect the game you hunt.
I have a buddy that builds long range rifles. He shoots to 1000 everyday. Id rather him shoot 1000 than some of the guys that pull the rifle out a day before the season and then try to shoot 300.
Maybe because we don't see posts about long range misses or wounding?

Just saying...
Nobody will post about wounding or a shot that cripples.(sometimes yes) Not my point. I do know that there have been a few instances posted here lately that the shooter has taken a shot he or she hasn't ever attempted (on targets or game) and shouldn't have. You are either against such shooting or you aren't. Can't have it both ways mtmuley.
It pisses me off to see the arrogance of some people when they want to say that a long range shot is not 'hunting' or that someone who takes a long range shot isn't a real 'hunter'. That's a load of crap. If someone practices at long range and is confident at long range and the conditions are right for a long range shot that is within the shooter's ability, then by all means, take the shot. I have complete confidence in my wife take a shot out to 300 yards. Does that make her less of a 'hunter'? I am confident out to 400. Am I less of a 'hunter'? I practice long range and am confident in my rifles and my ability, so if I want to take the shot, then I'm going to take the shot, and not worry about what some arm chair quarterback has to say about my 'hunting' ability. I've gotten within 15 yards of antelope during archery season, so I have no doubt in my 'hunting' ability to get close. A long range shot is its own challenge as well.

Go Eagles!! :D
To me, a long range shot is one that the shooter hasn't practiced and isn't efficient in taking. I think long range is different for each individual.

I didn't mean to come across so harshly and wasn't intending to make you think I was talking smack to or about you, mtmuley

I hope you're team wins today and happy Thanksgiving
John, Thanks man. I didn't mean to be harsh either. Your definition of a LR shot is about perfect. As far as my team, well.... mtmuley
There are probably guys who shoot better long range than some guys can short range. Why? because they practice. Just sayin.
But in the end the bad part is those who will shoot long range that cannot hit the broadside of a barn at 300 yards. We can control laws but we will never control personal ethics.
I think the long range shows on outdoor TV have made a lot of people think it's easy to shoot long range. I feel people judge their own ability and ethics based on what they see on TV, and frankly, there's a lot of clowns on TV that I would never hunt with.
So if you've never shot long range, someone packs a rifle up the hill and then coaches you into a long shot it is ok? Hypothetical of course. mtmuley
So if you've never shot long range, someone packs a rifle up the hill and then coaches you into a long shot it is ok? Hypothetical of course. mtmuley

That scenario makes me cringe. Way too easy to have a bad outcome. That's akin to pulling someone out of stands at a football game to kick an extra point. I suppose the kick could be made, but not a very high probability. And in a football game example, all that is missed is a PAT. You flub a shot (long range or not) and your quarry may pay with a non lethal or slowly lethal wound.
Nobody will post about wounding or a shot that cripples.(sometimes yes) Not my point. I do know that there have been a few instances posted here lately that the shooter has taken a shot he or she hasn't ever attempted (on targets or game) and shouldn't have. You are either against such shooting or you aren't. Can't have it both ways mtmuley.

Got to make that first time at some point. Even with experience people are not immune to making mistakes
While I was in the Corps I was required to quailfy with my service weapon every year, at ranges out to 500 yds, and that is with nothing more than peep sights. It really didn't take all that long to get the hang of it and it was a cake walk when I practiced with my 7MM Mag w/ a 3X9X40 getting ready for hunting season.

It always makes the hackles on my neck stand on end when I listen to nimrods who have never practiced past 100yds claiming they 'need' that XXX Whiz-Bang Nirto Mag with the Blaze Lightyear Micro dial 4X60X56 Milspec scope "just in case' they get a 700 yds shot !! Give me a break there Felix, you can't put 5 straight into a 6" bull at 100 and your going to even think about 200??

Long range is 1" past the range where you can humanely make an accurate shot. Period.