Gianforte gets warning in killing of Yellowstone wolf

Wonder if GG's name was on the required trap tag?

If someone else was actually checking the traps...and his name wasn't on the trap, well I think this regulation may apply:

License and Permit Possession/Use (MCA 87-6-304) It is unlawful to: • Hunt or trap or attempt to hunt or trap for any furbearing animal unless the person is carrying the required license or permit at the time. • Refuse to produce a license or permit and the identification used in purchasing a license or permit for inspection to a game warden. • Alter or change a license in any material manner. • Loan or transfer any license to another person. • Use a license issued to another person. • Have physical control over a valid and unused hunting license or permit issued to another person while in any location that the species to be hunted may inhabit. This prohibition does not apply to a person who is carrying or has physical control over a license or permit issued to that person’s spouse or to any minor when the spouse or minor is hunting with that person.

I bet nobody bothered to really investigate this shit-show.
I bet the investigators drove to the scene in a blue minivan....
I wonder if the anti-trapping crowd will use this for leverage?

Talk about blowing holes in your own sinking boat.
They already are.

Trap Free Montana Public Lands

1 hr ·

Montana Governor Gianforte illegally trapped and killed a wolf. This one, a Yellowstone collared wolf. Gov. Gianforte did not take the mandatory wolf trapper class that has been a requirement in Montana for years.
What else didn't he do? Set the pan tension to try and avoid trapping other animals? Check his trap every 48 hours as required for wolves? Immediately kill and by gunshot only the trapped wolf? Governor Gianforte is now signed up for the next wolf trapping class. He was allowed to keep the wolf.
The illegal shooting, trapping, catching, and killing of wildlife is called poaching. Simple as that.
Just as we think Montana could not hit another new low for wildlife, it does.
And then there was this.

Probably the first time he felt like a real Montanan. I’m surprised there’s any legal bulls left with the number of spikes killed accidentally every year.
So I'm going to make a educated guess & say that thing was probably tied up and waiting for the Governor.
A distinct difference between effective leadership and ...

I agree...but when "mistakes" start to become a pattern, that's something different.
I think 2 separate unrelated offensive 20 years apart is hardly a pattern. Especially since he self reported on the 1st one and wasn’t like he was trying to hide the 2nd one he just didn’t know the law obviously or he would have hidden it or taken the course prior

but on another note would anyone be making a big deal here if he wasn’t an elected official?

Lets flip This around random Joe Blow traps and kills a wolf without a trapping training course, but has a tag. Takes it to the state game warden to report the kill. And they realize he doesn’t have the proper training. Now I’m Not saying the guy shouldn’t be fined Because he broke the law and it is your responsibility to know the laws and regulations before you go hunting. But he obviously overlooked a law something that could happen to anyone.

Come to Think of it I remember just last year when just about every person on this forum defended someone for accidentally using lighted nocks in a state where they’re prohibited and everyone here defended and said anyone could make a mistake like that. So what is the difference other than the guy that has an article written about him is an elected official?
I think 2 separate unrelated offensive 20 years apart is hardly a pattern. Especially since he self reported on the 1st one and wasn’t like he was trying to hide the 2nd one he just didn’t know the law obviously or he would have hidden it or taken the course prior

but on another note would anyone be making a big deal here if he wasn’t an elected official?

Lets flip This around random Joe Blow traps and kills a wolf without a trapping training course, but has a tag. Takes it to the state game warden to report the kill. And they realize he doesn’t have the proper training. Now I’m Not saying the guy shouldn’t be fined Because he broke the law and it is your responsibility to know the laws and regulations before you go hunting. But he obviously overlooked a law something that could happen to anyone.

Come to Think of it I remember just last year when just about every person on this forum defended someone for accidentally using lighted nocks in a state where they’re prohibited and everyone here defended and said anyone could make a mistake like that. So what is the difference other than the guy that has an article written about him is an elected official?
Didn't take long for the apologists to show up.

Assault, poaching, nothing to see here...

How in the actual hell does a Governor of a State Agency he over-see's, appoints the director of and some commissioners, not understand that agencies laws in regard to, of all things, wolf trapping/hunting?

If tickets were given for cluelessness, he should get a handful.
So what is the difference other than the guy that has an article written about him is an elected official?

1) He's the Governor, not just an elected official. One that has a spotty record on conservation & who was just defeated on his first major wildlife bill (HB 505).

2.) He was with a lobbyist who manages the ranch, so we don't know that he actually trapped the wolf himself.

3.) He's in the middle of his first legislative session. That's a more than full-time gig when you're a seasoned Gov, during your first session, it's more than double full time. Not sure he had the time to set the trap, check it every 48 hours, and then go back to retrieve the animal.

4.) This place is owned by a media mogul who intentionally biases his stations to favor politicians of one persuasion, and this ranch is used heavily by political elites as their own playground (Daines, Rosendale & Gigi all hunt there).
Maybe he is just trying to get rid of needless red tape, make things run a little more efficiently.
1) He's the Governor, not just an elected official. One that has a spotty record on conservation & who was just defeated on his first major wildlife bill (HB 505).

2.) He was with a lobbyist who manages the ranch, so we don't know that he actually trapped the wolf himself.

3.) He's in the middle of his first legislative session. That's a more than full-time gig when you're a seasoned Gov, during your first session, it's more than double full time. Not sure he had the time to set the trap, check it every 48 hours, and then go back to retrieve the animal.

4.) This place is owned by a media mogul who intentionally biases his stations to favor politicians of one persuasion, and this ranch is used heavily by political elites as their own playground (Daines, Rosendale & Gigi all hunt there).
Well, at least we do now know that in Montana, ignorance of the law actually is an excuse.
I won't pretend to know much about Montana politics, trapping, or the ranch in question. What I do know is what is reported is usually only half the story at best. I would guess a property as described has many more people involved and likely some with much more trapping knowledge than the Governor. Will be very interested to see if more details arise. Either way he should know the law.
Didn't take long for the apologists to show up.

Assault, poaching, nothing to see here...

How in the actual hell does a Governor of a State Agency he over-see's, appoints the director of and some commissioners, not understand that agencies laws in regard to, of all things, wolf trapping/hunting?

If tickets were given for cluelessness, he should get a handful.
I’m not making any excuses for the guy and if you go Back I even said he should be fined. But the way people are acting and commenting here you’d think he shot a trophy elk out of season cut the head off
And left it on the side of the road.

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