Caribou Gear

Elk Stolen in Billings

I had a discussion about where to stay in Tulsa with my wife last night with these very concerns. It’s the half way point for my AZ trip. The nicer hotels where it should be safer might give the stank eye on talking horns and a gun case thru the lobby.
It's better to try and not succeed.

As I mentioned in this thread I was a security manager for a hotel/casino. I fought tooth and nail over the no firearms policy. This is not intended to spark a political debate on gun rights so please refrain from turning it into one.
Hypothetically speaking I may or may not have encouraged guests to not leave such items in vehicles. We had 24/7 surveillance, 24/7 security, fantastic cameras, and coverage that was unheard of. Staff can't be everywhere though.
This did come back to bite one morning when I came on for my shift and a group of six people walked through the lobby two had rifles slung over there shoulders, three pulling gun cases, and one carrying a deer skull. They thanked for my help the previous night, I opened the side door so they could bring everything in, and of course it was within earshot of the hotel manager. Not a big deal or so I thought.
Long story short I was called to the General Managers office and asked why I allowed this and received a pretty stern lecture about policy and procedures. When I was allowed to give my response I looked the GM in the eye and said "They were emotional support firearms and were necessary to the mental health of those patrons as they were prescribed some wilderness therapy and should take their guns on a nature hike. I know that I suffer extreme anxiety when I am separated from my firearms. And I wasn't going to say anything about the deer head as they had guns and I didn't." I was asked to leave and told things would be discussed when I was ready to take "this" a little more seriously.
What's really funny is her husband and I got along really well she tells him what I said and I find out he was laughing so hard she hung up on him.
Heck with hotels. I always have the worst experiences at them. I stayed at a really new, clean top shelf hotel a few months ago. 2:30 am there is an unreal ruckus, some lady is running up and down the hallway screaming about tweekers in her room doing unspeakable acts. The police shows up and she proceeds to tell them the intruders have stolen all her weed and meth. I saw a large group of what appeared to be drug addicts fleeing out the emergency exit. I’ll take my chances in a tent in grizzly country over having to deal with people any day.
You will never outrun a tweeker
If I have learned anything from this thread it’s that I hope none of you guys are the prior occupants to any motel rooms I end up stayin
Rogerthat, what makes you say that? How can you think that?
If messes aren't made in hotel rooms room attendants get sent home early and that hurts the economy..
Leaving hotel rooms a mess is just another form of conservation that hunters provide.
I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
You almost got dahmered bro... dang. Did he happen to have a cordless drill in his hand?
If a guy knew the whole truth I would bet cleaning ducks in a motel bathroom would be one of the cleaner things to happen in that room.
Right. I'd take wiping up duck blood and vacuuming feathers any day over picking up hypodermic needles and stripping soggy sheets.
Our regular Billings hotel had a murder one weekend. We haven’t been back.

But to be fair, once in Missoula I got stuck in a room next to a bunch of homeless young adults that had pooled their money for a room and could very plainly hear them fighting over drugs, and then planning how they were going to kill another homeless person they knew. I was by myself, and didn’t sleep a wink.
First time I met @Big Fin I was waiting in my room to arrive in reception, can't remember the name of the hotel/motel but it was my last night and the only cheap place I could find, I swear it was a family room and they had hurriedly fitted me in by locking the door between me and the next room.
It was around 07.30 it started, they started shagging, and as the minutes (yes minutes:ROFLMAO:) went by the noise increased, I was kind of stuck, do I get up to check out, and risk them hearing me, or just wait, I'm not going to say what I did, but when Randy arrived at 08.30 I didn't feel I could share the story with him as it was the first time I met him, however, I would now:ROFLMAO:


If a guy knew the whole truth I would bet cleaning ducks in a motel bathroom would be one of the cleaner things to happen in that room.
Amen to that. It may look like the scene from Scarface, but at least that's just a quick hose down compared to dealing with needles.
I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
My wife posted this on FB earlier today...
I stayed in a place in Milwaukee once for the night. Guy saw antlers in truck bed and came over to talk. Friendly guy but a little forward.

He tried to get me to come with him to his place to drink beer and lift weights and talk hunting. He said he was really into taxidermy and butchery work.

i was gonna go hang with him but something gave me an off vibe and that's when I realized. He was going to knock me unconscious and probably steal my deer. I told him no and he got really upset. Feels like I dodged a bullet there right though?
Probably was Dahmer?