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Best buck to date (not biggest)


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
I know most of us on here are alike in our hunting attitude. We like to hunt hard, go far, and do it on our own. For those of us with kids it can be a different type of hunt if we take the little ones. They can’t hike as far or as long (especially when they’re young), they have a hard time being quiet (at least mine do), and they just want to have fun. So for me it is always a decision on whether to take the kids and have that type of hunt or go by myself and have the hard core hunt that we all love.

Well I had an interesting experience while scouting for my Oregon deer hunt. I was checking out a new area and as I was driving down an old dirt road I passed a dilapidated old one room school house. To my surprise there was a guy out front painting the school. I waved as I passed and continued on. Well the road dead ended a couple miles further so when I went back I decided to stop and ask the guy about the surrounding area.

As we talked, he continued to paint and told me that most of the surrounding area was private and that this unit is not a good unit for deer. I already knew this as I had drawn this same tag a few years prior with dismal results. As we talked he asked how many would be in my hunting party. I told him just me. He asked if I had kids and I said yeah, two boys. He asked how old they were and I told him 5 and 7. He said boy you should take them with you, they are old enough to go hunting. I told him yeah, in fact they hunt with me quite a bit but they are both in school and I was looking forward to this hunt being solo. At that he walked down to me and had me turn around. It was then that I noticed the new flag pole. Somehow I had not noticed it when I walked up. There was a beautiful American Flag blowing in the breeze with a United States Marine Flag flying below it. At the base of the flag pole was a marker that had the name of this man’s son. He told me how he had been killed in Iraq at the age of 26. He had bought the old school house and was fixing it up to honor his son. He told me how many wonderful memories he had of hunting with his son and how much they meant to him.

Needless to say, my attitude changed a little about taking my kids. I decided that if they wanted to go, then I would change my plans and take them along.

I ended up taking my 7 year old. My 5 year old had some other activities he didn’t want to miss. I have to say it was one of the funnest hunts I have been on. We only had the weekend so I knew we weren’t going to have time to be picky if we saw some deer. We drove to our area on Friday and got camp set up. The next morning we got up early and hiked in 3 miles. I was surprised at how well my 7 year old kept up. At first light we started glassing and finally after an hour I picked up deer about a mile away. Pulled out the spotter and determined they were all bucks but no shooters. When I told my son they were not shooters, he just gave me that look and said, “I really want to get a deer Dad”. Well I said we can hike over there but it’s a steep hike going down and even steeper going up and they might be gone by the time we get over there. He immediately started gathering his stuff and said let’s go get em.

So we bailed off the edge and started down the hill. It’s a good thing his Momma didn’t know what we were doing or I would have been in trouble cause it was steep. We slipped and stumbled down the hill and got to the bottom where the deer were out of our site. I was really hoping they would be gone because I knew they were all small and I didn’t want to pack a little one out of this hell hole by myself.
At the bottom we took a quick break to get a drink and then we started up the other side. As we crested a small butte I glassed and could see they were all still there. Damn! They look on my boys face was pure excitement! We gotta shoot one Dad. Ok, so we ranged them at 350 yards and because of the openness I didn’t think we could get closer. I got a good prone rest and when the buck turned broadside I let the 300 rip. I heard the thwack and watched the buck go into the trees. The other bucks stood and looked into the trees for a minute and then high-tailed it out of there. My boy said, “did we get him”? I think so, let’s hike up and see. We hike up and just as we get to the trees I see blood on the ground. I point it out to Asher and he gets all excited. We turn to follow the blood and there he lies 10 feet away. Asher was giving me high fives like we had just killed a 200 inch buck. It reminded me of the excitement when I was a kid going hunting with Dad. It was so cool to see his excitement.

Because we were 3 miles from camp and I was basically solo as far as packing him out, I decided we were getting this deer out in one trip. Luckily it was a small deer. So we did the gutless method and got him all loaded in my pack and set out. All I can say is it was a bugger getting him out.
All in all, it was one of my greatest hunts. I had so much fun even though it wasn’t the type of hunt I had envisioned or the quality of buck I had hoped for.

Anyway, sorry for the long story. Just thought I would share our great hunt. This was my best buck to date, maybe not biggest, but best.
My first deer with my son was a doe, but I thought it was important to get something.

I worked hard to teach my son the skills to make a good blacktail hunter, and it took a long time to get him to be quiet, but one day, when he was 16, it all sunk in and I watched him from behind as he worked through the timber and brush a step at a time, trying to be a tree. Then...when I was turned, looking the other way...BAM! I turned around to see him pick up his empty. When I got to where he was, and the deer was supposed to be, there was no deer. He relayed the story of how he saw the buck checking him out from between a couple of tree trunks and all he had was a neck shot, and he took it. I told him you gotta take what the deer gives you and he did the best he could. We looked around for signs of a hit and he found a vine maple leaf with a splatter of blood on it. We picked up the trail and a couple of hundred yards down the canyon we found his buck with a big exit hole his 6.5 had made. The bullet cut a good bleeder even though the neck wasn't broken. I knew he was sick during the trailing process, thinking the buck might get away, but I was confident with the amount of blood I was seeing. When it was over he told me "you know, I learned a couple of things today". It was a good day.
Now thats cool, he will never forget that day. Bet he can't wait to tell his buddies at school about hunting with dad.
Great story and very cool that you took your son with you. There are so many other things that can make the hunt memorable, the picture of your son with the buck, says it all.
The story about the fatther commemmorating his son is a good reminder to seize opportunities to pay forward with our own...good job dad.
That is what it is all about. Sometimes you need a little direction and it sounds like you and that old man have got it right. Congrats on the best trophy you will ever take.
Awesome story. Love to see the kids out. Mine has been with me for a pack out, but has yet to see me shoot one. He is 6 and I can't wait to have a story like yours to share with everyone. Congrats on your best hunt.
Lord do we have to get our Heads slapped on straight sometimes? You need to introduce your son to that Gentleman and let him tell your son about his son. I think it would mean more to all three of you than anything you could do as a father and son. You did us Hunter/Fathers proud! John
Looks like your son had an awesome time. That was a great story, keep them coming!
THanks for sharing, as right now I really needed some affirmation and help on getting a better perspective. I'm sitting at home with a 4yo and 1yo and having a hard time keeping sane. I SOOOO look forward to those days and have to remind myself, all too often, that its not always about me...
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