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Another Canidate want to "Give Back" Fed Land to states


New member
Aug 16, 2015
Tehachapi, CA
I am new to the forum, so hello, but I am also new to the public land debate and am reading everything I can get my hands on right now about this issue. Here is something I found today that is troubling about the conception that many people have about "Giving Back" lands to the states.

A concept that I am rolling through my mind is did the States/Territories ever "own" the land. McKinney's Alaska Purchase or the Louisiana Purchase, Annexation of California, New Mexico and Arizona were transactions from Foreign Countries with the US, the US then made them territories that did not have the benefits of full states and then after that they were given Money, Aid, representation and protection to be come a state. Is it just me or does this seem like a kid that wants his big brother to fend off the bullies, give him a ride to school and help him with his chores, but then wont let him play with his basketball after school.

Check out the read, its pretty good....And Carson just lost my vote, the club is getting larger right now it seems.

Carson has always been a nut job,he should get his head examined,....maybe operate on himself too.
The concept of giving land "back" to someone who never OWNED it is called stealing.
That is stealing from the American people.
Like not paying your fair share.
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I saw this the other day, and it is definitely not from an unbiased source, but I bet if you were to do your own research you'd find it to be mostly true.

To quote Randy from his most recent podcast(12):

"If you are anti-public land, you are anti-hunting"


Personally, I feel our options on both sides are so poor it's kind of surreal, and it's likely we'd do better with a random draw of the American Public.
Your right not much of a choice anywhere ,going to see what Bernie say's even.....

I am amazed that people can just make Sh!t up and people except it.
Do they just look it up on Wiki?

The land was never the States to get back .Fact.
One Congressional Act cannot not supercede another Congressional Act,but must work in conjuction.Fact
Even Congress seems to have forgotten,there are rules and law on record from the founding fathers on......
...ohhh that's right they sold that last week to a waste management corperation. IE the Mafia...
Perhaps Hillary's your man....or boogeyman.

"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked! My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know… the remnants of prior situations and mind-sets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture, and we didn't do that, and I'm proud of that. Very proud. I would say that's A major accomplishment."

- Hillary Clinton 11 March 2014
Anyone that opposes, in any way, the idea of public lands is not getting my vote, ever.
What good is a hunting rifle with nowhere to hunt with it?

Spare me the "over-throw your military and government with your deer rifle" line...aint buyin that bullchit.
Anyone that opposes, in any way, the idea of public lands is not getting my vote, ever.

I'm in the same boat. As Randy puts it, it's a "cold dead hands" issue for me.

Someone from this forum needs to step up and run so I can at least place a vote for someone I believe in.
I'm in the same boat. As Randy puts it, it's a "cold dead hands" issue for me.

Someone from this forum needs to step up and run so I can at least place a vote for someone I believe in.


...and there is no way I would EVER vote for shrillery ,harley boy.
She is a corperate liar from the start in AR...
...and there is no way I would EVER vote for shrillery ,harley boy.
She is a corperate liar from the start in AR...

Think you mean conniving and pathological......and you'd be correct.
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Crawling out of the shadows I will say it. Newberg for president. Hes got the financial background and seems pretty trustworthy (at least knows what guns are really used for)
..and I have had to resort to a write in candidate for the last few times,my choice.

..Naa,I wouldn't do that to Randy.
I've met him. He is a nice guy and already has grey hair.
His wife has to put up with us as it is.
Besides we would be without him here and all. LOL
by the way state lands are being sold in wisconsin. also many of the science positions at the WDNR have been eliminated and the science services division has been dissolved. mostly because the findings by the WDNR Science Bureau contradicted the agenda of our governor and a power state senator from northern Wisconsin. so don't think this whole "states will sell the lands" talk is just fear mongering.

The sad thing is the current position of the National Republican Party is partly our own fault.

Many, if not most, of us are the ones who helped get these Republicans elected in our states. (I'm as guilty as the next guy, I voted for Mike Lee and Rob Bishop, too.)

The Presidential candidates aren't yet knowledgeable about Western issues, I honestly believe that. They are just following the lead of the elected officials from Western states and assuming that is what the people want.

At this point in the campaign, the candidates aren't informed on every subject. I think we can change their position on public lands very easily by removing the pro-land grab folks from elected office. I sense Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are more moderate than some of the others and would be willing to keep public lands in public hands... but I could be wrong.
So explain to me what the big deal is if the state now owns all the federal land and can manage it according to their biologists.Here in Pa, we leased a lot of our stateland to gas companies which has in most cases improved the hunting.Plus, our game commission got huge royalties,which they blew anyway.I don't know how it would work out west that scares everyone.I'm serious when I want to understand it more.As far as I have seen here in my state it has been a win for game commission and the road access they made had to be planted in prime forage so the wildlife make out well.I'm not aware of any major issues involved with the drilling but I'm sure some could be dug up online.And to top it off, they opened up a lot of high paying jobs in some of the states worst economies.
It does become ALOT more important as to whom you elect into your state offices though.Hunting in Wyoming, I have never noticed where antelope or deer avoid the oil wells already there.Not sure how elk would react.Are you worried the states would sell the land??That could never happen here in Pa.In fact the gas revenues allowed us to buy more land to add to our gamelands.I'm not really in touch with this issue at all.
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