

The only thing I said about what I thought about the legalities of carrying a weapon in public is that I wished the concealed carry permit required a competency and judgement test. Im sure none of the internet tough guys here would have any trouble passing said test.
I bet you fart in the bathtub and laugh your ass off.
One person shared how s/he figured it worth testing the theory of the common firearm capable to decide, on its own, to pull its own trigger.
The person, for sake of people who believe the firearm possessed this capability, starred at a loaded firearm that rested freely on a kitchen table. Verbally egged on the firearm to fire a round.
S/he concluded some people know jack chit about firearms - same can be said of the evil black ones as well.

Step two:
S/he placed the same exact damn firearm into a secure, thumb release holster.

DAY ONE: Wore the firearm secured in its holster, open carry. The firearm never once decided to shoot a single flipping round!
DAY TWO: Wore the firearm secured in its holster, concealed. AGAIN, the firearm never once decided to shoot a single flipping round!

S/he concluded some people know jack chit about firearms - same can be said of the evil black ones as well!

If the moral of the story evades you, I suggest you not own nor borrow a firearm.
Far more 7-11s are robbed than people are shot during a 7-11 robbery.

Robber most likely wants to get out of there asap so he can get his little blue pills to smoke from his dealer.

Now, if he's pointing a gun at someone, I dont give a #*^@#* if you shoot him. You point a gun at someone and it gets you shot, that's on you, so I'm not arguing that nobody should shoot him.

My concern is that as soon as another gun comes out and he sees it all shit is going to break loose. If you pull out your gun, you better be damn sure you can hit him and take him down because if you don't, people are likely to get hurt.

Are you ready to kill a human?

Are you sure where your bullets are going to go? Can you live with yourself if a bullet ends up taking someone outside the store out? A child?

So yeah. If you pull out your gun you just put all the bystanders at a greater risk than before if you #*^@#* up.

As for rape victims, im pretty sure none of you internet tough guys have ever physically fought someone for your life.

Rapists dont knock on your door and say hello sir or ma'am, I'm going to rape you now.

They are people you know, or they jump you or sneak in at night or they drug you. Unless you live your life in a constant state of alert, they can and will catch you off guard.

They have the upper hand. They are all high on adrenaline and maybe drugs, too. They've likely done this before and are pretty confident about it. In the case of women, they are usually physically bigger and stronger.

If you can even get to your gun its going to be a wrestling match. A fight for your life where even if you get a hold of the gun and can pull the trigger where the hell is it aimed? Whats the chances he gets the gun and shoots you? I promise as much as being raped sucks life is still worth living.

You have fun with that if its your jam but saying guns could have or will protected rape victims is untrue most of the time and harmful.

Nothing a victim did do or didn't do caused or could have prevented them being raped. A rapist was looking for a victim and whatever sort of victims that particular rapist was looking for happened to be that particular victim that time.

Some people fight like hell, some people freeze. Either could save your life, you just don't know.

Its nobody's fault except the rapist.

So stop telling women they need to carry guns to protect themselves. If they make that choice on their own, fine. Encourage training, otherwise leave it. It gets into bigger issues about purity and damaged goods that men don't really understand.

Anyway. Im out on this topic.
These are all personal decisions that you are trying to make for others. That includes rape. Some people would rather be raped than die. Others would rather die than be raped. 100% of people being assaulted, sexually or otherwise, will be successfully assaulted if they give in to the criminal. Those who fight back may pay a higher price, but they may stop the assault. That’s their choice. You made yours, but it’s not your place to tell other which choice they should make.

Am I ready to kill a human? Both times I drew a gun on a human that I saw, and both times I pulled a gun on a human I never saw.

As far as I can tell, you have failed to produce any numbers showing that law abiding citizens using weapons in self-defense is a greater danger to bystanders than the criminal.
I never made any decision for anyone. I said certain decisions were stupid, dangerous and ineffective.

Here's some articles that you want so bad explaining why your numbers are wrong, though.

I heard a personal security expert say one time that if you're really worried about the safety of yourself and those around you, a class on defensive driving and a class on basic first aid are by far the best return for almost everyone.

I've never been in a situation where my life was in danger from a criminal, but I can think of 3-4 times that I barely missed being involved in a major car accident, and a similar amount of times that I've been around people who are having medical emergencies of some kind.

Certainly not trying to tell anyone how to live their life, but I know where the risks are in my life.
Please forgive me since I grew up in a "No Open Carry" State. I did however spend time in Idaho where while working in the backcountry was instructed to carry whenever I was out with stock. The next year in Oregon, I was asked to keep the pistol in my saddlebags so as not to intimidate the guests.

My question is

"Is there an expectation from the gun owning community in Open Carry states that if you have a handgun, you will wear it on your person?"

Where I am now it would be considered a vulgar display of firepower in town or on the ranch around the buildings or a gathering of people. I even got chewed out for bringing a rifle not in a case into a gun store...


So I'm curious...If I go to Texas am I going to be judged for my choice or lack of of firearm accessories to my outfit? Ben Lamb mentioned BBQ guns...
Try open carry in Las Vegas and see what Metro police does to you,even though its legal in Nevada.
I really wish the folks that are long winded, "know-it-all", blow hards would stay under the bridge from whence they came. 😘
I really wish the folks that write statutory language would have to face their high school english teachers once a year and explain themselves ;)
It’s fashionable to open carry in N Idaho while channeling your inner John Wicks. Even if you don’t have enough mags to fill your rig. BTW this is a real pic from CDA.

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Was this when Antifa was rumored to be coming to town in 2020? I think there was a lot of open carry on Sherman Avenue around that time.

Edit - after reading subsequent posts, it sounds like it was.
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