NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2013 WY NonRes App Info

Well, its done. My buddy and I have rolled the dice with our max points. We didn't pay the big money, for the "Special Draw". We applied separately, regular draw. Our unit had 36% odds last year, hopefully one of us will get lucky. ( and kill a big Wyoming bull )
I donated another $400 by applying for one of the "special" tags. Should end up with a general tag and my 4th point after this draw, with 4 points I should draw the unit I've been applying for as my 1st choice next year, about a 6% chance this year.
Any Date made public for results posted?

If I don't draw the elk tag, I'm going to have a quandry on my hands. 5 points LE unit tag, or do a party app with a friend who has never hunted Mule deer out of state and let my points carry the party for a region tag...
Yep, the bulletin was just put up on the top of the G&F website a few minutes ago that the results of the NR elk draw will be posted tomorrow AM. Good luck everyone!!!
Successful on 1st lottery of the year. Sweet. We drew unit 38 archery bull tags. :)

Will have some work to do this year adjusting other applications.
Really hope to draw a WY lope now so I can do a combo hunt. Those seasons overlap the archery elk very nicely.