who is taking a youth hunter afield for gobbler?

Wally Dog

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2002
I have 2 in the fold, one for the early youth season and one for the second weekend of the general season!
It's always a hoot.
I took my son and daughter today and had two friends to help (Youth Only Day). We had a blast but didn`t kill a bird. Tons of gobbling from alot of birds but they were on hens fast and everything was silent within 1-1.5 hours. That was their first time hearing that many birds gobbling and they are hooked. It was a great day!
All my sons are 18 and over now so I don't think count as a youth anymore. They are my best partners in the chase.

However the weekend of the youth hunt I am taking a friend along with his grandson. My friend does not know much about hunting turkeys so we will be having some fun.
I will be going with my neice and brother in law this year. It will be her first hunt. A scouting trip a few weeks ago provided zero birds, so I am a little nervous. We are trying out a new unit this year. Any help for unit 17 in ND would be much appreciated. If it was just me I would deal with a poor hunt but since there is a first timer along I would like the hunt to be a succesful one.

For now I will cross my fingers!
I'm getting taken, does that count!! Pard did a bit of scouting today and located lots of toms and even a white one! :D
You guys get an early start out there. Our youth season starts on the 17th in Maryland. I plan on getting my boys (age 12 & 14) out there in the morning and then try to troll up some rockfish in the Chesapeake Bay that afternoon. Its hard to top days like these.
Will be taking my boys 12 & 14 out again along with the missus as we all 4 have tags. Would like to get out with a friend and his boy too if time permits as they are having trouble figuring the birds out but there unit is 125+ miles away. Not easily done.
R.I.P. ND gobblers. Bwana and the boys will be lying in wait this weekend!!!
Not a youth, but possibly a first timer in my younger brother. Might even take my dad who has never turkey hunted.
Absolutely! Now if its clearly standing in someones barnyard, then I'd advise against it but if its out with other regular colored birds shoot away is my opinion. There are actually a bunch of weird white and gray birds where I'm at. I was dealing with some depredation ones a couple years back and mentioned to the rancher he had some odd colored turkeys, his reply was that he didn't own any turkeys and they were all wild ones. There are a few cool color phase ones taken every year down here.
Sweet. Thanks. Pard saw one running around while turkey scouting/bear hunting this past weekend. We'll be heading up on the 14th to put some to bed...
My son and I will be going out next Saturday and I have been mentoring a 14 yo who my wife tought in school Sp Ed boy, he loves to hunt.

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