Memphis Bell. We usually have one every year. We had some F-18s and at another time F-15`s do fly-bys and there were car alarms going off in the parking lot it was so loud. I was working next to the taxiway a few years ago and no one told me that there were two A-10`s doing a LOW fly by. Bout had to change my britches. Also, Jack Roush (Nascar owner and Roush Mustang man) has a P51 (based tenant) and he is always screaming by the tower. It makes it all worth working at an airport. Cool stuff.
Wy hasn`t drawn the antelope yet. Think it will be at the end of June. Can`t wait to find out. I am looking forward to coming out there and seeing some beautiful country and hunt something that I have never seen before. I think, if I`m drawn, I`ll be flying into Denver and driving to Laramie. Anywhere close to you?
I saw your post on the B-17, just curious what is the name on the side? Last weekend we had 12 F-18 Hornets on the ground fueling at the same time, all painted in desert was pretty cool! Hope you and your family has a safe and fun holiday weekend. Did you draw for your WY Antelope?