Caribou Gear Tarp

Which one of you bastards . . . .

Shutting down the cheese thread actually relieved me ... or it may help relieve me. I LOVE cheese but it plugs up the discharge system something fierce. That's not a good thing with this damn hernia hanging on (pun intended). Alas, for now I'm relegated to raisin bran till the hospital opens up elective surgery again. Hurry up with that damned vaccine!
You ever try taking a Lactaid pill with it? My wife is lactose intolerant and they are a life saver. Ice cream too.
Shutting down the cheese thread actually relieved me ... or it may help relieve me. I LOVE cheese but it plugs up the discharge system something fierce. That's not a good thing with this damn hernia hanging on (pun intended). Alas, for now I'm relegated to raisin bran till the hospital opens up elective surgery again. Hurry up with that damned vaccine!
I used to work for a guy from WI. Every year he'd fly to visit family and return with beef sticks and cheese curds for the office. They are simply amazing. But, heat or no heat on those curds?? I can appreciate both
The only thing you need on a curd is the squeak. Best meat sticks around come from Maplewood Meats. Stop there and at Scray Cheese on a Monday and you’re all set for a prime time tailgate at Lambeau. I won’t bring up the beer because I don’t want this thread getting shut down.

And for those of you that don’t know what the squeak is, you weren’t eating cheese curds.

Sorry @cedahm i missed the other thread. Those guys out west have elk, sheep, antelope, etc, etc, etc - I’ll be damned if I let them have cheese too. And while we’re at it, forget ice cream, frozen custard all the way.
Well, that cure is worse than the disease. Last time I tried prune juice my pants were damp for a week. Not a good plan while pheasant hunting!
Maybe I should have emphasized the word "little". I am against sharts in the field or anyplace for that matter. The cheese counters the prune juice, making them the perfect pair for the microbiome of your stomach. Just sayin :)
But, heat or no heat on those curds?? I can appreciate both
Badger Saturdays or (ugh) Packer Sundays are best for fried versions. A little ranch is allowable but not required. Ketchup is a sin against cheese and man.

For everyday snacking - if you get your hands on the good stuff, raw is even better. I'm a white curd guy, but acknowledge and respect my yellow curd brothers and sisters.
maybe --or maybe it was Ben Lamb, when he interjected Devils lettuce into the conversation ;)

I hope that wasn't it as I wanted to tell him my ship mate ask if I liked Hawaiian Coffee and I answered to the affirmative. She is going to get me something called Caramel Kona coffee Kush. and play either Dylan, Rainy Day woman and/or Peter Paul and Mary, Puff the magic dragon.

I will miss cheese in my diet ( and wine ) :cry:

I even loved the cheese they put on chips at the fairgrounds. I miss those times. Chips smothered in cheese with a little tabasco, beer, rodeo, square dancing, good friends--cowboys in jeans and chaps---maybe after I have some Hawaiian coffee or its equivalent, I could spend one more day at the fair . Is your invitation still open Harley ? Do they have rodeos in Montana, Hunting wife ? Is so, is your invitation still open ? Am I feeling a bit melancholy--dah ! :)

And last but certainly not least --Ben, your opinion of her suggestion ? AND, Harley, look deep in your music vault and see if there is anything beside Dylan I might like as he was not one of my favorites o_O

oops--now I see we are on ice cream. Another one of my favorite things in my past was making home made ice cream. We took turns cranking the handle and complaining but loved eating the ice cream. :love: Seems like yesterday.
Oh yes, rodeos abound in Montana. Come by anytime. The Juneberry rhubarb wine will be ready by spring. I don’t know what cheese will go best...will probably take us at least a couple of bottles to figure it out 😉
A little cheese tip .
When you over indulge switch to an aerosol can of Nabisco cheese spread before you start to have issues. You will even out.
Warning don't switch after you have issues or you could experience a canon like effect with propellant moving projectile.
I predict this thread continues deep into 2021. There really is no end in sight. We have some legit scribes in this group who can really put some words together.


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A little cheese tip .
When you over indulge switch to an aerosol can of Nabisco cheese spread before you start to have issues. You will even out.
Warning don't switch after you have issues or you could experience a canon like effect with propellant moving projectile.
Skip the crackers and shoot straight into the mouth.
Hunting wife, thank you. THAT would be and hopefully WILL be fun !

Panda Bear, I like willie, thank you

Ben ;)

I do not have time to read thru the posts so if it has already been mentioned, my apologizes---dont forget Cheese Cocktails . I had a Mac and Mimolette and surprisingly it was pretty good

Dirtclod and lv2hnt probably eat Arizona cheese crisps every week--or day

The negative, besides the "binding" issue---a physician out of Arizona is trying to get warning labels on all cheese products that cheese increase the chance of breast cancer--but that has zero effect on you fellows. And obviously not on all women as it has not happen in my family

I do want to give a shout out to our Oregon membership and congratulate them -- Rogue River Blue being the FIRST EVER in America to win the Gold at the World Cheese Awards (2018)

Do we have any members who raise goats and use their milk to make cheese ?

Ben, Dave, JLS, Sytes, elkmagnet, harley, anyone. -----------deleted-----------I dont want anyone to incriminate themselves, I will figure it out;)
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