Caribou Gear Tarp


How do you feel about Trump or the other candidates?

  • Liking Trump

    Votes: 106 55.5%
  • Liking other Republicans

    Votes: 55 28.8%
  • Liking one of the Democrats

    Votes: 30 15.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!

I'm amazed that all the Trump supporters don't care that don't care that he doesn't have any answers when asked a legit question. If someone disagrees with him he has them removed from the room. All he says is "I'm the best" or "I've got people for that".
When talking at Liberty University it was obvious he knows absolutely nothing about the bible. He has no answers on anything that really matters.
Just because those on the right make a lot of noise doesn't mean anything.
Do you ever stop to think there is a very good reason Obama got elected twice? Perhaps those on the left simply let their voices be heard through their votes instead of spouting all this hatefull retoric and outright lies at the other side on tv and forums of all kinds.
I'm amazed that all the Trump supporters don't care that don't care that he doesn't have any answers when asked a legit question. If someone disagrees with him he has them removed from the room. All he says is "I'm the best" or "I've got people for that".
When talking at Liberty University it was obvious he knows absolutely nothing about the bible. He has no answers on anything that really matters.
Just because those on the right make a lot of noise doesn't mean anything.
Do you ever stop to think there is a very good reason Obama got elected twice? Perhaps those on the left simply let their voices be heard through their votes instead of spouting all this hatefull retoric and outright lies at the other side on tv and forums of all kinds.

Why should his religious beliefs or views or knowledge have anything to do with his election bid? That's why there's a separation of church and state...
One of the poll choices should be "anyone besides the candidate that should be in prison"
None of the above, Richard Prior was not an option.
I would like to ask each candidate 1 question and allow only a 2 word response. The question,
If you were playing Red Robin, who would be your first choice (not including yourself)?
I would also like a debate where you are not allowed to talk yourself up or another down. See who garners the most accolades from the other candidates.
My last post on this issue. Who should be put in jail, for what? Cliven Bundy should be in jail too for being a thief and whaling to his sympathizers to come kill law enforcement and BLM employees if they tried to do their job, but he's not! Doesn't that tick you off? I recall a pretty damn strong economy when Hillary's husband Bill was President or do you want to re-write history because you just can't stand the Clintons? I knew soon as I posted a pro Democrat opinion I'd catch hell, but I think I'm right so whatever, it's just my opinion. I think I'll spend the rest of the day with my chocolate lab looking for deer sheds and start scouting new public land hunting areas for next season. Hopefully the GOP doesn't transfer them to the States in the meantime.
I cannot bring myself to defend Hillary or Obama, but only because of their support for and extension of some of Bush Jr's policies. In other words, the only reason they are wrong is because they did or do what Bush supporters give Bush a pass for doing, while tearing down Hillary and Obama for doing it. If anyone should be in jail it's all the neocons. The people who voted for the neocons and stand by that decision are, well . . . you know what I'm thinking. See below for the balance of them.

Obama did not get elected because those who agree with him came out in force. He did not get elected because enough people agreed with him. He did not get elected because so many Republicans stayed home and didn't vote. There simply are not enough people in all or some of those categories to bring him a win.

Quite simply, Obama got elected because enough people in the Republican Party had enough situational awareness and native intelligence to realize that they got what they prayed for with Bush, and they regretted it. They learned from their mistakes and switched sides, if only in the privacy of their voting booth. When they saw their their own kids coming home dead or wounded, their Commander in Chief refusing to fund the war with tax dollars, guys like Kenny Boy tanking their retirement and an unregulated Wall Street running amok, as well as the export of their jobs and the dying of their towns, they realized how fundamentally stupid they had been to fall for all that flag-waiving, chain saw/horse back/cowboy hat BS and vote for such an empty bag.

These are the Republicans who I like to talk to, not because they agree with me; THEY DON'T. But they aren't in lock step with a narrative and they can think outside the box, especially when they realize the box is empty.

Feel the Bern.
Obama got re-elected because enough welfare receipients and homeless people who could use an intersection as an address that liked their free handouts came out to vote for him to make sure the handouts kept flowing. That's what I fear happening with Bernie...people liking and wanting stuff for free coming out of the woodwork to vote. This is purely my opinion.
Obama got re-elected because enough welfare receipients and homeless people who could use an intersection as an address that liked their free handouts came out to vote for him to make sure the handouts kept flowing. That's what I fear happening with Bernie...people liking and wanting stuff for free coming out of the woodwork to vote. This is purely my opinion.

Let's say you are right. At least they are your fellow American citizens spending your money here in America on American services, boosting the American economy. And they would be spending it on American products, except the other end is spending your free money in emerging markets over seas generating cheap pieces of plastic Chinese sh*t for our free-loaders to buy, all while sending jobs over there and avoiding taxation here at home. That is, when they are not making a killing (literally and figuratively) in the military industrial complex, leaving us all to wonder how we can support our returning veterans.
Let's say you are right. At least they are your fellow American citizens spending your money here in America on American services, boosting the American economy. And they would be spending it on American products, except the other end is spending your free money in emerging markets over seas generating cheap pieces of plastic Chinese sh*t for our free-loaders to buy, all while sending jobs over there and avoiding taxation here at home. That is, when they are not making a killing (literally and figuratively) in the military industrial complex, leaving us all to wonder how we can support our returning veterans.

100% agreed!

To answer Cush's question about why Trumps religious beliefs should have anything to do with his election bid.
It should not, but he is pandering to the religious right for their votes. They are idiots if they think he is sincere.
My last post on this issue. Who should be put in jail, for what?
How comfortable would you be with the person who's job was to carry the nuclear codes for the president breaking rules about security that leaked classified documents? Then claim ignorance? And then lie about it and delete the evidence to cover it up? Then when the evidence is recovered it shows they not only lied but leaked 22 top secret classified documents because it's know their emails were hacked? It's an offense to do any government communications on a private server or email. But to lie about it and run for President is as shocking as anyone who would vote for someone who should and still may be put in prison. And to not know what I'm talking about shows how uninformed voters can be. You can't make this crap's that scary who is candidates.
Why should his religious beliefs or views or knowledge have anything to do with his election bid? That's why there's a separation of church and state...

He was speaking at Liberty Univ., you know a Christian university. Sadly, the sentiment you've expressed is a growing reason this country is headed south.
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!
Do you honestly think Hilary's end game on guns is 'expanded background checks'?
I think most of us can agree, that we could expand bgc,under the condition that no politician ever brings up another gun control proposal again. But I think you're likely intelligent enough to know that they aren't going to stop with BGCs.
You mention Obama not doing anything to hurt sportsman.. I suppose taken 100% literally you are correct, because as with most things he's TRIED to lead on, he's failed. He took Air Force one across the country appealing to people to push for more gun control, and states that failure to make progress on gun control is the biggest regret of his administration.
Of course, as you already know, they don't just talk about checks, but also limiting what kind of guns you can buy, what kind of ammo it can shoot, how much ammo it can hold, etc etc.
then they always mention Australia. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you also know what happened in Australia.
But yes, if public land were the sole issue to vote on, which it's very valid to feel that way, Obama would have been the one to vote for.
With the SCOTUS appointments likely in the next 8 years, a Clinton election would possibly mean an overturning of Heller. To me that seems more imminent than the public land debate, which is one mostly paying lip service to the right wing faction. The tea party has about as good of chance at privatizing land in the national forest as the progressives have at bringing down the banksters.
I always figure I can use my guns against the Bundy type, but I can't use public land as a defense if the Australian utopia ever happens here.

In conclusion, it's a sad state if we have to choose between Clinton or Trump.
100% agreed!

To answer Cush's question about why Trumps religious beliefs should have anything to do with his election bid.
It should not, but he is pandering to the religious right for their votes. They are idiots if they think he is sincere.

No doubt he is pandering, to everyone he speaks to. As for the religious right being idiots, it's been rumored that Falwell at Liberty University gave their endorsement because "he's a very generous man".
No doubt he is pandering, to everyone he speaks to. As for the religious right being idiots, it's been rumored that Falwell at Liberty University gave their endorsement because "he's a very generous man".

I used to hear Ol' Jerry talkin' on the radio from his church owned corporate jet before he died from heart disease. Why in the hell does a church need a jet? It's nothin' but the ego of the scumbag "pastor" taking advantage of believers.

Don't think for a minute Liberty university is about God or freedom, it's just an organization to wash money for the Falwells.

Franklin was correct! I should start my own church so my parishioners can pay for me to commune with elk, tax free with some poor fools footing the bill.
100% agreed!

To answer Cush's question about why Trumps religious beliefs should have anything to do with his election bid.
It should not, but he is pandering to the religious right for their votes. They are idiots if they think he is sincere.

And to think that I completely agree with Gr8bawana on a post where religion is concerned. Wonders never cease!

John Cushman, the reason Trumps religious beliefs matter is when it becomes evident his pretense of being religious is a sham. Not that I'm shocked about that with Trump, it only confirmed what I thought of him. Really not that all shocked at the good folks at Liberty U for complimenting the emperor to be on his new set of clothes while they wink and nudge and tell each other he's better than Hillary. It confirms what I generally think about them as well.

As an unapologetic Christian, I would obviously like to see a President who shares my values and worldview. However, I must say that I would rather see a person in office who professes no faith or keeps it private and has integrity, than I would prefer to see someone who professes to believe something and then by their actions and policies prove themselves to be a pathological liar.