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How do you feel about Trump or the other candidates?

  • Liking Trump

    Votes: 106 55.5%
  • Liking other Republicans

    Votes: 55 28.8%
  • Liking one of the Democrats

    Votes: 30 15.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok, fess up, who voted 17 times?:D

Liking one of the Democrats 17 26.15%

I know it isn't James Riley coz he professes smoke signal internet methodology.
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I'm very surprised that anyone that has anything to do with this great website had a vote in for one of the dems. One is a professed socialist and the other is Hillary!! WOW!!
I'm very surprised that anyone that has anything to do with this great website had a vote in for one of the dems. One is a professed socialist and the other is Hillary!! WOW!!
Simple, everybody isn't all left or all right, contrary to what the media would have you think.
Then he'll be perfect for the USA.... since we are +17 trillion in debt and growing every day. If that's not bankruptcy, then I don't know what is?

good luck to all
the dog

The debt is only real if the rest of the world stops using the petrodollar as a basis for trade. So long as that doesn't happen, we can continue all the trade and fiscal deficits we want. We are, essentially, *the* bank with a money machine. No one could possibly believe we are actually paying for all this sh*t we have with our tax dollars or even with debt. (The 1% will tell you they carry the nation their back, LOL!).

If it does happen (a switch to the Euro or another currency), we are a fourth world country over night. A fourth world country with the most powerful military in the solar system. That's when the real xenophobia kicks in.

If you look at the countries on our sh*t list you will find they either trade on another currency (Iran, Iraq right before we invaded, N. Korea, etc.) or use barter (Venezuela). It's not nice to defy the bank!

That's the way I understand it. I could be wrong though.
Sportsmen are in a tough spot.

Public land access vs. 2A agenda. Republican's support 2A but are pushing for the states to gain control over our public lands. Democrats are helping to keep our public lands public but are pushing for more 2A controls in place.

I'm not a fan of any of the candidates at this point. Maybe things change?

I was surprised to hear Trump support public land access during his interview and speech at SHOT show which I attended. That being said, I really don't think he had much information on what he was saying or in support of. His boys seemed to be the ones feeding him these thoughts from what I could tell. If that statement stands true that is a plus on that one topic.
Public land access vs. 2A agenda. Republican's support 2A but are pushing for the states to gain control over our public lands. Democrats are helping to keep our public lands public but are pushing for more 2A controls in place.
Yep, guns with nowhere to hunt or places to hunt with no guns. It's a sh!t sandwich no matter how you look at it.
I support the party that supports an ecosystem where a person can take a risk and if things go well build a company from the ground up over time. Neither party, R nor D, is a steward for that ecosystem. R's look out for the 1000 largest companies in the world which over time has put the squeeze on small business by restricting tax breaks and incentives to the largest companies. D's want to regulate against every potential risk and hire more government employees with generous benefit packages to oversee that risk management. That creates financial burden for a small business trying to grow.

If you care about democracy, you need a strong and broad middle class. If a country loses the middle class then you are only left with 1%ers and the poor then at some point things burn and people are killed by mobs.

Who will I vote for this year? The candidate that offers a roadmap for the middle class. If all candidates stink up the place, I will vote my wallet.
I always wondered where the phrase, "Cluster F%$k" derived...

Voting for the lesser of two evils is like making a copy from a copy, of a copy of a copy, of a coopy off a copay, fo r crappy of the crappy, and on it continues...

But, to not vote is...?
Sportsmen are in a tough spot.

Public land access vs. 2A agenda. Republican's support 2A but are pushing for the states to gain control over our public lands. Democrats are helping to keep our public lands public but are pushing for more 2A controls in place.


It's not just public land access, it's the general give-a-damn for the envir@nm*nt in general! You can't duck hunt prairie pothole that covered in oil and fracking fluid, you can't catch brookies out of a stream with coal mine acid leaching into it, and you can't elk hunt a strip mall. All things I seem supported by Rs. HAIL BUSINESS and NO REGULATIONS, lets rape and pillage our natural resources because that's make us more money!

I can't vote R because there are too many environmental issues that DIRECTLY effect my passions in life, that directly affect what we'll hand down to the next generation. So I'm left to vote D even though I disagree with them on so many freakin' issues it makes me nauseous.

On another topic NO ONE seems to under stand that "growth" is not sustainable. You can't always grow. At some point you'll run out of the bare natural resources that still undermine the human race. The more we grow, and the more to elect dick shines that preach growth is the answer to all ills, the worse off we are as individuals and the more we screw over the next generation. Where is the rational person that is striving for an actual sustainable economy? Do they even exist?
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