Terrorist attacks, a worrying new trend?


The trouble is, your first posts called for killing 1/5 of the world population so you didnt have to look under the bed for the boogie man.

Just sayin'...

I think the US Government taking action against Awalki, and other Al Quaeda leadership, is a much different conversation...dont you?
So doesn't it make anyone wonder how many innocent American lives were saved by killing Awalki? Couldn't there be a case here for sacrificing one in order to save hundreds if not thousands?
The last few years more people were literally killed by furniture than by terrorist. The likelihood of being killed by someone with a gun is thousands of times greater than by a terrorist. How far do you want to take that argument to its logical conclusion?

I will agree that if he had been living here in the US, and had not relinquished his citizenship (which he did incidentally when he declared that he was no longer an American Citizen), then the actions taken would have been a violation of his rights under the Bill of Rights. However; considering all of his renunciations and declarations, can we honestly still say he had any rights as an American citizen????????
Admittedly this particular case is a tough one - but if you cross that line just a little it won't be long before you are way over it. In the bigger picture he was just one of thousands of people who want to do harm to us. It wasn't worth throwing away the constitution to take him out.

Now if we want to discuss American citizens who were denied their civil rights, then we can begin by naming Randy Weaver, David Koresh and all of the other Branch Davidians. Isn't it a fair assumption to believe that the Clinton DOJ and AG Janet Reno were guilty of major criminal activities, that far exceeded the drone attack on Awalki??
Considering the Weaver incident happened under Bush I... no on that part. No on Koresh too, but perhaps incompetence by the people on the ground. Remarkably, Koresh DIDN'T give up his rights when he started shooting at the ATF. Furthermore, had he been caught alive he would have been offered the same rights as every other citizen and given due process. They worked on solving that situation a long time before making the decision to storm the place with disastrous results. By the way, if that happened today all the DOJ would have to do is say they were engaged in terrorist activities and people would allow it.
When the truth hurts...deflect to a holder video.

Problem solved.

Shocked you didnt post up the Patriot Act NHY.
You're better than that Ken. If anything people have been brainwashed about the danger of terrorism so D.C. can continue their power grab and make their constituents feel like they are doing something. Since 9/11 there have been about 20 people killed by terrorists in the U.S. Compare that with about 200,000 deaths by guns (if you exclude suicides). Even if you include 9/11 the ratio is huge. I'm not trying to indict guns, just illustrate the relative risk using an example the folks here are familiar with.
I recommend that we talk about hunting, fishing, guns, or baseball. Posting pics (that do not cross Big Fin's line) of scatily clad women would work to. This thread now bores me. Yes, contrary what Dr. Phil told my wife and I, it is all about me...

I'll lead by example;

Isn't it amazing that the NL Central's top three teams would be leading almost all other divisions at this point! Who woulda thought that? Not I...

I need to scope my Kimber 300WSM. Right now the leading candidates are both from Leupold; a 6X42 with either CDS or M1 or a 3-9X40 AR Mod1. Thoughts or recommendations?

We're getting lots of rain here this week! This past weekend, the bluegill I cleaned had eggs, but I don't think they had really started spawning yet. Have you guys seen a change in water color/temp due to rain affect bluegill fishing?

I just got my first preference point for black bear in Michigan. I'm mostly wanting to eventually hunt one in the UP and notice that the 3rd season tags have much better odds. Anyone here hunted the UP, especially the east 1/2, during 3rd season?

The Blue Lagoon just seems like forever ago...
I recommend that we talk about hunting, fishing, guns, or baseball. Posting pics (that do not cross Big Fin's line) of scatily clad women would work to. This thread now bores me. Yes, contrary what Dr. Phil told my wife and I, it is all about me...

I'll lead by example;

Isn't it amazing that the NL Central's top three teams would be leading almost all other divisions at this point! Who woulda thought that? Not I...

I need to scope my Kimber 300WSM. Right now the leading candidates are both from Leupold; a 6X42 with either CDS or M1 or a 3-9X40 AR Mod1. Thoughts or recommendations?

We're getting lots of rain here this week! This past weekend, the bluegill I cleaned had eggs, but I don't think they had really started spawning yet. Have you guys seen a change in water color/temp due to rain affect bluegill fishing?

I just got my first preference point for black bear in Michigan. I'm mostly wanting to eventually hunt one in the UP and notice that the 3rd season tags have much better odds. Anyone here hunted the UP, especially the east 1/2, during 3rd season?

The Blue Lagoon just seems like forever ago...

Photo is worth a second look! I think Blue Lagoon is the first movie I saw as a very young kid and I realized that there was more to life than GI joes and star wars!!
I recommend that we talk about hunting, fishing, guns, or baseball. Posting pics (that do not cross Big Fin's line) of scatily clad women would work to. This thread now bores me. Yes, contrary what Dr. Phil told my wife and I, it is all about me...

I'll lead by example;

Isn't it amazing that the NL Central's top three teams would be leading almost all other divisions at this point! Who woulda thought that? Not I...

I need to scope my Kimber 300WSM. Right now the leading candidates are both from Leupold; a 6X42 with either CDS or M1 or a 3-9X40 AR Mod1. Thoughts or recommendations?

We're getting lots of rain here this week! This past weekend, the bluegill I cleaned had eggs, but I don't think they had really started spawning yet. Have you guys seen a change in water color/temp due to rain affect bluegill fishing?

I just got my first preference point for black bear in Michigan. I'm mostly wanting to eventually hunt one in the UP and notice that the 3rd season tags have much better odds. Anyone here hunted the UP, especially the east 1/2, during 3rd season?

The Blue Lagoon just seems like forever ago...

...how dare you hijack a gun control thread with Brooke Shields.:D
I agree with Pointer.

So, this weekend, I will be launching drone attacks on walleyes in north central Montana. My crankbaits will buzz over their unsuspecting heads, inciting instictive strikes, resulting a livewell full of fresh walleyes to fillet.

And even better, my marriage will be completely bliss, as nothing make my wife happier than to see her morning work results in a livewell full of thrashing walleyes.

Pictures to come from this clandestine attack when I return on Wednesday.
Fin- Good luck! I've only caught 'eyes once in my life and that was from shore, under a bridge on a river in Sask. Super good eats, but someday I'm really wanting to try to 'fish' for them. I might be getting closer to being able to do that!

Over the holiday weekend the whole family and I went to our cabin in So. Indiana. My wife and youngest haven't been there much or for overnight as all previous visits involved either demolition or construction on the place. Not easy to include a 2yo on a weekend like that. The place is within minutes of a good sized reservoir. Wife can greatly see the fun a boat would bring. I think she spent 82% of the 3.5hr drive home browsing for boats! :D

Almost forgot... ;)
And just for Noharleyyet

The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , died and went to heaven.

At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur. 'Since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want to in heaven.'

Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, ' I want to hang out with God.'

St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God.

God recognized Arthur and commented, 'Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle? '
Arthur said, 'Yeah, that's me...'

God commented: 'Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a road?'

Arthur was a bit embarrassed, but finally spoke, 'Excuse me, but aren't you the inventor of woman?'
God said, 'Ah, yes.'

'Well,' said Arthur, 'professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your invention !
1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end suspension

2. It chatters constantly at high speeds
3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble about too much

4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust

5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!

'Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there,' replied God, 'hold on.'

God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited for the results.

The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.

'Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed,' God said to Arthur, 'but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention
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I agree with Pointer.

So, this weekend, I will be launching drone attacks on walleyes in north central Montana. My crankbaits will buzz over their unsuspecting heads, inciting instictive strikes, resulting a livewell full of fresh walleyes to fillet.

And even better, my marriage will be completely bliss, as nothing make my wife happier than to see her morning work results in a livewell full of thrashing walleyes.

Pictures to come from this clandestine attack when I return on Wednesday.


I'll be knee deep in a river somewhere in SW MT myself. But I'll be chasing real fish, not those weird looking ones. :D

And to continue the nice pictures:

You tried Rob. And this may be how the gun rights will be lost - A congressional vote will probably occur while a major Victoria Secret broadcast occurs in which the theme is US patriotism of red, white, and blue lingerie, with a simultaneous broadcast of a major league playoff to catch anyone not watching the Victoria Secret broadcast. Or they could just bank on boredom and apathy of the masses.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Sorry about not posting a nearly naked picture, but when I looked up pink jock strap wearing men, there were so many to choose from I was overwhelmed.