Proud of my boy.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
GuNR is just short of a year and did a good job this weekend. Unfairly I compare his to Axl, but I have to remember his still only a pup. He found a few ducks that I would have never gotten and is putting it together that a shot often times means there is something to run down.

Yesterday we set up in the dark and after an hour it was obvious I wasn't where the ducks wanted to be. I quickly packed everything up and moved to a new area within 20 minutes. Things got better.:D

Passed up a pile of gads, wigeon, teal and shovelors to find some mallards and my favorite; a bull can. Even picked up a Canada that came too close. Didn't fill yesterday, but I was very happy how GuNR worked.


Figured as long as I still had lots of time in the day, I checked out some other spots and looked for a few ditch parrots. It worked out.

We were good at finding some young ones.:eek:

OK, this wasn't the original retrieve, but good practice and I had to get some pics.


Your good at raising those "boys" and raising them right. GunR has no idea how lucky he was when Ol' Miller picked him from the litter.

Great stuff, as always. Thanks for sharing.
We hit it again this morning and picked up a quick limit. Started off with another bull can and then a few mallards. Decided to not wait for more mallards and finished it off with a drake wigeon and drake GWT (didn't make the pic).


Fun weekend with my new hunting bud.
Wow, not even a year old yet. It's good to see those who buy dogs for hunting actually take the time and train them. A lot can be accomplished with only 20 min a day. (I'm not saying that is all it takes but it's a good start.) Great pics as well.
Congrats on your success and how well your pup is doing! As always, I enjoy your pictures!
Thats awesome! One question and off topic but I've wanting to see some of those kuiu pants... how do you like them? Congrats on the success.
Thats awesome! One question and off topic but I've wanting to see some of those kuiu pants... how do you like them? Congrats on the success.
vander, I do like the Attach pants, but need more time in them. They worked well on a backpack trip earlier this year and I liked how fast they dried. The true test will be the next couple of months in harsher conditions. Just had them on this trip as they are comfy and easy to throw on when I get out of the waders.

Holy Cow, great days hunting x2.

I'd love to see that Bull Can coming in to my spread!

Embarrassed to throw this out, but I missed 6 can drakes before I got the first one yesterday. They were hauling and it was tough to get on a bird that wasn't mirrorred with a hen or another drake. The one this morning was with another drake and hen and left me plenty of room to take the shot without hitting two...or a hen.

Nice job. Looks like you've gotten some rain recently.

We did get some moisture. Kept me out of another spot I wanted to earlier this week. I am getting too old to get stuck any more.:D

Great photos Miller! how's the knee doing?

Knee is feeling better, but if I step wrong, I still scream like a little girl. Was supposed to be scoped last week, but they called the night before and postponed due to workman's comp wanting to review the case. Review should be completed by 10/29.:mad: Hopefully I can stumble through rifle season. I am sure I will then need to fight over the claim. What a pain in the ass. At least I am able to exert it a bit at this time.
Aren't you supposed to be chasing ferrets? Too muddy down there?

I was told it would be too muddy if they got 1/4 inch of rain. They got an 1 1/2 inches, so I was forced to stay in Bozeman to continue educating the elk in preparation for rifle season.
Very nice photo's Miller and that pooch sure likes he is enjoying his job. Nice work, I hope to get out soon. Hope the knee gets better.