Mother/wife defends family with an AR 15

You are a brave girl April

I agree with you but hope you have your helmet on

Sawtooth, too ironic
Do you think that people would react better if she went to the garage and started the ol' family truckster and plowed them over? IMO, we should never focus on the means but focus on the fact that people are defending themselves. The weapon didn't do it, she did. She had the ability and was capable to protect her family...
Would be surprised if the larger media outlets covered it. Can't have these stories escape about legal gun owners defending their families and such.
Would be surprised if the larger media outlets covered it. Can't have these stories escape about legal gun owners defending their families and such.
Can we please stop spreading this lie? It was covered.
Liberal media is starting to get it.

"O'Rourke's support for a buyback plan drew criticism from some fellow Democrats as going to far and playing into the hands of gun rights advocates who claims that liberals want to confiscate their firearms."
in response to comments made off the open forum

1. I said Andrew Jackson, not Attila

2. YES, I feel the political correct, metoo, and entitlement movements have gone of the rails

4. It isn't just did every news outlet report the incident. If the incident fits their narrative they report it several times a day, if not maybe once, so they can say they did. Plus who is the current day Walter Cronkite ? Nobody or almost nobody reports the news, they attempt to tell us how to feel about it or at least how they feel about it.

bushman13 LOL
I have to wonder why is the dirtbags identities not being made public???????

could it be they are members of some misunderstood minority? 🤔
in response to comments made off the open forum

1. I said Andrew Jackson, not Attila

2. YES, I feel the political correct, metoo, and entitlement movements have gone of the rails

4. It isn't just did every news outlet report the incident. If the incident fits their narrative they report it several times a day, if not maybe once, so they can say they did. Plus who is the current day Walter Cronkite ? Nobody or almost nobody reports the news, they attempt to tell us how to feel about it or at least how they feel about it.

bushman13 LOL

As to entitlement generations the baby boomers started and have never stopped cornering the market on that front. I always get a good laugh out of boomers bitching about entitlement.

As to the news reporting stuff over and over again, they have to with the 24 hour news cycles. Fact is sensationalism and knee jerk journalism sells and they need to keep people glued to the tv, literally 24 hours a day to sell advertising. All 24 hour news channel are guilty of recycling the same old shit, over and over. You can watch the “breaking” news on fox, cnn, etc once a week and you’re largely up to date. I hunted sheep for 12 days and there wasn’t crap for “news” when I got out... same old same old.

What’s disappointing to me is that news is becoming as tribal as politics and people are dumb enough to parrot the bs they hear on the “news” and the talking heads that report same.
I watch NBC news in the evening for local as well as national. Nothing. No surprise there. Thought MAYBE they would mention it as a twist to the story about Airb&b party houses and the new shooting at the one in California. Plenty of room to put a story on a website but no space for airtime on a broadcast.
Those home invaders certainly received an entirely different form of “old welcome” than what they were expecting.
Oh guys/gals, they couldn't keep O'Rourke in the race. After a long and dismal conference, CNN found themselves forced to report... 4hrs ago...

I love the heroine-ism of the story and her skills, which no doubt are far beyond mine (I'd have froze and probably peed a little). I just get frustrated with the general anti-news sentiments. "The press" does more to maintain our freedoms than our guns do, and i think they should get a helluva lot more appreciation than they get. Do they make mistakes, of course, but there isn't nearly as much deliberate misdirection as the conspiracy theorists would like to believe.
Sorry neffa, but there are ample deliberate misdirections from all sides....ends justifying the means & whatnot rationalizations abound. Pick your poison attention deficit news cycles.
I love the heroine-ism of the story and her skills, which no doubt are far beyond mine (I'd have froze and probably peed a little). I just get frustrated with the general anti-news sentiments.
Especially after she received incoming fire. She's one lady who takes the fight to the fight.

Anti-news sentiments? Are you kidding me? You've run the media circuit during an election before. Correct? Major news networks feed off America's political spin.
Not saying this source is God's Ten Commandments though it's presents the data mining used to collect the referenced chart.

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