Mother/wife defends family with an AR 15


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2018
A woman in Florida who was 8 months pregnant defended her family from two masked intruders in her home, killing one of them with an AR 15

How do you think the liberal media and anti gun groups will handle this ?
I'm sure they will miss him next Sunday at church.

Probably won't get any farther than the story on Fox news where I saw it. Only the bad stories make the news.
What???? Two pistol carrying intruders entered a house in Florida? We should ban all pistols immediately!!!
Wow! Europe! Haha! Throw down the gauntlet! Watch out... You will likely receive incoming fire.

100% agree with your and others thoughts over this subject.
Heck,this is Mothers Milk for Europe. 🔥


I have been accused of being just to the right of Thomas Jefferson and certainly something he once said fits this situation

"That Government is best which governs least, because its people discipline themselves"

but, Sytes, your point also crossed my mind as I posted it LOL However I have hunted with a liberal "once" on several occasions . Sorry, just could not resist

In California I noticed they have decided being a thief is not a crime ( shoplifting ) so if they were in California they could have said they were shoplifting and were defending themselves from the husband when he attacked them and then the wife shot them ---plus "it wasn't their fault" it was their mother, father, teacher, society who didn't pay for them to go to school and was not giving them enough money to live on and they did not want to get a job, because the last job they had the boss yelled at them when they came in late every day and left early. Whats that all about ?

LOL Dirtclod, sytes, you got my back ? LOL

Noharleyyet--- my rant could be a country song if Tom T Hall was still writing songs LOL

Sawtooth was typing at the same time I was---but he brings up another defense for them----"they though they were welcome" and its not our fault we didn't get through grade school is why we thought that, so how did we know--it is somebody's fault, but not ours we didn't get through grade school
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