Mother/wife defends family with an AR 15

I love the heroine-ism of the story and her skills, which no doubt are far beyond mine (I'd have froze and probably peed a little). I just get frustrated with the general anti-news sentiments. "The press" does more to maintain our freedoms than our guns do, and i think they should get a helluva lot more appreciation than they get. Do they make mistakes, of course, but there isn't nearly as much deliberate misdirection as the conspiracy theorists would like to believe.
my opinion is the press is full of liars and I wouldn't stop short of saying they are traitors to this nation. the majority of what they do is deliberate misdirection.
there may have been a time, when the press in this nation, might ,have helped maintain our freedoms. today they do NOTHING for our freedoms. todays agenda is "global unity". which is silly nonsense . diverse cultures simply cannot coexist peacefully for long. our nations legacy will prove this true , as have most empires from the days of old.
I agree with Kmott

and IMHO, I will add
Another example . Check the story from Fox news today about Epstein. Reporter had the story 3 years ago but the executives at ABC spiked it. Same story, different political climate

As a female, I honestly believe the "metoo" movement would not exist today if Clinton had won the white house. Once the Clintons were of no more use to them they discontinued protecting Bill's actions and Hillary's protection of his actions.. Remember, when Paula Jones accused the president, she was hit with "you never know who will show up when you drag a 100 dollar bill through a trailer park" ( or something like that ) . Today a woman who could not remember how she got to the party, who took her home, where the party was at, who else was at the party, and even her friends and acquaintances from that time said it never happened --but it didn't matter, a future Supreme Court Justice was dragged through the mud .

But Juanita, Paula, Gennifer, and Monica were lying --well the little blue dress proved Monica wasn't, but she still became the villain .

I believe the majority of the Executives of the main stream news outlets make decisions on what and how they want the "Raw" news to read, not on what it is,

again, just my opinion

Especially after she received incoming fire. She's one lady who takes the fight to the fight.

Anti-news sentiments? Are you kidding me? You've run the media circuit during an election before. Correct? Major news networks feed off America's political spin.
Not saying this source is God's Ten Commandments though it's presents the data mining used to collect the referenced chart.

The idea that the news is bias is a negative feedback loop that only makes the news more bias.

It's like the more we talk about shootings the more we'll have.
Randi, you forgot Leslie and Kathleen, although from memory I believe Kathleen admitted her encounter in the oval office was consensual, so except for adultery that one dont count (-;

But all things considered on this forum, the best thing I have read to day was Ben Lambs poem. And the write up from both of those fellows was very enjoyable reading. If any of you missed it, head down to the

ELK part of the forum
We don't have an AR, and hope never to use a weapon in our home. But God help anyone my wife gets a shot at with her Colt .357. mtmuley
She prolly is a frontsight 4 day practical rifle grad:

Oh, and don't jump to conclusions about the $2k class price that's posted, that's only for suckers.

I took some tactical classes once, that a friend offered. He was trying to get a business up and running after getting out of the Army. That and my concealed weapon certification class affirmed that while every American has the right to bear arms, I sure hope some of them don’t....
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I took some tactical classes once, that a friend offered. He was trying to get a business up and running after getting out of the Army. That and my concealed weapon certification class affirmed that while every American has the right to bear arms, I sure hope some of them don’t....
Understand but I sure hope that idea doesn’t somehow catch hold.
My BIL took some classes out there, week long IIRC. He said he learned a lot but got a good glimpse of the prepper mentality too.
I got no problem with preppers they like all weapons without prejudice.
From his description, some of these folks were borderline Bundy types.
So you mean the guy who’s charges were dismissed? Lol he’s regarded as a symbol of government defiance. Anywho there’s all sorts of folks who are regulars at front sight. I’ve met some fine people there military LEOs private citizens etc

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