Is the Montefeltro played? What's the most core trap gun?

I have been shooting my Monte for 15 years and love it. I did have a pin/parts issue in the field this year but was an easy fix by the gunsmith. I'd recommend getting a .12 so you have the option to bust pheasants with it. You can certainly bust pheasants with a .20. It's a bit of a personal choice! I just got a 20 sxs this year so having both to me feels like the right set of birdguns. Get a Montefeltro - the Italians know their shit. ~a tiny italian
I have been shooting my Monte for 15 years and love it. I did have a pin/parts issue in the field this year but was an easy fix by the gunsmith. I'd recommend getting a .12 so you have the option to bust pheasants with it. You can certainly bust pheasants with a .20. It's a bit of a personal choice! I just got a 20 sxs this year so having both to me feels like the right set of birdguns. Get a Montefeltro - the Italians know their shit. ~a tiny italian
reviews like this and the fact that its $500 cheaper than the a5 keep the feltchro in the conversation.
and since it's Italian, it would match my fine European ski kit quite nicely.

however, for a man torn between an autoloader and a o/u, I feel the a5 marries old and new design with technology.
@DouglasR , I weep for you, man.😭 You are right there, on the cusp of taking that tuck and roll and coming to your feet with a beautiful vintage German double. This could be that moment where you break the bonds that hold you to the new-made gun industry and find your roots. You could do it all now.

Sorry, just being a little mellow dramatic (kinda like melodramatic but more maudlin for effect :) ).
@DouglasR , I weep for you, man.😭 You are right there, on the cusp of taking that tuck and roll and coming to your feet with a beautiful vintage German double. This could be that moment where you break the bonds that hold you to the new-made gun industry and find your roots. You could do it all now.

Sorry, just being a little mellow dramatic (kinda like melodramatic but more maudlin for effect :) ).
get out of my head Brent!
after watching videos of virtually every autoloader having issues cycling, the citroi hunter grade II is looking pretty classy.
Whatever you do, don't get a Weatherby SA-08. I got a pawn shop "deal" on one, turns out it doesn't really do anything well...
Interesting. My wife has one and we’ve never had any issues with it.
If you've ruled out autoloaders, bt99 as mentioned earlier. Citori cx is the crossover model Citori, cxt is the trap model. Both have raised ribs, combs, and grips more appropriate for clays games than the hunter grade citoris. Don't get a hunting gun for clay sports or a sporting gun for hunting. Get both.
If you've ruled out autoloaders, bt99 as mentioned earlier. Citori cx is the crossover model Citori, cxt is the trap model. Both have raised ribs, combs, and grips more appropriate for clays games than the hunter grade citoris. Don't get a hunting gun for clay sports or a sporting gun for hunting. Get both.
I don’t have ht money.
I can barely afford to ski 2 months a year anymore!
Man, I’ve hunted everything for two decades with a cheap Benelli Nova pump.

I used to shoot skeet with it to practice for bird hunting. Shot a lot of trap with that gun too.
get out of my head Brent!
after watching videos of virtually every autoloader having issues cycling, the citroi hunter grade II is looking pretty classy.
Man, $1350 would get you an Osborne double 12 (English) delivered to the FFL of your choice. Properly oriented barrels. Tasteful engraving. And killer wood. :)
Man, $1350 would get you an Osborne double 12 (English) delivered to the FFL of your choice. Properly oriented barrels. Tasteful engraving. And killer wood. :)
I just don’t know if I’m man enough for a sxs or o/u yet.
It might be too much gun for me.
I have quite possibly the ugliest citori made, I think the waterfowl special? I bought it without seeing if first because it was such a good deal and immediately regretted it, however, it's the easiest to shoot shotgun I've ever handled so I can't force myself to get rid of it... you could probably find one of those well within your price range...

as far as autos go the monte was the only one my brother who had a slightly ridiculous waterfowl obsession didn't reduce to a steaming pile of garbage in a year, high marks indeed...
get out of my head Brent!
after watching videos of virtually every autoloader having issues cycling, the citroi hunter grade II is looking pretty classy.
If you think O/Us don't have issues, you are very wrong. Autos sometimes have issues cycling ... more or less depending on make ... but single trigger Citoris can and do fail to fire the second barrel. It's a curious mechanism that requires recoil to fire the second barrel. If not enough recoil (not uncommon with range loads) or dirty gun, it may not release the second hammer. You will pay a lot more for a quality O/U than auto. Decide if it's worth it. I have both and though I don't shoot the Citori badly, I shoot the OLD A-5 MUCH better. Cheap O/Us are a headache waiting to happen.
If you've ruled out autoloaders, bt99 as mentioned earlier. Citori cx is the crossover model Citori, cxt is the trap model. Both have raised ribs, combs, and grips more appropriate for clays games than the hunter grade citoris. Don't get a hunting gun for clay sports or a sporting gun for hunting. Get both.
Most guys shoot clays with field guns. Have never seen anyone shooting clays with a trap gun. I don't know anyone who shoots skeet with trap guns. Not on purpose anyway (a couple of visitors who only brought one gun with them). I shoot skeet low gun better than I do high gun. A lot better. Shooting a trap gun low gun won't work. Too long and the high rib is NOT desirable for crossing shots or incoming on station eight. OP would be fine shooting all three sports with a proper fitted field gun that has chokes.
Most guys shoot clays with field guns. Have never seen anyone shooting clays with a trap gun. I don't know anyone who shoots skeet with trap guns. Not on purpose anyway (a couple of visitors who only brought one gun with them). I shoot skeet low gun better than I do high gun. A lot better. Shooting a trap gun low gun won't work. Too long and the high rib is NOT desirable for crossing shots or incoming on station eight. OP would be fine shooting all three sports with a proper fitted field gun that has chokes.

Give me a break. I've shot all of it with an 870 with electrical tape holding the stock together
If you think O/Us don't have issues, you are very wrong. Autos sometimes have issues cycling ... more or less depending on make ... but single trigger Citoris can and do fail to fire the second barrel. It's a curious mechanism that requires recoil to fire the second barrel. If not enough recoil (not uncommon with range loads) or dirty gun, it may not release the second hammer. You will pay a lot more for a quality O/U than auto. Decide if it's worth it. I have both and though I don't shoot the Citori badly, I shoot the OLD A-5 MUCH better. Cheap O/Us are a headache waiting to happen.
Choosing between you and Brents advice is like choosing between my grandparents.
I’m still leaning towards the A5 so that I can hold the pedal to the metal on the wheelybird and bust 5 in a row.
Maybe, someday when I’ve matured, I will invest in a quality o/u.
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