Hunters for the Hungry


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
This is an organization the partners Hunters, Meat Processors, and local Need Banks so that a hunter can donate free Venison, or game, to a noble cause....feeding the hungry in our country.

Personally I can't store, nor really care to eat Whitetail for every meal, (Local regulations allow 6, with some bonus tags just for the asking). 1 or 2 in the freezer is a blessing from the Hunt Gods. But what do ya do with the rest if you have your freezer packed in the 1st 2 days ?????? :confused:

Look in your area and please help support this program. ( The Pastor just may give you a 'by' for missing some of those Sundays)
What do I do? Well, I always end up with more than I can eat. So first dibs goes to guest hunters, then the camera guys (after I selfishly take what I can eat).

After that, I give to friends, family, and many elderly people I know who love wild game who cannot get out anymore. I process when I have time, or pay for the processing.

Often when we are on the road, I find a charity or a program such as Food Bank or Hunters for the Hungry and donate the meat, but I also make sure I make a cash donation large enough to pay for processing. I don't want these groups to spend their scarce cash when I can afford the processing.

My favorite charity in the world is the Food Bank. Besides my donations to conservation groups, the Food Bank is the largest recipient of cash and non-cash donations from our house. I give them as much wild game as possible, as they tell me that protein is the most scarce donation they receive.

I even go out of my way to do a doe harvest each year. We shoot as many does as we can get tags for. Keeps me in good standing with my friends who are getting eaten up by whitetails, gives me one or two good ones for the freezer, and provides a couple more for the Food Bank.

I would suggest everyone shoot one deer for a Food Bank or similar "Feed the hungry" charity. And if you can afford it, pay for the processing (they will only take commercially processed meat from an FDA approved processor) so they can use their money on other important projects.
I shoot enought to eat (3to4) and that is it. the law here in this area is stupid. We can not donate to food bank or any other needy cause. there may be disease in the animal so testing need to be done etc BS.

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