Hughes Creek gate update

The wheels of justice do turn, it's just sometimes hard to see them move when they go this slow. Now if the court could go back and sue the landowners for all the wasted tax dollars spent on this it would go along ways in making people think before trying to steal from the public.
Damn slow process but Ravalli County Road Dept. and sheriffs office removed the gate across the county road up Hughes Creek yesterday afternoon.

A story recent story relevant to the issue :

Damn slow process but Ravalli County Road Dept. and sheriffs office removed the gate across the county road up Hughes Creek yesterday afternoon.

A story recent story relevant to the issue :

Any pics or reporting on the actual removal?
I just hope it's the end of it. Went to school with one of the landowners. We'll see. mtmuley
Kudos to Ravalli County Fish & Wildlife Association. They have been diligent and persistent for a long time in protecting this public access. They continually earn the support of Montana sportsmen and women.

Also Montana's Public Land Water Access Association (PLWA) continues to be an integral part of these efforts. If you recreate on public lands and waters in Montana, please support and contribute to these organizations. They are hard at work on your behalf, with obvious successes such as this one.
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