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2014 Fat Off

Booze is the biggest carb out there. Cut the booze and you drop weight quick. I've been mostly dry since the new year and if my wife ever quits making pear pie and butterscotch cookies, I'll realize that benefit.

Science says I need a glass of red wine a day....but those various bottles of bourbon in my cupboard have powerful sorcery. I do better when I ditch the beer and bourbon and stick to wine. With summer upon us, it get's harder to drink red wine.
Maybe I missed it, but is anyone else attempting to get less fat this year?

I went the Oprah route last year by losing 45 pounds bottoming out for hunting season and proceeding to lash about 30 pounds back on during the winter.

Now that it's nice enough to be outside running again I've gotten in a good routine. Did 5 miles last night and will run a 10k on Saturday. I won't be breaking any land speed records but I its more about finishing an keeping events on the horizon to keep me motivated. I'm signed up for a half-marathon in September but I'm looking for another for early July as I believe I should be ready for one by then.

Who else is striving to get into Mankini shape this summer?

Post up a selfie smalls -- ya gotta do the before and after bit!
Hard liquor is lower in carbs (nonexistent in some) than beer or wine.

Agreed, but there are additional benefits to drinking red wine which is a better compromise. When I'm really good, I just drink vodka on the rocks. The sad part of all of it for me is that I have a very reactive body/metabolism. When I exercise, my body reacts, burns fat and I can nearly eat however I want. Yet, I still seem to be overcome by the inertia and struggle to get motivated.

A diet tip my wife tells her patients is to eat "picked or killed". Meaning that if you can't tell what it was when it was picked (fruits and vegetables) or killed (whole cuts of meat) you shouldn't eat it. If you can do this 80% of the time, you are good to go.
I bounce between 180 and 200 and was a few pounds over my max a few months ago. Started running/biking over the past month and dropped back to 190, with a goal to lose at least 10 more. I am signed up to run the Governor's Cup half marathon in mid June in Helena, gonna shoot for under 2 hours but only time will tell...Hopefully a 10K between now and then.

Best of luck to all who are trying to get back to hunting shape, and envious of those of you who manage to maintain it all year round!
The Whispering Pines Trail race in Tyler, Texas. I looked around for about the easiest 50K trail race I could find and that one came close to fitting the bill. It's 3 - 10.3 mile loops with 960' of elevation gain and loss on each loop for just under 3,000' of elevation gain and loss for the entire 31 miles. Not flat by any means, but not 10,000'+ like some of them. Mostly just rollers, I think the biggest hill is about 200' gain over a mile with several other 100' gains throughout and then lots of little stuff.

Weather is my biggest concern, in Mid-May in East Texas it could easily be 85 degrees and 80% humidity by the time the race is over for me. Humidity is going to be a killer because it has been a very dry winter and spring here and I just don't have the opportunity to train in higher humidity at all. I've kind of got a 5 hour benchmark in my head, but I'm not going to be too upset if I go over that, especially it is a warm humid day.

Good luck on your marathon. Any particular time you shooting for?

No particular time. It will be my slowest marathon ever. My guess is 3:35-3:40. In the interest of full disclosure, I am treating it as a training run. (I am running 20 miles the day before the race). My primary race is in June. (Bighorn 50 M). My first 50M. That distance and course has me spooked and paranoid if I am doing enough. (I have ran the 50K there 3 times, but 19 miles more is HUGE!). I have NEVER finished a 50K thinking it would be awesome to run 19 more miles. It is a warped world when you treat a marathon as a training run!

Check in when you are done w/50K. Looking for a race report! :)
Would like to say that bourbon had something to do with it, but I only ended up with four extra pounds after last fall. We stayed away from sugars and snacked on veggies instead of our usual winter crap. I also did the stairs in the office over the winter.
I feel bad after reading this thread. I think I'm in the same boat as 1_pointer except I haven't hit the gym yet. I'm definitely a fat bastard. After a knee injury this winter I've finally gotten back into the groove of things and have zero energy. I think my new position working in the mountains will help. You can't backpack a sixer and chicken wings into The Bob very easily.
I'm going to start another round of P90X as soon as I'm done traveling for work. It will be way more than I can handle but I managed to lose 30lbs in 90days the last time I did it. I'm hoping to be down to 200 for the 2015 hunting season. Maybe I'll even make it to the 2015 Spartan Race.
Anyone tried the juice deal?'s the story: Wife buys a juicer...then about 250 bucks worth of selected fruits and vegetables. Next comes the 3 day 'cleansing'..nothing but gaack tasting liquids extracted from kale, celery, cucumbers, etc....yes, you will be cleansed..and broke. After the juice ordeal you can eat legumes but no bread or sugars and I'll tell you honestly that a bowl of red beans after those 3 days taste like filet mignon. The maintenance aspect is sensible portions, limited alcohol, and common sense food choices. It's been about 6 weeks....223 to 208 so far. 200 to 205 is aimpoint. Have doubled the cardio portion of workout.
6'1" and been at 175-180# for the past 30 yrs, no matter what. Sure could use some cardio though.
I am down 25# since March 7 th. Pretty much cut out all the carbs.......bread, pasta and even the sugar wasn't that hard to cut but I miss the Bud Light......a LOT. I just don't feel like a manly Montana man sipping a vodka soda w/ lime.

Been alternating between riding my bike 5 miles each morning v ( all I have time for) and lifting / jumping jacks/ sit ups. Have also been putting miles on the boots chasing turkeys and bears when I can vet out.

The good news is it is working.....the bad news is that I can't draw my new Bowtech RPM 360..... starting to add a few more carbs back and working the back , chest , and arms more. I have pulled 67 lbs since I was a kid but sure struggle getting it back now.
2 years ago I was pushing 195. I completely gave up pop (which was way out of control) and started a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio daily. Lost my appetite and dropped to 155 and now have my wife trying to get 10 pounds put back on. Just not getting enough calories which I know is not good but working on it.
I feel bad after reading this thread. I think I'm in the same boat as 1_pointer except I haven't hit the gym yet. I'm definitely a fat bastard. After a knee injury this winter I've finally gotten back into the groove of things and have zero energy. I think my new position working in the mountains will help. You can't backpack a sixer and chicken wings into The Bob very easily.
I'm going to start another round of P90X as soon as I'm done traveling for work. It will be way more than I can handle but I managed to lose 30lbs in 90days the last time I did it. I'm hoping to be down to 200 for the 2015 hunting season. Maybe I'll even make it to the 2015 Spartan Race.
Not to fear, there are plenty of good eats on the Good Ship Lollipop! :D

NHY- No way, no how am I trying that! That said, I'm pretty sure I can rent some Taco Bell for 30 min and be plenty 'cleansed'...