Caribou Gear

WY Goats - Round 1


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
I am a bit late posting, but I met my brother and nephew in WY two weeks ago. Thursday was sunny and beautiful and the antelope were out and about. Both my brother and 17 year old nephew had never shot any animal before and were excited. We familiarized them with the rifle and they shot quite well at 100 yards. Over the course of the day, my nephew proceeded to miss a lot of does. The ranges varied from 100-250 yards. He was just too excited and was jerking the trigger. No antelope on the ground Thursday, but lots of fun.

Thursday evening after dark it started to rain and then turned to snow overnight. The weather sucked and it made getting around challenging at best. We found more does to shoot at on Friday, with the same result. Late in the afternoon we saw a nice buck and some does in an area with some rimrock. We decided my brother should try to fill his buck tag. We moved in to 70 yards and waited for a shot. When the buck presented it, my brother put him down instantly. We took a few pics and got back to hunting, as we only had a few hours left in the day.


We got another opportunity at does for my nephew and result was more misses. By the time we got back to the truck he was completely frustrated and deflated. I told him things can happen fast and he could still fill both of his doe tags before sunset. He REALLY didn’t believe me. As we talked and drove on, I spotted another buck and six does in a small valley. They were in a perfect location for a quick stalk. We moved in to 80 yards, got my nephew set up on the bipod, and I reminded him to squeeze the trigger slowly. With his dad watching, he drilled a doe behind the shoulder and put her down. He was in total disbelief!! The herd went a short distanced and stopped. I told him he had another tag and to shoot another one. He did just that!! Que excitement overload for all three of us. Absolutely awesome!



This was an extremely rewarding hunt with some fun memories made. I am headed back to WY tomorrow for Round 2 with Grizzly and Upper Deck. It appears the weather will be as crappy this trip as it was on the first. What is up with that? Regardless, it will be a great hunt with two very funny guys. I will report back next week. Have a great season.
Super awesome! Good job on hooking another two into the sheer fun of hunting pronghorns. Cool looking country to hunt them in.
Nice. Nothing like the adrenaline rush from buck fever (or in the case Doe fever).
Glad to see two new pronghorn hunters brought into the fold. Thanks for helping them, Buschy. Hope good luck follows you upon your return.
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