Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System
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  • Hello,
    I’ve seen you have offered help in the past for unit 45 in NM. I drew the November hunt this year and was wondering if you would be willing to help me? I already have a hunt planned with multiple areas but have some general questions and maybe some insight.
    Thank you
    Never had trouble with vehicles, was concerned the first couple times just because of some questionable characters on the way into the trailheads. I havent noticed much migration of any sort. There is very little elevation above the tree line in 45. I have friends who just got back from NM and said animals were everywhere in the new growth which is just grass. Which season did you draw?
    Okay, really appreciate it. I have the 5-9 so headed out tomorrow. My plan is to backpack high and glass for a few days so we'll see how much snow this storm brings in. From what I've gathered there's no chance for any rut activity yet, but I know its getting north enough to where some bucks may be starting to sniff or do they rut more into December?
    Ive seen bucks with doe this time of year every time Ive hunted New Mexico 45. Cant say its true rut activity as far as active chasing but they have always been in the vicinity of and with doe. If I found doe, thats where I would start. I will say the truly big bucks I have seen in 45 were in deep and dark woods except for the 15 minutes before dark.
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