Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

WWII Roe deer???


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
My Grandfather:


Grandpa was a character like no other. He had 3, what I believe to be roe deer, that he killed while in Germany during WWII.

Since there seems to be some people that have hunted them, just want to confirm.

Not entirely sure where he killed them, how he found time to hunt while there during the war, and not quite sure how in the hell he got them home?

But, he told me he shot quite a number of them and that they were pretty fair eating.

Anyway, my Brother and I each have one of them, total custom display/mount by my Grandpa:


Apparently he shot this one in 10/1943:


Another look:

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Way cool, thanks for sharing.

Was he a Missoulian?

Based on those dates, I would imagine he took it in England, not Germany.

Unless there is something you want to tell us about which uniform he wore. :)

He wore the right uniform:


I know he spent most of 1945 in Germany, liberating concentration camps...shocking photos of that.
He wore the right uniform:


I know he spent most of 1945 in Germany, liberating concentration camps...shocking photos of that.

A good man.

Sounds a lot like my grandfather. He liberated Buchenwald and ended up with a photo album from an ss officer and rolls of photos of the actrocities. God bless those men & women who suffered, and those who liberated them.
Cool stuff, growing up a guy who had a cabin close to ours he spent time liberating Germany in '45 was a guard at Neuemburg in '46. He was a salty Norwegian that could tell stories for days regarding his time in Europe...truly the greatest generation.

I'm also thinking you're right about the deer being taken in England. I talked to my Dad today and he said Grandpa spent a lot of time there as well.

Still not quite sure how he got the antlers back...or how he carted them around while there???

Sounds like something I would do though...cant leave a set of antlers just laying in the woods.
Great thread, he did well.
A real challenge to stalk, i do wonder where he shot them though.
They are a real tasty venison, it's what i had for dinner today.
We thank him and all before and after for their service..

I know not game animals but, My brothers in Vietnam had pictures of snakes and huge rats they had fun chasing. Farm boys just do not know better I guess.
My Dad was all over Europe during WWII and mentioned that many times guys would go out and shoot a bunch of those roe deer to help feed the troops.
Nice keepsake! Hoping to get one for myself this summer. Just not sure how to get it home.
Thanks for sharing. Neat stuff.

I spent quite a bit of time with a WWII vet when I lived in MD. He had some wild stories about hunting in France and Germany for stag. Usually more of a road hunt, stuff it in the back of a jeep and haul ass back to camp.

I think you'd be surprised as to what those guys got home with. The guy I knew sent home care packages regularly... usually in the form of a barreled mauser actions.

I miss that guy, he was sure a charcter, and endeavored things that I wouldn't ever want to witness. He was the last surviving member of his company, as I recall he was one of 40 survivors, out of 140 in his company. So much history and change during those days, very fastenating.

His family was from Gettysburg and had some serious history there as well. One thing he could talk for hours aboit was hunting the big woods of Maine for big bucks.

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