Veteran's Day Thank You

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Tomorrow, November 11th, being Veteran's Day, I want to thank all who have served, all who are serving, and those families who make such great sacrifice in support of those serving. Thank you all, past and present.

Nothing I can type here can properly convey my gratitude for those who have served and sacrificed on my behalf. I hope all will take time tomorrow to think about and honor those to whom we owe so much.

God bless all our Veterans and your families.
...Nothing I can type here can properly convey my gratitude for those who have served and sacrificed on my behalf. I hope all will take time tomorrow to think about and honor those to whom we owe so much.

God bless all our Veterans and your families.

No need to change a word spoken. Thank you.
Spccial thoughts for our members like EODRay who are in the suck right now. Safe missions and quick passage home!! I want to say a special note about my personal military inspiration. My Grandpa (currently 97) is a Battle of the Bulge vet and still kicking. He is one of the hardest, most resolute men I have ever known. Every time I have been in a tough situation I have thought "What would Grandpa do?" That being said, he has alway been there for me and personally esured that I graduated from college on time. He split his own firewood until he was 90 and my uncle started bringing it pre split :) , he drank Colt 45 with a little salt and has spent his life as a patriot. His name is Russell (Frank) Harris and I am lucky to have his genes. Blessing and thanks to all of our vets!!!
My brother and I both hope we have dad's genes. This was his last trip with us when he was 91. Never, never, ever talked about WWII and we never pressed. If we turn out half the man he was.....

Love and respect to all who have served, are serving and especially those spending this upcoming season in harms way and away from family. Your sacrifices are truly appreciated and not taken lightly.


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I am proud of what I do and would choose no other path. The support for the military these days is pretty good. I never feel looked down on for what I do. It has not always been so. I often think of those in Viet Nam vets and those of other conflicts that were not always treated with the honor and respect they deserved. So I would like to give a heart felt thank you to all of those who forged the way before my time and given me the opportunity to continue protecting the country that I love so much. It is far from perfect and I feel we have strayed from our original path……but I still feel like we live in the greatest county on earth. God bless America!
I pay tribute to my late father , Joseph Murtagh Jr. , a veteran of Attu, Okinawa, Saipan, Leyte Gulf. I pay tribute to my late grandfather , Joseph Murtagh Sr., called back to the U.S. Navy after Pearl Harbor after 30 years of service. To all members of the United States Armed Forces, past and present, our best and finest citizens. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. - an Irish blessing
I thank all the veterans who served and honor my Grand Father Elwood "Buck" Cole USN, WWII, My brothers Steve Cole USMC, Matt Cole and Zach Cole US Army. They all have served and some remain on duty in Afghanistan.

God Bless and stay safe.

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