So, anybody going to Billings in March? (grazing)


Dec 23, 2000
Gee, I think it would be about half and half here with folks wanting to speak for and against this. We could have a Sportsman's Issues gathering!

"The Bush administration on Thursday proposed rolling back several Clinton-era restrictions on cattle grazing...proposals would:

Allow ranchers to hold property interests in the fences, stock ponds and equipment they put on publicly owned land.

Require the BLM to take the local culture and economy into account when doing environmental studies of grazing on federal land.

Streamline the appeals process for grazing decisions.

Extend to five years the amount of time a grazing allotment can go ungrazed before a rancher loses it under so-called "use it or lose it" rules.

"The administration is to release the details of its plan in early February and will hold hearings on the proposals in March in Albuquerque; Reno, Nev.; Billings, Mont.; and Washington."

Full Story Here

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Require the BLM to take the local culture and economy into account when doing environmental studies of grazing on federal land.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I guess I would ask for clarification of that, because that one kind of annoys me. An environmental study is just that: a study of the environment. What does it mean to take "local culture and economy into account?" If local culture called for burning the whole thing to cinders every year, would that make it OK for the environment because it's part of the culture?
That smacks of politics.
Yep, dg, that's what I thought!
Bush's administration is really pushing for the rolling back of many NEPA and EA regs.
1-pointer, did you expect anything less?

Destroy the environment, have unemployment at a new high, tank the economy, lose Bin Laden, and piss off the world over beating up Iraq.

Batting 100 percent, just like Daddy.
And your boy Gore would have been better???
The economy right now is where it's at directly because of Klinton!!!
Bin Lauden is still loose because of Klinton!!!
Just because a few of the over operesive environmental restrictions are being lifted does by no means mean the world is comming to an end. Maybe your world. Why do you think the economy is grinding to a halt?
Iraq gets every thing it deserves, and probably not near as much as it should get..Beat up, that's just silly. Oh yea, your in that limited crowd that thinks we the U.S. is just a big bully that pics on others..By all your comments, you must have never been to a third world country, or if you have, never opened up your eyes to actually witness what their gov. has done to the people that live there....
ELKCHSR quote: By all your comments, you must have never been to a third world country, or if you have, never opened up your eyes to actually witness what their gov. has done to the people that live there....


Alot of folks who don't like this admin have no clue what is happening beyond their backyard let alone the rest of the world!
Remember those over oppressive environmental laws are why we now have bald eagles, cleaner air and water, etc. You don't think GWs rolling those back to help out his and his cronies pocketbook do you? I'm not sure Gore would be doing all that much better of a job, but IMO GW's record is much less than stellar. Voting in that election was picking the the lesser of two evils. Both candidates sucked. The economy is just going in cycles like everything else, it will heal itself. Right?

BTW, I've been to a third world country, Jamaica.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-04-2003 10:16: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Jez Buzz,

You make the Hollywood Idiots look like a bunch of Rush Limbaugh wannabes! Thanks for clearing up your position. Just what is it that you do for a living?

Paul, I mostly hunt.

When I'm not doing that, I'm dealing with Natural Resource Management.

I dont hold a candle to Rush...that idiot.

By the way, what part of that previous post is untrue?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Remember those over oppressive environmental laws are why we now have bald eagles, cleaner air and water, etc. You don't think GWs rolling those back to help out his and his cronies pocketbook do you? I'm not sure Gore would be doing all that much better of a job, but IMO GW's record is much less than stellar. Voting in that election was picking the the lesser of two evils. Both candidates sucked. The economy is just going in cycles like everything else, it will heal itself. Right <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The law's that were laid down in the time of bringing back the birds of prey and cleaning up the water weren't over oppressive, some would have thought so, but in reality they weren't. Now though, the individuals that sit and make up the rules have gotten into micro managing every little piece of ground in some areas and it has gotten way out of control…
His record is only not stellar in your eyes, because no matter what the man does, you will criticize his decisions because he is not of your party and nothing more. He started off by giving the Democrats every almost every thing they asked for, but of course that’s not enough, they are still trying to stab him in the back and undermine every thing he does. Yes the country is going in cycles, according to a "few" the rules and every thing hadn't gotten far enough to the left. In reality the pendulum had fortunately hit as far as it was going and is now on a swing back to center.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I dont hold a candle to Rush...that idiot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And again I say as before most on here would remember, call the man and clear up his wrongful thoughts!!!! You’re smart enough, so you continually say. You actually have to listen to what some one has to say to know if what they are talking about is right or not, not what you hear second hand or assume...: rolleyes:
ELkchsr said, "Now though, the individuals that sit and make up the rules have gotten into micro managing every little piece of ground in some areas and it has gotten way out of control…"

Please provide some proof of that, or can you?

Elkchsr said, "His record is only not stellar in your eyes, because no matter what the man does, you will criticize his decisions because he is not of your party and nothing more."

Wrong again, making shit up arent you. Theres plenty of people, from all parties, that dont think your boy is doing all that well. I agree its a thankless job, but he is no more than a whore to the oil industry.

Elkchsr said,"He started off by giving the Democrats every almost every thing they asked for, but of course that’s not enough, they are still trying to stab him in the back and undermine every thing he does."

Again can you provide any proof of this? What did he "give" to the democrats? Proof Elkchsr, Proof, anything less is, what is it you always say, LIP SERVICE.

You need to get away from the a.m. radio and the EIB network, its rotting your brain.
Elkchsr- For one, I do not have any affilitation with any political party. For that's too broad. I vote for whom I feel will deal the best with issues I find important. I could give a damn less if they were Republican, Democrat, or from Mars! I am not a sheep!

I don't think the laws are oppressive. There are still MANY companies making while operating within the law. Companies come and go, the average lifespan for a Fortune 500 company is just under 40yrs. How long will society depend on environmental quality?

I am going to say the wrong part of your post is that you spend most of your time hunting. I would think most of your free time would be spent sitting in a tree! Good guess?

Whoever is in power gets to make the rules...
democracy is 50%+1 gets over the rest.
power and money, if you have the money to buy power you'd better do it. Then control the power to prevent someone else from taking from you.
Paul, I get out once or twice a year to hunt. Usually at least 3 days on a good year.

It was tough between sitting in a tree, chaining myself to the Regional Office in Missoula with the other hippies, and feeling the ferns and trying to get any time to hunt...It was a really hectic schedule.

But I did manage 2 pronghorns in Wyoming, a buck mule deer in Wyoming, 2 elk in Wyoming, a whitetail buck in MT an elk in MT, and a javelina in AZ. I also helped my Dad and Brother take Wyoming antelope and MT whitetail. I also helped my buddy from AZ take a good mule deer in WY and his first WT in MT. Oh, almost forgot, I also helped my wife take her best antelope to date and a buck mule deer too. So I was able to unlock the chains and crawl down once in a while.

I'm a true multi-tasker.
I sure hope ya bought Nonres tags somewhere, sure don't want ya getting pinched for being a res in that many states.
LA, you mean you cant buy resident tags in two or three states? Oh shit!

Just funnin, yeah I had the MT NR combo license this last year, as well as a NR Archery pig tag, I've been building points in AZ for other species. So, It thought I may as well get some hunting in if I'm going to buy the NR license anyway.