Caribou Gear Tarp

So, anybody going to Billings in March? (grazing)

Buzz I want to go hunting with you
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ELkchsr said, "Now though, the individuals that sit and make up the rules have gotten into micro managing every little piece of ground in some areas and it has gotten way out of control…"

Please provide some proof of that, or can you? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I will go back to Washington again, because that is where I saw the most of it..
The have some one that is hired to just drive around and watch to see if you are cutting any trees with out all the proper permits. The trees are "ALL" on private property, they is usually a need for them to come down, and if they are growing in any "Native Growth" species, then special permits and lots of paper work ensue. Native growth consists of any thing that was here 40 years ago or longer, in there book. I had for example six small fir that were long tall and spindly that needed to come down because there was Laminated Root Rot in the roots.( For those not in the know, this is a fungus that gets into the root systems of Hemlocks and Douglas fir and rots the roots off. Then the trees just fall over when the wind blows). But because these trees had a few pieces of Salal growing around them, (This is a true native, and in the right environs, grows very well by rhizomes) They had come up after the dozing around the trees to make a yard, then the ground was let go. I had to do a half a mountain of paper work and pay a fee, I fully understand what it was all really all about, the paper work was for this goofball to justify his existence and the fee was meant to help subsidize his paycheck since Wa. can’t enact any more tax hikes with out a super majority to help fund this office. Now this is not by any means a single situation in that area.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elkchsr said, "His record is only not stellar in your eyes, because no matter what the man does, you will criticize his decisions because he is not of your party and nothing more."

Wrong again, making shit up aren’t you. There are plenty of people, from all parties, that dont think your boy is doing all that well. I agree it’s a thankless job, but he is no more than a whore to the oil industry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
No Buzz!!!
This is where you are just babbling again... There was a very long and grueling thread last year that you and I went thru, that is long enough gone that you know that it probably can't be brought back up. It is where you stated a lot of propaganda and hype that you had no first hand knowledge of, just what you found somewhere. For those that didn't know, he had some big issues about the Rush Limbaugh show, so I called him on it to call the man himself and talk to him about all of his transgressions. I don't think I need to personally talk for Rush, when he can do such a good job himself. Well long story short, Buzz never did. Just kept spouting and touting fluff and stuff and never did get the nerve to get the info that he is so sure is wrong in his (Buzz) eyes from the source. Matter of fact, I can almost 100% guarantee that if Buzz called Rush, he would be moved right up to the front of the line and get to state his case first, because this is what Rush does with those that don't agree...
If you want proof on this Buzz, just do it, don't give lip service and spout garbage about some one that you won't ask them to their face...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elkchsr said,"He started off by giving the Democrats every almost every thing they asked for, but of course that’s not enough, they are still trying to stab him in the back and undermine every thing he does."

Again can you provide any proof of this? What did he "give" to the democrats? Proof Elkchsr, Proof, anything less is, what is it you always say, LIP SERVICE. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Lets see, you must not listen to much of the news at all, or you are so busy looking under rocks for what ever you don't get to hear much, by the way, did you know one of the space shuttles just blew up? He even had Ted Kennedy in the White House for a movie and popcorn after he first got in office, found out what he wanted and implemented quite a few things, matter of fact all the things that GW put into place shut the Democrats down and took away the little drums they were beating. That is one of the reasons the only thing they have left is to criticize GW; they have no real issues left.
GO BUSH---------------------
Common sense is back in the WhiteHouse.
Go KICK ASS before its to late.
Im sure Gore would handle it better LOL
More Under the Table bull crap like Clinton

(Both in and out of the Whitehouse!!!!)
News correspondant and Political analysis expert ELKCHSR...thanks for all the "misinformataion".

Where do you come up with this stuff?
Hey Buzz,

You need to leave a few critters out there for the wolves to eat.

ELKCHSR is spot on with his annalysis and you know it! That's why you are so bent out of shape and acting like you got into a bad batch of mushrooms. Go do a couple of bong hits with the Buffalo Hippies and chill out dude!

Paul, I forgot to mention that in my first post, my affiliation with the buffalo hippies. That took away a few more days of my hunting time.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> News correspondant and Political analysis expert ELKCHSR...thanks for all the "misinformataion".

Where do you come up with this stuff? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well from Rush of course!!!