Rambling on and on


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
So here is my deep thought for the day, okay I used it all up let’s say my deep thought for a month.

I saw a brand spanking new elk calf May 26th, it was several hundred yards off and although not wet, it was still getting use to its legs. Only a couple hours old I’d guess. On the 27th I also noticed several yearling elk walking around looking lonely.

Handy Google gives me a gestation period of 240-262 days for the lovely Wapiti. Let’s make it easy and pick the middle at 251 days. Some elk breeder’s web site list 255 days so 251 days sounds reasonable.

So with some fuzzy math that makes the conception date of September 17th. Now September 17th I was in the same area packing out my elk. I was done around 2:30pm in the afternoon so I was not there in the evening. But the night of the 15th, 16th and morning of the 17th you could have heard more bugling in downtown Denver. It was near silence with just a couple really early in the morning. The only bull I heard going bonkers was on September 15th at 11:15am and that rukus got him a Carbon Express through the lungs and yes, sadly he was not a herd bull.

September 16th was the new moon. Although the weather was not hot I wouldn’t say the temps were cool.

So what is my point? I’m guessing that if you were there hunting on the 17th you would have proclaimed there is no rut, or the rut is late, or the rut is over and posted it all over the WWW;):D

I wish I would have stayed the week instead of going back to work and I’d have more deep thoughts!
Unless someone can come up with a better gestation period and prove that I’m absolutely full of bologna:D
Why be loud and obnoxious, thereby inviting a bunch of guys to come over for a beer, when you got the sweet goods all to yourself? A good time to keep your mouth shut.
Wow Dink, are you a little bored? I like the math and it sounds reasonable to me. I would imagine that that is the time period where some sneaky little raghorns do their best work. Get to the ladies before the big guys get fired up.
If it was 246 days you'd be at Sept 22 which could be a huge difference. My guess is the gestation period has variables, and Mr. Wapati is getting down to business before he starts boasting about it.
What's the date of when you see most new born calves or at least those
that have been dropped within the last few days.

Working back can be a good way to highlight conception dates and often if there are a
few cows and calves together in a group you can see the size difference between those calves
that were conceived on first cycle and those on the second oestrus period.

Our red deer I believe are 18-21 days between cycles, not sure on your elk,
but I'd assume they would be similar as the two are closely related and hybrid easily.
So, You think one of those calves and you are related????? Well, I just don't judge people once I cross the Canadian River Dink. John LOL
I noticed a week ago that all the big cows disappeared, and I hope they are all out there having their new calves. Lots of yearlings left behind trying to figure out how to cross Hwy 93.
You're assuming that all these elk were the same ones that were in the area you hunted on the 16th. Just a thought that maybe these moved into this area to winter and calve and might have been in another drainage getting jiggy on the 16th.
I think you're line of thinking is right.

As a bowhunter though, does it really matter when the actual in out-in out is? I just want them riled up.
To be honest, this is probably the most interesting observation I have read in awhile. To add to your thoughts-our synchronized cattle usually calf within 5 days of the due date.
Not sure if there's any correlation to the OP but of the 9 bulls I've killed with the bow - 8 were on Sept 17th and 18th. 1 was the 21st........................


I totally agree, something always seems to happen between the 15th-and 17th of September everywhere I've ever been hunting elk. It is one of the reasons I chose to burn my Colorado points this year on a Muzzloader tag which starts the 14th of September.
What's the date of when you see most new born calves or at least those
that have been dropped within the last few days.

Working back can be a good way to highlight conception dates and often if there are a
few cows and calves together in a group you can see the size difference between those calves
that were conceived on first cycle and those on the second oestrus period.

I don't get out enough to answer that question. I do believe May 26th is early. May 25th is the earliest I've ever seen a new calf.

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