Sitka Pre Season Savings

Pics from the office this week

Great photos.

What is the temperature? We are having a cold snap up here in AK like you had a few weeks ago.
Thanks for taking the time for some neat pics Miller...pretty sweet per diem IMO.
am not getting rich, but I do like my job.

I'll remember you said that! ;)

Great pics! Thanks for sharing...

From some of the comments you've made lately miller, it sounds like gas development is on your horizon. If you've got to deal with that crap, you might as well be getting rich doing it.;)
Data collection is part of the RMP least that is what I am selling the boss.

This is the first real winter we have had over here in some time, so I am trying to take full advantage of the situation. RMP season up here as well, but on the downhill slide.

If you you need a break from the RMP, I can put up with a fish squeezer for a day or two. I need to find more sage grouse, but with snow depths, I might be limited to main roads and where I can walk. You are more than welcome.

Oak, gas development keeps me plenty busy already.:D Since we suspended leasing in light of a Malloy decision it is not crazy, but as soon as the RMP ROD is signed, lookout.:D
Oak, gas development keeps me plenty busy already.:D Since we suspended leasing in light of a Malloy decision it is not crazy, but as soon as the RMP ROD is signed, lookout.:D

Well, more power to you if you like that sort of thing. I guess somebody has to do it. ;)
mtmiller, great photos as usual. Man, I don't know about this winter around these parts. It's been pretty brutal so far and more snow is in the forecast. Might be a lot of dead animals before too long if things don't let up.
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