Montana Whitetails - Hope they cooperate!

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Oak is driving to Montana tomorrow, and we are meeting in eastern Montana to film a whitetail episode. Had planned on hunting some river bottom areas by boat, but given the reports of blue tongue outbreak in the areas I had in mind, we are instead heading to some country far from the rivers.

I have seen some decent bucks in those areas, but the densities are not like in the rivers. The good news is that the bucks you find are usually worth the effort. Or, at least I hope so.

There are enough mule deer in those areas to make it interesting. Not sure what I will do if a big mule deer steps in my sights. Hmmmm?

Oak claims to have never shot a whitetail, so he gets first dibs. But, if he hesitates too long, he will lose out.

Hope we find something good for Oak to shoot. I will probably shoot the first forkie I see, but may wait for a three pointer. :D

I know we have cell coverage from this location, so I will be doing updates.

Rumor has it that some guy from Wisconsin will be in the neighborhood for a couple days, so we might get to see Mr. Schmalts while he is in Montana.

We will not be too far from the creek bottoms where this buck was taken by my son a few years ago, but will be on public land this time. I would take another one, just like it. And, I expect Oak would settle for one like that, also.

Good Luck Finn and Oak. It should be a good time. You better both be blazing at any big muleys you see. I already have the small muley episode covered. Maybe you can swing by and see if Big Hank is still around. Let him know that he was dang lucky that I couldn't read a map correctly. I think he's still alive. Heck that whitetail I saw would of been a shooter for sure. Remember what Ol' Joe would do.;)
Where abouts in Eastern, Montana?

South of the Interstate. How is that for specifics ;)? Don't want to come up your way and ruin your hunting by showing it on TV. Wouldn't be long, and you would have to bring your own rock to stand on.
Randy, you guys will probably be done and gone by the time I get there Sunday. If not, I am sure we will cross paths and I will drink you out of beer some night. BTW, i don't know if you got my email off your gmail account or not. Check it if you can. I may need some help if I get a deer in a real bad place. It seems a broken rib and or fractured sternum do not heal too fast... Haven't even attempted to put on a heavy pack and just to lay down to shoot prone was a real chore yesterday at the range.
I am too old for mountain biking crap besides sucking at it. Falling down on your bike and getting speared in the chest with the bars is not the preferred way to crash, so I am told. Fun
South of the Interstate. How is that for specifics ;)? Don't want to come up your way and ruin your hunting by showing it on TV. Wouldn't be long, and you would have to bring your own rock to stand on.

WAAAY to late for that, our friends at Real Tree have seen to that already. Hmmm South of the Interstate nice area. Good luck and hope Oak can get an 9 pointer or even an 11 pointer on film. :D

Randy, you guys will probably be done and gone by the time I get there Sunday. If not, I am sure we will cross paths and I will drink you out of beer some night. BTW, i don't know if you got my email off your gmail account or not. Check it if you can. I may need some help if I get a deer in a real bad place. It seems a broken rib and or fractured sternum do not heal too fast... Haven't even attempted to put on a heavy pack and just to lay down to shoot prone was a real chore yesterday at the range.
I am too old for mountain biking crap besides sucking at it. Falling down on your bike and getting speared in the chest with the bars is not the preferred way to crash, so I am told. Fun

You tried to take the Training wheels off again, didn't ya! Dang. John;)
Talked to Oak just before he left. Good luck. Hope to see some pics of a nice one.
Saw three nice bucks tonight, but the camera guys didn't get here until after dark. And, they were muleys, so they were safe.

Ready to go get 'em in the morning.
Today was a day of "Could have beens." When the footage of today is played, you guys will wonder what the heck this filming stuff is all about.

Oak and I split up this morning. One camera going with each of us. He will have to post how it went for him, but he did not see many whitetails. He was in the mule deer nest.

I saw plenty. We had a very nice 130'ish buck come right to us. When he was in the open, the camera angle was blocked by the brush in front. When the camera had a clear angle, brush blocked my view. Result, a buck still running around out there, wondering what all the commotion was on that ridge across from him.

Not sure we have ever had such a good opportunity where things went so strange. I could have shot through some small twigs, but thinking he would move five feet and have an unobstructed shot, I passed when Loren was telling me he was on the buck. Maybe I am trying to have everything come together just perfectly, and as such, messing it up. But, we want to get the best footage possible, and you don't get to re-do it, once the buck is on the ground.

When I left this evening there were six does in this basin, so I am hoping that come morning, the bucks will be back to pay the girls a visit. Hope so. Trying to talk Oak into going into this spot with me, so he could shoot the first whitetail, but being the independent mind he is, I think he wants to find some more spots.

Sounds like we could have a regular Hunt Talk gathering this weekend. Got emails from quite a few guys who are over this way hunting. Thinking Sunday night might be "beer and pizza" on Fin's tab. Looking forward to it.

More tomorrow. Buck pics, hopefully.
Good Luck in the morning. Heck I'll be out there for Rootbeer and Pizza if that's what's going on.;) The whitetails are rutting hard on S. 3rd here in Bozeman if all else fails. I about got one with the Chevy today.

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