Caribou Gear Tarp

Holy Horse S#!t!!!!


Well-known member
May 12, 2006
Somewhere in Montana
While trying to earn some brownie points with the wife, so I can go bear hunting....I was folding some laundry and turned on the Sportsman Channel.

They REALLY need to put some more thought on what kind of garbage they put on the air. Survive The Hunt is likely the worst, most nauseating show I have ever seen. Todays episode had our super tactical ninja host hunting "stone sheep" in South Dakota. GI Jackhole started the show by explaining the mission "Operation Stone", which includes him sleeping on the ground, and attempting to eliminated his target with archery and rifle gear. They refer to these exotic sheep as Stone Sheep several times, and proceeded to chase, wound, and eventually kill these little fellers while stealthily maneuvering through herds of grazing buffalo...all while completely decked out with ruck sacks, sleeping pads and Uber tactical radio headsets.

They finish the show by scaling a dangerous cliff to slay the desert dragon.....after a quick patrol of the area the target was again eliminated. I wasn't sure they were gonna make it, but Reaper 01 always triumphs in the face of hopeless adversity.

Not sure who should be more offended by this show....hunters or soldiers. Definitely not doing either group much of a favor by putting this joker on TV.

Sorry for the rant....stuff like this just turns my stomach.
Seems like most of the time I check the hunting/outdoor networks there is nothing but fishing shows on for some reason.
Think "The Voice" in greasepaint, carnival barkers, and weaponry.

....but less blood.
Unfortunately the nonhunting general public sees this and they think this is what hunting is. Then you have A LOT of so called hunters seeing this and going out and mimicking this behavior. I wrote off all but 2 hunting shows several years ago when an episode of the boneheaded collectors where archery hunting tamed goats. It was pitiful how they were calling them "wild goats" as they ran them off the salt block so they could arrow one.
I don't get the Sportsman Channel, and have never seen the show, but I think you should send your post in the form of a letter to them and tell them what you think. I had to write the great David Morris of Tecomate Whitetails once when I couldn't stomach what they did on an episode with some unsafe hunting practices. Of course they didn't reply, but maybe it made a difference. maybe. not.
I do a lot worse things than folding laundry.... all for a good cause though. A good boy has to do his chores before he can go out and play.

In fact I am getting my stuff together to go chase booboo now.... if I could just find my good hunting knife, you know the one with fish hooks in the handle and a big compass on the end of it. Oh yeah, also need to find my map with all the intel on yogi's AO, so I can identify a suitable LZ to infiltrate and successfully "dominate my prey" and "eliminate" the mountain monster with extreme prejudice.

Whisper 01 ....OUT!
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Before this gets too out of hand.... let me just say once and for all, I have the utmost respect for those who serve... I spent some time in BDU's myself.

I just think the premise of this show is incredibly laughable. Hunting high fence ranches.... sleeping in a hole within sight of a big lodge, drinking out of puddles when you know the truck is just out of frame... Pretending to scale dangerous cliffs to save several "Kliks" of hiking.... all while chasing tame goats in a pen for $900 a day. What a joke.
The worst one I have seen yet is something called NOCK. He shoots a moose in the hind quarter. Then says well it was a little far back but a good hit. Oh and the moose was dead a few yards away. I will bet he was gun shot after stupid screwed up his bow shot.

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