Gunshow Loophole

Wow. I never thought I'd see so little critical thought on this page. Maybe we can all figure out which liberties we collectively should give up with the promise of security. Most of you in this thread would be the first to sign up! Unbelievable!

This is not a gun issue. It is a cultural and spiritual issue we are facing.

I will not concede any liberty or freedom in the hope that evil men might abide or be hindered by the same restrictions.

I know many of you are liberals, but at least try to think critically.

Historically, gun control laws don't reduce crime. So what would you be trying to do by introducing more gun control laws? Not a good idea.
So, how would this psychopath with no "documented" history of mental illness have been stopped from purchasing the same weapon. He would have been able to purchase this long-rifle with a 24 hour background check. I just don't see how stricter gun control is going to solve the problem. I know this is a sad issue involving kids and I don't want to sound insensitive. There were over 10,000 fatalities related to drunk driving surely involving many children...should we ban cars or start a more strict buying process. Should someone who drinks too much not be able to buy a car?? I just feel like that if he didn't have a gun, he would have brought a bomb ending with similar results. Then what?

The worst school masacre ever in the US was in 1927 in Michigan, a man used explosives to blow up a school, 38 people died.

Out of a population of over 300 million these incidents are rare but that doesn't help the ones involved when they do happen.
Wow. I never thought I'd see so little critical thought on this page. Maybe we can all figure out which liberties we collectively should give up with the promise of security. Most of you in this thread would be the first to sign up! Unbelievable!

This is not a gun issue. It is a cultural and spiritual issue we are facing.

I will not concede any liberty or freedom in the hope that evil men might abide or be hindered by the same restrictions.

I know many of you are liberals, but at least try to think critically.


On the money. It is amazing how fast people will give up their rights to be politically correct. Where do you stop giving up rights once you start? This is just what BO has been wanting since he materialized. He wants total power and what better to get there than to start pushing gun bans. Anybody that thinks he will stop with the assault rifles, probably voted for the idiot to start with.

Nebraska requires a firearms purchase permit in order to buy firearms. It works real well, as you can walk into any gun store and buy a gun IMMEDIATELY. Your background check has already been done by the local authorities in the process of getting the permit. Most people require the permit to be shown for private purchases of handguns. Here, it costs $5 and is good for three years.

Ammo bans will be next.
Wow. I never thought I'd see so little critical thought on this page. Maybe we can all figure out which liberties we collectively should give up with the promise of security. Most of you in this thread would be the first to sign up! Unbelievable!

This is not a gun issue. It is a cultural and spiritual issue we are facing.

I will not concede any liberty or freedom in the hope that evil men might abide or be hindered by the same restrictions.

I know many of you are liberals, but at least try to think critically.


Bout sums it up for me
Thank you shortside, for your concise, cut to the chase observation! It's gratifying to see and read an actual comment here that states the obvious!!!!!!
CT has the 4th strictest gun laws in the nation. The shooter had crazy eyes just like the Tucson and Aurora shooters. Reminds me of Charlie Manson eyes. His family and many other knew he was nuts. His Mom bought the guns legally. Pass a law just like the felon law that if you have a mentally ill person in the house it is illegal to have a gun on premise. If liberals could enter your hoime and confiscate every gun you have they would do it today. Read the Constitution and don't whore it out for any reason.
A police officer was shot in NC yesterday during a traffic stop by a convicted felon.Somehow,this
felon got a handgun when the law says he cant! I dont think another law will stop this kind of tragedy
if some evil person is intent to kill others.
Wow. I never thought I'd see so little critical thought on this page. Maybe we can all figure out which liberties we collectively should give up with the promise of security. Most of you in this thread would be the first to sign up! Unbelievable!

This is not a gun issue. It is a cultural and spiritual issue we are facing.

I will not concede any liberty or freedom in the hope that evil men might abide or be hindered by the same restrictions.

I know many of you are liberals, but at least try to think critically.


None of the gun laws will work to stop this kind of activity. If it could work, this wouldnt be an issue. All these kind of laws do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves. The question that needs to be asked, is how many people would have died if the shooter was confronted with an armed, trained principle and armed, trained teachers? Instead of a country in morning for the loss of innocent lives we would be rejoicing in a real protection policy that actually worked.

The fact is there are sheep, wolves and sheep dogs. Take away the sheep dogs and the wolves will feast on the sheep until one day, there is nothing but wolves feeding on wolves.
I personally would not be in favor of creating background check laws for personal sales or sales at a gun show. I have never been charged or convicted of a felony, I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness nor charged with domestic violence. I have a license to practice medicine, a DEA license to prescribe medicine and a concealed carry permit and a valid passport. Yet I am "delayed" every time I attempt to purchase a firearm. I have never been "denied" purchase of a firearm, they simply make me wait 3 days to pick it up. Every single time, regardless of gun type. Is there are a lot of criminals purchasing Benelli Super Black Eagles? I am sure there are lots of sales of Browning stainless stalkers in 325wsm to gangbangers and drug dealers right? I do not own nor ever purchased and AR type of weapon, so surely I should not be on some type of secret government data base that monitors such things? I have had friends who are police officers run a background check on me and they come up with nothing.

This is no real big deal when puchasing a brand new gun, I don't "need" the firearm right that minute. But changing the law to make me have a background check for every private purchase or purchase/trade at a gun show would essentially put me at a point where a private sale or a gun show is essentially a complete waste of the sellers time. I am not in favor of making it more difficult for responsible people to obtain firearms.

Now many of you would probably ask, really, if changing this law saved even one life, wouldn't you be willing to give up the ability to have a private gun sale or go buy something at the gun show? Yes, I would, but me giving this up truly does not answer to the greatest question and the answer to what is truly the problem. There needs to be active attempts to diagnose and treat/commit people who are prone to commit these crimes of mass murder. Let's all be honest, the guy could have chosen many other ways in which to have achieved even more deaths, we all know it, yet we continue to blame the gun, the completely inanimate object, while very unfortunately many people suffering from mental illness and are quite capable of being the next headline are roaming our streets.

Put my tax money into safer schools, and better treatment and diagnosis/commitment of mental illness. Not into making it more difficult for law abiding citizens who have been background checked to death to buy firearms. End of rant.
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Historically, gun control laws don't reduce crime. So what would you be trying to do by introducing more gun control laws? Not a good idea.

Show me.

But let's compare apples to apples. Not guns to knives.

I think it's a huge mistake to view this as Dems versus reps. You will have urban r's who feel they have to vote for this e cause their districts are not strong conservative. This is really more of an urban versus rural issue, IMO.

To those who think that closing the loophole is wrong, what's the solution? Everybody is saying that we need to fix the mental health side of things. How do you fix that?

The reality is this: Pelosi has the votes to institute a ban on extended capacity magazines and is close on reinstating the awb. I am not sure about the senate, but I think you can count on at least 45 D's and enough R's to make everyone nervous.
How easy do people really need it to be to buy guns? I have purchased probably a dozen guns in my life (all have been long guns), and I've never had to wait more than 30 minutes from the time I said I want this gun to the time I left the store with the gun in my hand. With the exception of handguns, this is about as difficult as it is to purchase a gun in this country. I've never bought a gun at a gunshow but from what I'm gathering, it's even easier than that.

My concern is that there are enough legally purchased guns that are used to commit horrible crimes that it one day may ruin it for the rest of us. People like Jared Loughner and James Holmes should have never been able to legally purchase firearms. I understand that this may open up plenty of extremists talking about further invasions of privacy and a reduction in our rights. And I know those further restrictions may result in some folks being unable to purchase guns that should, and I know it won't guarantee that it'll eliminate every mass shooting from ever taking place again.

But frankly, if you think that we shouldn't do all we can to eliminate the possibility of these nut jobs legally purchasing firearms (I'm not talking illegally, and I'm not talking about eliminating firearms)...then I can't take you seriously.
CT has the 4th strictest gun laws in the nation. The shooter had crazy eyes just like the Tucson and Aurora shooters. Reminds me of Charlie Manson eyes. His family and many other knew he was nuts. His Mom bought the guns legally. Pass a law just like the felon law that if you have a mentally ill person in the house it is illegal to have a gun on premise.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed his eyes, cripes!

I cannot even fathom how that lady thought it was a good idea to have weapons around her nutball looking kid.
This is not a gun control problem but more of a predator problem. It doesnt matter if it is in the city or country. It is the same problem. Too many "wolves" out there and not many "sheep dogs" left to protect the sheep. This is why conceal carry works. This is why are enforcement and military carry guns. As a father of a grade school and middle school child I wish there was more protection for them at school. I wish I could be next to them to protect them from the wolves of the world. My duties as a parent is to make sure they never become a wolf. I wont blame rock music or video games if I fail. Heck, I love rock music. I play Modern Warfare. I dont go out and kill people but I will protect myself and my family from any wolf that dares to try to harm us. I am a sheep dog and I wish there were more like me to help protect the sheep from these "crazy eye" wolves.
At some point politicians are going to have to learn they need to quit putting bandages on wounds and eliminate the threat.
How easy do people really need it to be to buy guns? I have purchased probably a dozen guns in my life (all have been long guns), and I've never had to wait more than 30 minutes from the time I said I want this gun to the time I left the store with the gun in my hand. With the exception of handguns, this is about as difficult as it is to purchase a gun in this country. I've never bought a gun at a gunshow but from what I'm gathering, it's even easier than that.

My concern is that there are enough legally purchased guns that are used to commit horrible crimes that it one day may ruin it for the rest of us. People like Jared Loughner and James Holmes should have never been able to legally purchase firearms. I understand that this may open up plenty of extremists talking about further invasions of privacy and a reduction in our rights. And I know those further restrictions may result in some folks being unable to purchase guns that should, and I know it won't guarantee that it'll eliminate every mass shooting from ever taking place again.

But frankly, if you think that we shouldn't do all we can to eliminate the possibility of these nut jobs legally purchasing firearms (I'm not talking illegally, and I'm not talking about eliminating firearms)...then I can't take you seriously.

You're just a flamin' liberal who doesn't know how to think critically that is too eager to give up your rights.:rolleyes:
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