Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Great Youth Hunt buck from Nevada

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
NVhunter2 sent me an email and asked me to post this story about his son, Patrick, and Patrick's buck he shot on one of the Nevada youth tags.

They had contacted me last summer when Patrick drew the tag, knowing I had hunted this area and some big bucks were found. Was glad to help in any way I could, and now seeing the results, am really glad Kevin emailed me to ask some questions, though I doubt they needed any help.

Nevada has "put its money here its mouth is" when it comes to youth hunting. The goal of that is to ensure kids have a positive experience and become life-long hunters. In Patrick's case, I suspect it has worked.

Here is the story as sent by Patrick's father, Kevin.

This was Patrick's first year to hunt and his first deer. He got some sneeks on a couple of true 30" bucks during the archery season. So knowing that there were bigger deer in the area he originally passed this one up.

We had been seeing some really nice heavy deer so he knew what was out there. So after passing an easy 100 yard shot we continued on, and of course he did what I knew he would do - change his mind as soon as we got around the hill. So we went back and he missed a 150yd shot.

We chased him a bit then decided to leave him alone as he was with 8 other does and we knew he would come back to them soon. So we left him for about 4 hours, went back and there he was. Jumped him with no shot, jumped him again and it was pretty marginal on the distance and I started to tell him not to shoot, but since he was pretty much alone I told Patrick to hold a little high.

Heard a huge "whack" but he never even flinched. Saw him take a couple of funny steps as he was headed out. He got to the top of the saddle did a little half circle and laid down.

That's when I told Pat that he had hit him. The deer got up and staggered over the hill. I knew he was either dead or a short tracking job was to come. We got there and he had only went about 20 yards and there he lay.

Needless to say Pat had a huge smile on his face. I let him be the first one to the buck and the first one to touch his antlers. He was one happy boy and never stopped smiling or 2 days, and couldn't stop talking about it.

Patrick learned so much this year about judging quality deer, deer habits etc. He learned as much in his first year as I have in 20 years of hunting. He has always seemed to love hunting and can go all day and not get bored even if we don't see much of anything. If he wasn't already hooked, I do believe that he is hooked on it now, for sure.

The deer is 27 3/8" wide, scores right around 169". I'm no official measurer but that's what I got.

I want to thank Randy for taking time out of his busy schedule this summer and talk not only to me, but to Patrick. He will always remember that as something special. Randy you are what makes hunting what hunting should be.

We all can, and should be, that way. And help each other, especially kids, when it comes to a sport that we all love.


P.S. Randy you have my permission to post these pictures as well as the story. Thanks again, Kevin

Here are the pics Kevin sent. A great buck by all standards, and by the standard of a father and son spending many days afield, in all kinds of conditions, is probably a record book buck. This kind of stuff is as cool as it can get.

Great job guys. Congrats, Patrick.



Heck yeah. Good to see the kid tough out the weather and tag a great buck. He'll learn to like hunting weather like that.
Thanks Randy for posting this for me.

One thing i guess i didn't add is that he shot that deer with a muzzle loader.
The weather had been snowing for 2 days, cold, wet, nasty, but the perfect weather for hunting big rutting bucks. There were times that i don't know if i would of stayed out there, but he never once complained or wanted to give in and head for the truck. Each morning when we were ready to leave the truck and it was snowing and blowing i asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this, or if he wanted to wait it out in the truck, he never hesitated with his answer....YES lets go!!
I had also hunted that area the year before and took a really nice heavy buck, but Pats sure gave mine a run for the money.
Thanks again Randy, keep up the good work!! Your welcome in my camp anytime!!!
Guys thanks for the comments, he reads each and everyone of them with pride.
ps....he's still smiling!
Excellent! A big time congratulations to you both! Those memories won't fade, ever.
Congratulations to Patrick! That is one heck of a nice buck! Having used your muzzle-loader make him even sweeter. Good to see these young guys who aren't afraid to let a bit of rough weather keep them from hunting. Great hunt.
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