Environmentalists weigh buying ocean land


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Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Environmentalists weigh buying ocean land

By Jim Wasserman
Associated Press — April 6, 2004

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Environmentalists who successfully tapped taxpayer money to buy thousands of acres of California coastline to stop development are now targeting the Pacific Ocean, with a plan to curb human activity by buying boats, fishing permits and possibly underwater land.

The idea is provoking a renewed struggle between some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful environmental groups and California fishermen who fear they gradually will be booted off the ocean they prowl for recreation and profit.

California voters could be pulled into the fight this November.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has taken no position on proposals that ask voters to steer state bond money to environmentalists' ocean wish lists — and also create a Cabinet-level Ocean Protection Council within state government.

The proposals, sponsored by the New York-based Natural Resources Defense Council and Washington, D.C.-based Oceans Conservancy, would represent the state's first major response to a Pew Oceans Commission report released last summer detailing the growing threat to the world's oceans from population growth and overfishing. They also represent a possible funding hike for ocean projects in a coastal state beset by cutbacks.

"The oceans are a public trust that bring billions for economic benefits, yet we keep the Department of Fish and Game on a starvation diet," said Karen Garrison, co-director of the NRDC's Ocean Initiative.

The 18-member Pew commission, a $5.5 million project of Philadelphia-based Pew Charitable Trusts, recommends both a Cabinet-level ocean council and placing more areas of the ocean off limits to human and commercial activity.

"If we're going to reverse the trends that are happening right now with coastal development, water pollution, overexploitation of fishing and climate change, we need a lot more tools than we have now," said Chuck Cook, director of the California Coastal Marine Program for the Arlington, Va.-based Nature Conservancy.

Cook and others are seeking bond money to buy fishing boats and licenses that range from $150 to $150,000 each, and more for ocean mapping, remote vehicles with video cameras and scuba diving research time.

Other possibilities include leasing underwater land containing prime fish habitat and pilot projects to put more large ocean areas off limits to fishing and other human activity. In theory, the money could even buy oil leases within the state's three-mile offshore waters.

The target is money available under Proposition 50, the $3.44 billion bond measure that California voters passed in November 2002 to protect the state's coastlines and wetlands and restore its estuaries, bays and coastal waters. Supporters, including groups that financed and put Proposition 50 on the ballot two years ago, want now to expand the bond measure's mission.

To enact the proposals, the Senate and Assembly would have to approve a new use for the bond money by June 25, a legislative deadline that is flexible. California voters then would have to do the same in November.

If approved, a new Ocean Protection Council of legislators and key agency directors would help decide where to spend an amount of money that is so far unspecified.

Authored by one of the Legislature's most powerful members, Sen. John Burton, D-San Francisco, the bills cleared the Senate's key Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee on March 23, and are scheduled before the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 19.

Opponents, including a wide variety of fishing groups and oil companies, still hope tight legislative deadlines will sink the bills, at least this year.

Recreational fishermen are especially hostile, believing the environmental agenda is to "lock up" more of the ocean and push them out of the state's regulatory process.

"It's like we don't have any representation," said Ron Aliotti, a Monterey fisherman and owner of the 34-foot fishing boat, the Silver Streak. "They want to keep it all pristine, just like God made it."

Randy Fry, government affairs director for the 6,000-member Pacifica-based Coastside Fishing Club, said fishermen believe "corporate environmental groups" are maneuvering around California's Department of Fish and Game and the fishing industry to impose restrictive "ocean zoning" and new no-fishing zones in state-controlled waters.

"Their No. 1 agenda is a network of marine reserves along the coast," said Fry, a contention Cook denies.

Fry was also critical of plans to buy fishing boats with Proposition 50 money, describing similar federal buyouts in recent years as "a welfare system for the commercial fishermen." He said several who took buyouts are back in business.

But Aliotti's cousin Rob in Monterey, who owns the 46-foot Alecia Dawn, expressed frustration with dwindling catches and increased regulations, saying, "Total it all up, write me a check and I'm through. I'll go buy me something on shore."

That looks like a great proposal, lets use the tax payers money and lock them out of the areas they have paid for.... ;)
These elitist snobs won't be happy until all of the United States on the West side of the Rockies is shut off and all humans (well excepting them of course) are pushed back into the Atlantic...
Theres very little doubt that the oceans are being over-fished and some key areas should be protected, more regulations on catches need to be imposed, etc. etc.

I'm not sure though, that this is the right approach. Typically, sport fishing has very little impact on fisheries compared to commercial fishing. The difference also being that sport fishermen pay out the nose for just the "chance" to catch a fish. You have to catch fish for commercial fishing to provide economic support. From a management prospective, sport anglers provide basically all the funding, while commercial fishermen provide very little. Seems kind of counter-productive to not allow sport fishermen, there wont be money for management.

As far as the taxpayer money being used, sounds to me like its the California taxpayers that are paying the bill.
Elkchsr, well at least these "elitist snobs" are doing SOMETHING...whether it's right or wrong, it's gotta be better than sitting back and doing nothing. Buzz is right, they shouldn't be going after recreational fisherman, and I'm not sure they are, but then if things continue as they are, there won't be any fish for them to catch anyway. California sportsmen ought to be fighting to put an end to commercial fishing. The oceans just can't take that kind of pressure anymore.
Yep Tony...
But also as Buzz said, they are targeting the wrong people, those forign companies with their miles of drift nets clean an area out pretty much completely as the reports go. When they come into the 200 mile zone they are supposed to stay out of, they Remove the lions share of sea life in the area.
Same old bullshit! Everybody thinks; "If it doesn't affect me, I don't care." Well wise up sports fans! As I see the problem you got a special interest group that only cares about one thing. You got another that cares only for one other thing. Then you got me who couldn't give a rat's,,, etc. When you screw around with public assets including tax money you need to do or not do what is best for the nation; not the damned know it all, only interested in dicking up the current works, because I got a lot of money and nothing better to do than go around poking my nose in everybody's business and stirring up shit to get my name in the newspapers elitist swine! :mad: (Reminds me of the women who run SPCA!)
A few bottem fish off the Oregon Coast will probably be listed endangered soon. Which will legally shut down almost everything in thoughs areas...except marine mammals. The areas with the treatend rock fish are already off limits to any fishing and most recreational activities. The seals and sea lion have over run these areas. The threatened Coho runs could be greatly improved buy a little management of seals and sea lions. The salmon stack up in the bays waiting for rain, the sea mammals have a hay day. International commercial fishing is huge problem that is a very hard fix. A good fix that we could improve ourselves with a little management, would be removal of some marine mammals.

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