NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Clintons plan for public lands

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You didn't offend me. You just kind of fell in with my expectations. Anyway, greed will never leave us. Never. And ALL governments tap (socialize) that greed. Some over tap it, some under tap it. But they all tap it. We are under-tapping it. But it will always be there for the tapping.

I think we are a second world country now (our health care and infrastructure suck, relative to the first world that invests in such things). But regardless, we do have the printing press and the world trades on the PetroDollar. If they switched to a PetroEuro or some other denomination (ala Iraq, Iran, North Korea) or barter (ala Venezuela), all of whom are or were on our S list simply because of that, then we'd be a third or fourth world country over night. To that extent we are a one trick pony too. Better hope our awesome military keeps them from switching.

There are several that are trying to unseat our petrodollar. If we quit QE we can hold thema off s they seem to all have their share of problems.. I agree, the strength of our currency is directly attributed to our military wherewithall
There are several that are trying to unseat our petrodollar. If we quit QE we can hold thema off s they seem to all have their share of problems.. I agree, the strength of our currency is directly attributed to our military wherewithall

They all do have their share of problems. *Some* of those problems are caused by us (we have a long history of that). However, many of their officials are just as easy to buy as ours are, and they are often bought by the same people. So long as the official's pockets are lined, and so long as they can keep the bread and circuses flowing to their serfs, they will ignore the problems caused by us. But that's not why I chose to respond.

What I wanted to point out is that there may be one or two of them out there who's current problems would go away if they took the lead with their currency. The EU and China come to mind. They would then have the printing press. They would have a new set of problems but they'd be the problems we have now. I think there is more than our military over there trying to keep them off balance. Ask the former leader of Ukrain, Assad, Qaddafi, et al. I don't think all that S went down internally, sui sponte. But someday our agent provocateurs will be effectively countered and the gig will be up.
If not voting for Trump, is equal to voting for Hillary, wouldn't not voting for Hillary be equal to voting for Trump. This would mean that not voting for either would be equal to voting for both, which would make voting for both equal to voting for neither. And now we have entered the realm of illogical Circular thinking.

Best thing I've read all day. Thank you
My unclassified email account has dramtically more security/encryption over a normal .gov email, and I am certain the SoS unclassified account is even more heavily secured, yet none of them are allowed to handle information with any classification.

In very basic terms, with each level of classification comes an additional email system with increased security. I personally have to maintain 3 email accounts on the different systems, each used depending on the classification of the information. She had information that warranted a top secret classification on her personal system, and that email system is like something you have never seen.

Must be one hell of a bathroom...
You didn't offend me. You just kind of fell in with my expectations. Anyway, greed will never leave us. Never. And ALL governments tap (socialize) that greed. Some over tap it, some under tap it. But they all tap it. We are under-tapping it. But it will always be there for the tapping.

I think we are a second world country now (our health care and infrastructure suck, relative to the first world that invests in such things). But regardless, we do have the printing press and the world trades on the PetroDollar. If they switched to a PetroEuro or some other denomination (ala Iraq, Iran, North Korea) or barter (ala Venezuela), all of whom are or were on our S list simply because of that, then we'd be a third or fourth world country over night. To that extent we are a one trick pony too. Better hope our awesome military keeps them from switching.

About how much to tap... Do we really have a revenue problem or is it a spending problem?
When we cut all foreign aid, or at least foreign aid to countries that hate us, you eliminate corporate welfare, and don't spend more on our military than the next 10, nine of whom are allies, combined and eliminate a handful of redundant unnecessary alphabet soup federal agencies I will then believe that maybe it is a revenue problem. Until then, I will continue to believe that like most things that are affiliated with the parasite sector, spending is frivolous because there is nobody to be accountable to. It's like a frat kid with dads black Amex

Have you ever read a waste report? Should we be taxed to pay for studies to determine whether or not Japanese quail are more sexually promiscuous after using cocaine? Should we be funding a cricket league in Pakistan?

Cut that shit out, and then we can discuss whether my $22,000 in 2015 was adequate.
About how much to tap... Do we really have a revenue problem or is it a spending problem?
When we cut all foreign aid, or at least foreign aid to countries that hate us, you eliminate corporate welfare, and don't spend more on our military than the next 10, nine of whom are allies, combined and eliminate a handful of redundant unnecessary alphabet soup federal agencies I will then believe that maybe it is a revenue problem. Until then, I will continue to believe that like most things that are affiliated with the parasite sector, spending is frivolous because there is nobody to be accountable to. It's like a frat kid with dads black Amex

Have you ever read a waste report? Should we be taxed to pay for studies to determine whether or not Japanese quail are more sexually promiscuous after using cocaine? Should we be funding a cricket league in Pakistan?

Cut that shit out, and then we can discuss whether my $22,000 in 2015 was adequate.

You won't get any argument from me on the waste issue. But that's why we have such a high incumbency rate. Representative Shmucatelli brings home the bacon to our quail fking study and we re-elect him. Likewise the gold-plated toilet seats for the the Admiral's Cabin. They are made in his district.

But, at the same time, our infrastructure is falling apart and we won't fund education because we hate it when our kids come home from school and kick our ass in logical argument at the dinner table. Better they learn how Jesus rode a dinosaur, how to make widgets and be good little consumers and worker bees.

Then you go to Europe or the middle east or China or South Korea, etc. and see the state-of-the-art cities and investment in tech and infrastructure. Even their billionaire's philanthropy seems more akin to Carnegie and Rockefeller, et al, with investment in the system that allowed them to thrive, not thinking they did it all in-spite of that system.

I acknowledge the club devoted to giving most of it away before they die, but then they control what get's funded and how it gets funded and when it gets funded. And by doing so, they let government of the hook for it's basic social contract obligations, freeing it up to spend tax dollars on quail fking and gold toilet seats.
He's been a businessman for 50 years, a few bankruptcies is just part of doing business.

And that, right there, is what is wrong with our society. The decisions and actions that lead a person/business to default on debt obligations, there word, the contract that they signed their name to, are not just part of doing business, they're part of screwing people over. And thinking it's ok, is so f-ing wrong. If you say you're going to do something you damn well better do it, I don't care what it is or who you said it to, and if for some unseen, unavoidable reason you can't make meet those obligations, it damn sure isn't ok, and you'd damn sure better learn from it so it never happens again.
He's been a businessman for 50 years, a few bankruptcies is just part of doing business. What has Hillary ever done in her life? How many jobs has she created?

You guys think there's ever going to be the perfect candidate with a flawless past? Give Trump a break and let him have 4 years to fix America. He certainly couldn't screw things up any worse than our current president has!

Open your eyes just a bit and see the economic recovery experienced since Bush left the Whitehouse. Could have been a lot better too had the Republicans not taken a pledge to oppose everything he tried to do. Obama has been a great President in my opinion. Can't wait for the ugly you have to be Effin kidding me responses I get. That's ok though, fire away, I can handle it.
Yes Trump sure is an option, he's set records for the number of people voting for a Republican candidate in the primaries. And I'd say America has a lot of room for improvement. To start how about giving our citizens preference over illegal immigrants and refugees?

Spoken like a true Trump minion.
I'm half tempted to vote for Trump just to aid in the destruction of the current Republican party. It it's current form, they are not conservative at all. Proponents of corporate welfare. Legislated morality. Death penalty. Those are not limited government IMHO. What is keeping me from voting for Trump is all the people he has demonized that would be much worse off should he actually win. His supporters are predominantly uneducated angry white men who somehow think they are getting the short end of the stick. I can't stand Clinton or the current democratic party either. If my one issue is public lands (pretty much is), then Clinton will get my vote. I don't believe for a second that Trump is at all sincere in anything he says. Trump cares about Trump and nothing else.
Fix it? Make America great again? America is not broken and American never stopped being great.
Trump is simply not an option because he would break America and we would no longer be the great nation we are and have been for over 200 years.

If you don't think America is broken right now and doesn't need fixing, you must not be living in the same country the rest of us are! I see you call NV home, so maybe you need to get out and around the rest of the country that has a few more human inhabitants than Vegas where everyone goes to blow their money no matter how things are going everywhere else. I also read your rant on another website where you accused members of racism and if you actually had your eyes open a little wider you would know that the current President that you speak so highly of has set back race relations more than any one person has in the last 50 years!
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Considering the broken world that Obama was left with, and the fact that Republicans refused to work with him because he's black and/or a Democrat, and for no other reason whatsoever, I think he's done a fairly good job. It will probably take another 10 or 15 years to un-F the mess that Bush and Republicans made of the world, but we'll get it done. Republicans are kind of slow learners, but enough understood the mistake they had made and either stayed home or voted for Obama, and they are now imploding and getting off their stupid bible/moral kick (I think their kids are probably convincing them) and starting to mind their own business, that there is hope.

Discuss among yourselves. :D

P.S. I'm curious as to how Obama might have set back race relations, you know, other than being black. I don't think he shot anyone or started calling folks crackers and whatnot. Maybe he just didn't know his place.
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