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Cabelas...friend of sportsmen?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Cabelas better start rethinking their real-estate dealings in MT. A friend of mine who works for a surveying company in Missoula brought the Weaver ranch sub-division to my attention. He's spent a couple months surveying the property that Cabelas is subdividing...selling out MT and squeezing out the very people that have made their HUNTING and FISHING business a success.

Another good friend of mine, very active in many Hunting and Fishing groups in MT sent a letter to Cabelas out-lining their MT sell-out along with his Cabelas credit card cut into about 50 pieces. Cabelas may regret their decisions to become greedy.

Letter from the MWF to Cabelas:

May 30, 2007

Mr. Dennis Highby, President & CEO
1 Cabela Drive
Sidney, NE 69160

Dear Mr. Highby:

The first words on the website of CABELA'S TROPHY PROPERTIES, under the
question: What is Cabela's Trophy Properties? Read: "For over 46 years,
sportsmen have trusted Cabela's."

Regrettably, we now come to the conclusion that we sportsmen of Montana
can trust Cabela's no longer.

Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF), Montana's oldest and largest
organization of 7,000 hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts, and with
23 affiliate sportsmen groups from throughout the state, have a
substantial stake in the future of our diverse natural wealth: diverse landscapes, diverse wildlife, diverse waters, diverse fisheries, and
diverse outdoor recreation opportunities. Our natural wealth has made
Montana a wildlife, hunting and fishing paradise that we have fought long
and hard to maintain.

The MWF Executive Board find that Cabela's is trading on its trusted
reputation as a merchant of sporting goods to engage in a real estate
marketing activity that is calculated to subvert and destroy the very
system of North American wildlife conservation that has provided Cabela's
with the hunter-and-angler markets that gave your company life in the
first place.

Many MWF members have come to live in Montana precisely to escape the
results in other states of such "recreational land marketing" that
squeezes out hunters and anglers of ordinary means from access to publicly
owned wildlife that is located on private lands. Please be informed that
many thousands of Montana hunters and anglers are dedicated and committed to preserving our heritage of democratic public hunting and fishing. Virtually all of us have purchased sporting goods from Cabela's at one
time or another. You cannot expect us to continue as your patrons if at
the same time we are financing the loss of our hunting and angling opportunities.

Access to hunting opportunities is an issue of vigorous public debate in
Montana and has been for many years. You cannot expect to escape the glare of public scrutiny and possible public policy change that will logically
result from your campaign of marketing "trophy hunting properties."

We recommend a substantive discussion of this matter between the
management of Cabela's and the leadership of Montana Wildlife Federation.
We recognize that previous experience in marketing real estate as hunting
properties may have left you uninformed of how strongly this practice is
opposed by hunters and anglers in Montana. We still respect the great
merchandising service that Cabela's has provided. We would hope that a
discussion could be respectful and constructive.

In the absence of a discussion, however, this issue will not lie unattended.

The history of controversy over management of public wildlife on private
land in Montana is too extensive and complex to fully relate in this
letter. We will provide knowledgeable people to discuss this with you at
your request. In brief, however, we in Montana have not surrendered rights
of equitable opportunity to hunt wildlife on private lands as have the
hunters and anglers of many other states.

We certainly continue to respect the private property rights of
landowners and recognize many contribution's they make to habitat and
hunting management. For these reasons we have engaged in extensive efforts to help financially and legally with managing the interface of hunters,
game animals and private property.

The management scheme you facilitated for the 29,000-acre Weaver Ranch in Petroleum County, Montana is completely destructive of everything we have tried to accomplish in landowner - sportsman relations in this state. The North American Fish and Wildlife Conservation Model cannot survive this
kind of management scheme.

We await your response. In the meantime we will proceed to protect our
Montana heritage of democratic public hunting and angling.

Craig Sharpe
Executive Director
Montana Wildlife Federation
(406) 458-0227
That is a poorly written letter.

Buzz, can you explain it better for us than your friend did in that letter?

Isn't development practices up to the State and local government? If Cabelas is not breaking any laws then what grounds does MWF have to bitch? Maybe they should have bought the property if they were worried about it getting developed?
Now there are people on both threads that just don't get it.

Long story-short.

Cabelas created an empire on the wallets of folks who truley benefit/enjoy public land out west and folks who are involved in concervation at all levels. Cabelas now took 29,000 acres of that publicly accessible land out of circulation for these same people.

I stopped buying stuff from them years ago, every 3rd thing I received from them was a piece of crap.

I'll explain it really simply.

Cabelas whole business has been supported by know, hunters and fishermen.

Hunters and Fishermen need access to public lands and access to private lands so they can continue to hunt and fish.

Cabelas purchases a 29,000 acre ranch, is sub-dividing it to sell to wealthy out-of-staters so they can own a piece of Montana and slap a trophy home on it.

The hunters of MT have lost 29,000 acres of wildlife habitat in the Missouri breaks via Cabelas need to make MORE money.

They are biting the hands of the very people that have made their business what it is today.

It would seem to me, that a company that supposedly is for Sportsmen, they'd have to be for conserving wildlife and wildlife habitat...not sub-dividing it and selling it at a profit at the expense of all sportsmen.

The letter I received said that Cabelas has set up a real-estate company in Lewistown and they are going door-to-door asking to buy they can continue to subdivide and take opportunity from all sportsmen.

I would think anyone with half a firing brain cell in their head could figure out this one.
Thanks for the explanation, Buzz.

If Cabelas did not buy the ranch, then some other developer would have; that is the point I was trying to get at. Yes, it sucks that the developer is Cabelas. They probably should have formed a different company w/out the Cabelas affiliation.

Montana will continue to have problems like this just as most western states have. That is why organizations like RMEF are so great. In WA the RMEF has been puchasing large areas of land to protect wildlife. Sounds like MWF needs more members to be able to raise enough money to be able to purchase land.
Thanks for the explanation, Buzz.

If Cabelas did not buy the ranch, then some other developer would have; that is the point I was trying to get at. Yes, it sucks that the developer is Cabelas. They probably should have formed a different company w/out the Cabelas affiliation.

Montana will continue to have problems like this just as most western states have. That is why organizations like RMEF are so great. In WA the RMEF has been puchasing large areas of land to protect wildlife. Sounds like MWF needs more members to be able to raise enough money to be able to purchase land.

If Cabelas had have a brain they would have purchased the ranch and then turned around and sold a conservation easement to a group like the RMEF. Instead they are going to destroy PRIME elk habitat in order to sell the "Montana" mystique to some fat New York banker.

Curly, look at the population of the state of Washington and compare it to the population of Montana. 2006 estimates show Washington with a population nearly 7 times that of Montana. MWF can only do what they can with the limited resources.

It is sad that Cabelas is doing what they are but like Curly mentioned, if not Cabelas, another developer would have come in and done the same thing. At any rate, Cabelas can lick my salty ball bag - that would make me feel a lot better!
If Cabelas had have a brain they would have purchased the ranch and then turned around and sold a conservation easement to a group link the RMEF. Instead they are going to destroy PRIME elk habitat in order to sell the "Montana" mystique to some fat New York banker.


I could not agree more. I was just trying to sound the warning horn due to all the development that I've seen over here screw-up some good elk habitat.

Not likely...but I've heard through the grape-vine some other hard-hitters are going to jump on the Cabelas bashing band-wagon.

Not likely...but I've heard through the grape-vine some other hard-hitters are going to jump on the Cabelas bashing band-wagon.

Well thats just it... people need to stand up for somethinghump

Stick it to Cabela's....start the Boycott/Protest ASAP
To quote the famous baseball player, "The future ain't what is used to be"...

I like the prices they are getting for these properties. There is no way a person can make it back off that same property in the traditional sense of using it.
The Developers have deep pockets and own the polititions.....Greed rules... its very sad... It got so bad in AZ "we the people" passed a referendum stopping out of control imminent domain... this was needed to protect average joe from big money corporate greed....But Cabela's is all legal...but Back to Cabela's is there any end to overpopulation? never ending building?

They call you a "quack" when you bring up the overpopulation/development issue.. everyone seems to think GROWTH,GROWTH, and more growth is a good thing...Our newspapers are always bragging about all the growth and jobs that have been created..:BLEEP: . bring on the depression... let the strong survive [wishfull thinking] on my part.hump
Cabelas has been aggressively attempting to purchase trophy mounts from hunters in recent years, and have crossed the ethical line on that IMO. I'm not surprised they are sub-dividing and selling "hunting" property either. The sub-division of the the Rocky Mountain West is only getting started. Just wait until the baby boomers start to retire in's going to get ugly.

So other than calling for a boycott on Cabelas, which from the sounds of it, few here buy their "stuff" from anyway, WHAT ARE YOU AS A SPORTSMAN GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Plum Creek Timber is getting set to sell off large amounts of their Western Montana properties for similar type developement. Now is the time for interested sportsmen's groups to get involved and put their money where their mouth is. Either by purchasing critical wildlife habitat, through conservation easements, or negotiating access easements for ajoining public lands.

Now is the time to get involved. Not when some New York banker or Hollywood Celeb has it all tied up.

But look on the bright least Cabela's got the stinking cattle off the land...........
I hope Cabelas imposes a good wildlife management plan on the whole 29,000 acres, what restrictions do they have? I'm sure, its not, you have to be a fat New York banker.
With all the money Cabelas has, it's too bad they don't go into the land conservation "business," rather than land development. You would think with them being an "outfitter" for hunters/fishermen, that helping wildlife would provide them with a better image and help their sales in the future. They ought to use their money and influence to try to get properties such as this 29,000 acre ranch transferred over to the state of Montana, or at least to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, or other land conservation organization like The Nature Conservancy.

And to think I just placed a $250 order with Cabelas last Sunday. |oo
at least Cabela's got the stinking cattle off the land...........

Hell Yeah!!!

I guess you would rather have Trophy homes and "No Trespassing" signs that a few cows?
We all need a good intellectual thrashing by Senor Gunner on the finer points of entrepreneurial prudence benefitting the shareholder versus the altruistic expectations of benevolence.

C'mon Jose, give us the D&B version.

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