
Okay we agree to disagree. .
That is easy...yeah.

Your attitude is if everybody is doing it it is okay I don't buy into that. .
Please tell me where I said that? Don't tell me or everyone else on this thread how I feel. I stated that I was glad they are cleaning up the game. I said I witnessed it happening, I knew it was going on. It sucked. Every time a guy hit a home run off of me I probably muttered under my breath "I wonder how long he has been using roids". There is nothing you or I or even MLB can do about the past. There were a lot of users and a lot of blind eyes. It is what it is. They are taking care of it now...good for the game.

Two years ago Papi was done now he bats 800 in the series and the rest of the two teams bat 200? Is he or anyone else that good? No. .
So when Hatcher did that he was using? Papi isn't the first to go on a rampage like that in the WS. Players go one insane streaks all the time. Yes Papi can be that good. You think that players cannot have a down year? Anybody that knows baseball knows that even great players have down years.

The best minds in science are always two steps ahead of drug testing especially if money is involved. How many drug tests did Lance Armstrong fail? Zero that's right he was caught after the fact. Does MLB want the feel good story of Papi crushed? Of course not that is why they did not release the Mitchell report in the first place. They do not want their stars exposed. It is about selling they want the yankees and Red Sox to play against the Dodgers in the World Series it's that simple. They make more money that way.
I won't debate with anybody that makes a lot of assumptions. Not worth it.
Braves did not get to WS that often in great years of talent---Booby Cocks managed them out of it! And when they got there, he managed them out of a win! Hell, I could have won 95 games as a manager with that talent! But when managing counted against equal talent, Booby lost!
Agree that Cards young arms could make them a dynasty!
Also agree that juice does not improve your vision and great hitters have great vision--whether they juiced or not.....btw, anyone have a legitimate reason why Rose is not in HoF???
Since you asked, here's Pete's take on it...

Pete Rose, baseball's all-time hits leader, is banned from the sport for life because he bet on games.

Now, we all know that people who have done things much worse than gambling are still involved with Major League Baseball and are in or eligible for the Hall of Fame. We really don't need Rose to tell us that.

And we certainly don't need him to express it in the way he did during a recent interview on Pittsburgh's 93.7 The Fan.

"To be honest with you, I picked the wrong vice," Rose said. "I should have picked alcohol. I should have picked drugs or I should have picked beating up my wife or girlfriend because if you do those three, you get a second chance. They haven’t given too many gamblers a second chance in the world of baseball."

Obviously Rose is just trying to make a point. But maybe he could have phrased it a little better -- you know, in such a way as to not appear to be making light of such serious issues as substance abuse and domestic violence.

Rose, who spends much of his time these days signing autographs and talking baseball in Las Vegas, otherwise came across generally well during the interview.

"I made mistakes. I can’t whine about it. I’m the one that messed up and I’m paying the consequences," he said. "However, if I am given a second chance, I won’t need a third chance."

And if that happens and he is someday inducted in Cooperstown, N.Y., Rose said he'd be overjoyed.

"If I ever would make the Hall of Fame, I'd be the happiest guy in the world," he said. "But I don't want you to think when I go to bed at night I'm gonna pray I go to the Hall of Fame. ... When I go to bed at night, I'll pray I wake up tomorrow morning. That's where I am in my life right now.",0,3427538.story#axzz2ju9u5rSK
Personally, if I had a ballot, both Rose and Bonds would have had my vote the second they became eligible.....seems to me the HoF official voters have their own agenda and it is not putting best players in the Hall!
Just saw this...Yeah I think this was the first bet I ever won that cost me money. It was fun!
Had something waiting on me when I got home. To keep others from reading back, I had a bet with 'addict that if the Cards one the series I'd send him a Cards hat to take a picture of his dog wearing it and vice versa except I'd be the dog if the Sox one.

Fowladdict, thanks for saving me some embarrassment!

Thanks for the hat and for a fun bet! I'll do my best to get a pic of it with some game yet this year. Well done sir!

PS- I now have your address... :D :hump: :eek:
A classy Boston fan... Who'd a thunk?

Good move Fowl.
Glad you got it! It still reminds you who got second place! :)

I just figured at least you would wear that one more than once. It was fun.
....only 38??, heck, by the way he was getting hammered here I thought he was a chemically altered 60.;)

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