Caribou Gear

Be careful out there!

Yeah, it happens every year. This year may be especially bad with all the fires.
Read the comments at the end of the story. Sad country we live in when people get more protective of a bear than their fellow man.
I know bears are federally protected. If you are attacked and defend yourself and end up killing the bear what can a person expect as far as legal action against you?
Read the comments at the end of the story. Sad country we live in when people get more protective of a bear than their fellow man.

I completely agree. Reading the comments is one of my favorite things to do, just from a pure entertainment value. Not only for hunting topics, but for any topic.
I know bears are federally protected. If you are attacked and defend yourself and end up killing the bear what can a person expect as far as legal action against you?

As long as it was legitimate self defense, you're theory.

Don't shoot unless you have to, and be prepared to hire a lawyer. If the bear was truly a threat, you probably won't mind the legal fees.

The guys that get into trouble are the ones looking for an excuse to pop a bear. Don't be that guy.
Read the comments at the end of the story. Sad country we live in when people get more protective of a bear than their fellow man.
True, though if you know of a better country, do tell.
The guy who was attacked is a member over on Bowsite forums . He didn't say much due to the investigation. His big concern was with infection.
Hey, I`m not against Archers, but dont put down us rifle guys. As far as Dobby the house Elf, the bear should of ate him.
This is just one of the reasons I refuse to hunt elk alone :) He got lucky this time....
Its unbelievably sad that people in this country feel that way. Just goes to show that logic no longer is used in our society instead its all this disney ideaology of poor innocent animals, big bad hunters shoot the helpless bear and deer.... give me a break. Amen to hunters, glad the guy made it
Its unbelievably sad that people in this country feel that way. Just goes to show that logic no longer is used in our society instead its all this disney ideaology of poor innocent animals, big bad hunters shoot the helpless bear and deer.... give me a break. Amen to hunters, glad the guy made it

You mean Disney isn't real life? :rolleyes:
I knocked a bull down in that unit last year right before dark, 2 miles from the truck. I was sure glad my 3 hunting partners were there for the pack out in the pitch black. I'm pretty sure that was the most noise I've ever made in the woods. Probably looked like a light show going on with the headlamps and flashlights swinging all over.
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