AZ Muley-- Bernard the Buck

I'll share one more pic of my boy and his buck. It's my favorite, because it's so real. He actually apologized when I showed him this picture. Sorry--he said-- that I wasn't looking at the camera...I just had to check out my buck...

My favorite part also.

Congratulations to the young hunter.
Well told story. Great picture.

You did everything right.

Tell your son I like the way he is holding his rifle in the picture.

Looking forward to seeing his growth as a hunter.
Everything about that story is first class. Way to go raising your son right and way to go to your son on his first deer!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Similar lessons learned on our WY hunt with my girls - all things work out fine in the end :) because someone else is really in charge!

You have a fine young man there, both of you keep up the good work!
Big congrats to you both! Way to do it right, your son acquired years of experience from this one hunt.
Thoughtful and well said...good story and pictures, congrats to the young hunter. Sounds like he has a good mentor.
First class all the way!!
Congrats to the young man and to you, dad... Real men in my book.
Memories, lessons and blessings. Reading your story forced just a tiny bit of awesome out of my right eye.
This may have been his first season, but I think he got several seasons worth of learning & experience out of it, congrats. Both those pics of your son are amazing, the joy & satisfaction in that second one is very apparent.
Awesome adventure for you and your son. A lot of life lessons learned on that hunt. No doubt he will never forget them. Congratulations to you both. Any decisions as to what he wants to do as far as mounting?
Thanks for sharing. Congratulations to the both of you for your effort and honesty. That's probably the best buck he'll ever kill. Not the biggest, but I bet in 30 years he remembers that buck more vividly than any other.