Caribou Gear

Anti hunting group buys hunting rights

My view of donations is quickly getting right up there with my disdain for tipping. Between Non-profit orgs doing banquets, politicians asking for $20, one-offs like a gofundme, and homeless asking for change I am just burned out. Maybe it is the time of year?

From USA facts
View attachment 309647
Doing your taxes right now, aren't you SAJ-99. 😁
My view of donations is quickly getting right up there with my disdain for tipping. Between Non-profit orgs doing banquets, politicians asking for $20, one-offs like a gofundme, and homeless asking for change I am just burned out. Maybe it is the time of year?

From USA facts
View attachment 309647
WSJ last month reported that

“Government, social assistance and healthcare made up most, and in some cases more than all, of the net new jobs over the past year in California (61%), New Jersey (81%), Oregon (89%), Michigan (113%), Illinois (113%) and New York (121%).“

“Government, social assistance and healthcare account for 56% of the 2.8 million net new jobs over the past year”.

Also noted in the article was the estimated cost of $85k annually to care for one “chronically homeless” person, which is why nonprofits in that sector are booming.
I don't see 55 year old duck hunter in speedo.

That's worth at least $2.47.

Patagonia spreads their money around and they fund a ton of hunting groups. Most of the major donors work like this - spread the funding & cast a wide net: Wyss, Wilburforce, Hewlitt, etc.

A lot t of those funders are moving away from funding hunting orgs though, as those funders move to a more DEIJ focused push, or want to go with federal lands conservation. Issues like season setting, corner crossing, etc aren't funded by those big donors and so it makes what @BuzzH is doing that much more difficult. Add in the politics and it gets murkier.

The $35 member model used to work when there were smaller populations & less competition for donations. Now, as folks have mentioned, there's a big race to separate people from cash with prizes. Which is ridiculous to me as those prizes are huge costs (guns, etc are purchased at wholesale) and so the ROI on raffles, etc is minimal.

Buzz ain't wrong. Some of these groups can drop a fundraising email and in 48 hours pick up $50k. That's a function of scale as much as fervor. When hunters are about 10% of the population, you have a tremendously limited pool.

BHR isn't wrong either. Some groups can do similarly in the hunting world (WSF for example) through other means. WSF is one of the best examples of fundraising as is RMEF in the sporting world.
The condescending prick model has never worked, Ben. Calling your base tightwads is stupid.
but I've never heard of bass pro contributing to anything as far as conservation or access, and they are significantly larger
Check your stat sheets... Not a great fan though... 😏 Meanwhile Patagonia and specifically Yvon are center stage countering state management of Griz...

Using the ole, anti- "Trophy Hunter" speech. None the less funding boxes of ballot biology, inclusive of the Colorado woof city slicker bill.

Meanwhile, I still admire your Patagonia garb.🙂
The Pitman-Robertson Act is always touted as the great way that hunters contribute to conservation, and it is. But it is a forced contribution not a voluntary contribution. I often wonder that if the Pitman-Robertson Act had never been passed and today, President Biden proposed the exact same tax, would it be received by hunters as a great tool to preserve nature and hunting opportunities. Or would hunters fight it tooth and nail, portraying it as another attack on hunting in order to fund the liberal's green agenda?
Check your stat sheets... Not a great fan though... 😏 Meanwhile Patagonia and specifically Yvon are center stage countering state management of Griz...

Using the ole, anti- "Trophy Hunter" speech. None the less funding boxes of ballot biology, inclusive of the Colorado woof city slicker bill.

Meanwhile, I still admire your Patagonia garb.🙂

The Johnny Morris foundation gives a lot of $ for a variety of issues.Cabelas & Bass Pro are usually generous with donations to small orgs and large, and they collect $ at the register for a select group of orgs (round up your purchase, type thing).

They just don't have as nice of a pr machine as Yvon.

Patagonia literally invented the 1% for conservation thing, and I would bet you a nice dinner that Yvon/ Patagonia contributes far more to "their" conservation causes than Bass Pro or Johnny Morris does on a real or proportionate basis.

You can disagree with it all you want but the rich greenie liberals are far more willing to put their $ to causes than the rich hook and bullet crowd.
Patagonia literally invented the 1% for conservation thing, and I would bet you a nice dinner that Yvon/ Patagonia contributes far more to "their" conservation causes than Bass Pro or Johnny Morris does on a real or proportionate basis.

You can disagree with it all you want but the rich greenie liberals are far more willing to put their $ to causes than the rich hook and bullet crowd.
The rich hook and bullet crowd will gladly open their wallets when many of the .orgs take things like sheep tags away from the working class hunters and offer them up for sale.
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